1. 학술회의명: 4th International Conference on Business, Education and Social Sciences
2. 주관기관명: ICCBES
3. 학회개최기간 및 장소: 2024.01.09.~2024.01.11., 일본 삿포로
4. 참가자
가. 소*진(박사과정)
나. 남*라(박사과정), 김*희(박사과정), 김은빈 연구교수, 정지선 교수
다. 김*영(박사과정)
라. 김*리(박사과정), 박수홍 교수
마. 이*민(박사과정)
바. 배*호(박사과정), 박수홍 교수
사. 정정훈 연구교수
아. 김*경(박사과정), 이*민(박사과정), 유순화 교수
자. 류*루(박사과정), 김*영(석사과정), 정*희(석사과정), 김정섭 교수
차. 박*희(석사과정), 예*(석사과정), 김정섭 교수
카. 김은빈 연구교수
타. 김*희(박사과정), 유순화 교수
5. 발표내용:
가. A case Study on the Learning Strategies and Characteristics of High-Achieving Chinese International Students at Korean Universities
나. A Study of Internalized Regional Discrimination Experiences among University Students in Busan
다. A Study of JFL Learners' Writing Practice Using ChatGPT
라. Development and Operation of Teacher Training Programs to Strengthen AI Digital Capabilities
마. Development of a Metaverse Career Program for College Students in Education
바. Development of Assessment tool for Entrepreneurship as Social Innovator
사. Exploring Learning Strategies and Characteristics of Chinese International Students with Excellent Grades at Korean Universities
아. Perceived Career Barriers for Middle-Aged Koreans Facing Career Transitions: A Q-methodology
자. The Effect of Agency and Career Barriers on Career Decision Level in China University Freshman Students: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Social Support
차. The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Responsibility on the relationship between Time Perspective and Self-Control of Korean University Students
카. The Moderating Effect of Protean Career Attitude between Regulatory Focus and Career Barriers of University Students
타. Why Did They Choose to “Wait and See”?: Understanding Undifferentiated Vocational Identity Status in Korean University Students