
2023학년도 교육과정표

2023학년도 대학원 교육과정표
이수구분 교과목번호 교 과 목 명(영문명) 학 점 비고


AE6000053 V/STOL공기역학 (V/STOL Aerodynamics) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6000211 경계층이론 (Boundary Layer Theory) 3-3-0


항공우주 AE6000515 고체역학특론 (Advanced Solid Mechanics) 3-3-0 BK/UV
공학전공 AE6000554 공력탄성학 (Theory of Aeroelasticity) 3-3-0


(석박사 AE6100111 난류이론 (Theory of Turbulence) 3-3-0


공용) AE6100280 대류열전달 (Conventive Heat Transfer) 3-3-0 BK


AE6100480 동역학특론 (Advanced Dynamics) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6200013 복합재료역학 (Mechanics of Composite Materials) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6200226 비선형제어 (Nonlinear Control) 3-3-0



AE6200259 비행동역학특론 (Advanced Flight Dynamics) 3-3-0 UV


AE6200706 선형제어 (Linear Control) 3-3-0 BK


AE6200713 선형진동론 (Theory of Linear Vibration) 3-3-0



AE6200888 논문연구 (Thesis Research) 3-3-0 UV


AE6200935 소성가공특론 (Advanced Application of Theory of Plasticity) 3-3-0



AE6300489 연소공학특론 (Advanced Combustion Engineering) 3-3-0 UV


AE6300518 열역학특론 (Advanced Thermodynamics) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6300636 우주역학특론 (Advanced Space Dynamics) 3-3-0



AE6300791 유체역학특론 (Advanced Hydrodynamics) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6300811 유한요소법 (Finite Element Method) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6300817 유한요소법특론 (Advanced Finite Element Method) 3-3-0 BK


AE6400220 재료강도론 (Theory of Strength of Materials) 3-3-0



AE6400960 최적제어 (Optimal Control) 3-3-0 UV


AE6500138 터보기계 (Turbomachinery) 3-3-0



AE6500180 통계추정이론 (Statistical Estimation Theory) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6500973 항공기추진기관특론 (Advanced Aircraft Propulsion) 3-3-0 UV


AE6500976 항공역학특론 (Advanced Aerodynamics) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6500980 항공우주열전달 (Aerospace Heat Transfer) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6800713 공학수학 (Engineering Mathematics) 3-3-0



AE6800714 전산유체역학(Ⅰ) (Computational Fluid Dynamics(Ⅰ)) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE6800715 우주추진기관특론 (Advanced Space Propulsion) 3-3-0



AE6800716 전산유체역학(Ⅱ) (Computational Fluid Dynamics(Ⅱ)) 3-3-0



AE7200354 비행시험 (Flight Experiment) 3-3-0



AE7500065 통계적데이터모델링 (Statistical Data Modeling) 3-3-0 BK


AE7500741 항공우주공학특론(Ⅰ) (Advanced Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering(Ⅰ)) 3-3-0



AE7500742 항공우주공학특론(Ⅱ) (Advanced Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering(Ⅱ)) 3-3-0



AE7600488 파괴역학특론 (Advanced Fracture Mechanics) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600489 응용공기역학특론 (Advanced Applied Aerodynamics) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600490 항공우주시스템통합설계 (Integrated Design of Aerospace System) 3-3-0 BK/UV


AE7600700 유도항법제어특론 (Advanced Guidance Navigation Control) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600701 우주시스템특론(Advanced Space System) 3-3-0



AE6001050 산학공동연구(Ⅰ) (Industry-Academia Cooperative Study(Ⅰ)) 3-3-0 BK
(BK트랙 AE6001051 산학공동연구(Ⅱ) (Industry-Academia Cooperative Study(Ⅱ)) 3-3-0 BK
신설) AE7600482 무인기특론 (Advanced UAV Theory) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600483 임베디드시스템 (Embedded System) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600484 영상처리 (Image Processing) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600485 하이브리드추진장치 (Hybrid Propulsion) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600491 드론통합설계 (Integrated Design of Drone) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600492 전기동력장치 (Electric Propulsion) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600494 로봇공학특론 (Advanced Robotics) 3-3-0 BK


AE7600659 축소기저법 (Reduced Basis Method) 3-3-0 BK/UV


UV6001041 무인이동체지식기반의사결정설계시스템실습 (Knowledge Based Decision Making Design System Practice for Unmanned Mobile System) 3-3-0 UV
무인이동체 UV6001042 무인이동체빅데이터및AI개론 (Introduction to Unmanned Mobile System Big Data and Artificial Intelligence) 3-3-0 UV
융합전공 UV6001043 무인이동체성능평가시뮬레이터실습 (Performance Evaluation Simulation Practice for Unmanned Mobile System) 3-3-0 UV
(석박사 UV6001044 무인비행체개념설계 (Conceptual Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) 3-3-0 UV
공용) UV6001045 무인비행체공력해석및성능예측실습 (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Aerodynamic Analysis and Performance Prediction Practice) 3-3-0 UV


UV6800742 시뮬레이션기반시스템설계 (Simulation-based System Design) 3-3-0 조선


UV7000852 응용전산유체역학Applied (Computaional Techniques on Fluid Dynamics) 3-3-0 조선


UV7000855 선체저항특론 (Advanced Theory of Ship Resistance) 3-3-0 조선


UV7000856 선체유동제어특론 (Advanced Theory of Ship Flow Control) 3-3-0 조선


UV7500557 선박조종제어론 (Ship Maneuverability and Control) 3-3-0 조선


UV7500565 해양유체동역학 (Marine Hydrodynamics) 3-3-0 조선


UV7500566 해양공학실험Physical (Modeling of Ocean Engineering) 3-3-0 조선


UV7600752 부유체동역학 (Floating body dynamics) 3-3-0 조선


UV7700040 AI-CFD기반최적형상설계 (Optimal Design based on AI-CFD) 3-3-0 조선


UV7700041 데이터기반수상무인이동체성능예측실습 (Performance Prediction Laboratory for Unmanned Surface Vehicle based on Real Navigation Data) 3-3-0 조선





















학과(부)명 전공 논문연구 수료학점
항공우주공학과 석사 18학점 이상 6학점 24학점 이상
(항공우주공학전공) 박사 27학점 이상 9학점 36학점 이상


석ㆍ박 통합 48학점 이상 12학점 60학점 이상


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