1. 학술회의명: 2023 KSIRE & SST & Sichuan International Conference
2. 주관기관명: 쓰촨사범대학/한국국제교육교류학회
3. 학회개최기간 및 장소: 2023.10.13.~2023.10.15., 중국 사천
4. 참가자
가. 저**퉁(박사과정), 박창언 교수
나. 지*영(박사과정), 저**퉁(박사과정), 박창언 교수
다. 저**퉁(박사과정), 박창언 교수
라. 김*진(석사과정)
5. 발표내용:
가. An analysis of research hotspots of career education in China's higher vocational colleges
나. Exploring University Students' Perceptions of University Physics Learning by Selecting High School Physics
다. Research on Chinese primary school parents' understanding of gifted education
라. Research on Korean-Chinese education innovation and cultural communication development