1. 학술회의명: New Directions and Roles of Education in the Era of Digital Transformation
2. 주관기관명: 부산대학교 교육발전연구소
3. 학회개최기간 및 장소: 2023. 12. 20.., 한국 부산
4. 참가자
가. 김*희(박사과정), 남*라(박사과정), 김은빈 연구교수, 유순화 교수
나. 박*희(석사과정), 예*(석사과정)
다. 배*현(박사과정), 고*수(석사과정)
라. 설*연(박사과정), 강*현(박사과정), 김*인(석사과정), 이동형 교수
마. 이*경(박사과정), 이*명(박사과정), 이동형 교수
바. 정정훈 연구교수
사. 조*영(박사과정), 정*양(박사과정), 지*영(박사과정)
아. 지*영(박사과정), 저**퉁(박사과정), 김*진(석사과정), 박창언 교수
5. 발표내용:
가. An exploratory study of intersectional experiences on regional and gender discrimination among university students in Busan
나. The Mediating Effect of Self-Control on the relationship between Future Time Perspective and Agentic Engagement of University Students
다. ESR in Anthropocene
라. Overprotective Parenting and Well-being Perceived by Adolescents: The Mediating Roles of Social Withdrawal and School Engagement
마. Perceived school environment, peer relations, and parent relations among socially-withdrawn Korean preadolescents: Exploring differences between shy and regulated subtypes
바. A Case Study on The Development Process of a High School Credit System Program for Career-Linked Semesters for Middle School Seniors
사. Change in perception of middle school students who participated in FGI of high school credit system
아. Experience in developing a program for the 3rd year of career-related semester in middle school - Targeting TF teams participating in the A program