1. 학술회의명: The 15th Asian Conference on Education
2. 주관기관명: The International Academic Forum
3. 학회개최기간 및 장소: 2023.11.22.~2023.11.25., 일본 도쿄
4. 참가자
가. 김*리(박사과정), 박수홍 교수
나. 김*영(박사과정)
다. 이*민(박사과정), 이상수 교수
라. 배*호(박사과정), 추*연(석사과정), 박수홍 교수
바. 김*은(박사과정), 박수홍 교수
5. 발표내용:
가. A Case Study on the Training Program To Strengthen AI Capabilities Pre-Service Teachers: Forcing on Pre-Service Teachers in Busan
나. A Study on Japanese Cultural Education and Intercultural Sensitivity Enhancement Using the Metaverse
다. A Study on the Learning Experience of an AI-assisted Class
라. Design of AI-Based Education Application Evaluation Model in School Context From an Ecological Perspective
바. Exploring the Direction of AI/Digital Convergence Education Teacher Training