Korea participates in 'Mission Innovation 2nd phase'... Strengthening international cooperation on clean energy


End of the 1st phase.. 39%↑ in clean energy R&D investment in member countries



Korea will participate in the 'Second Mission Innovation' (MI 2.0) to strengthen international cooperation with the goal of clean energy technology innovation.


In November 2015, with the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as a facilitator, Mission Innovation was launched to expand investment in clean energy R&D in the public sector and promote international cooperation among governments, public institutions, and companies. was launched


Last year, the activities of the first (MI 1.0) period were completed, and this time, the second period was newly organized.


23 member countries, including Korea, will participate in the second phase.


The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced that it participated in the MI 2.0 launch ceremony held online on the 2nd.


The inauguration ceremony was held as a side event of the 6th Mission Innovation Ministerial Meeting (MI-6) to be held in Santiago, Chile from the 31st of last month to the 6th of this month.



[Source  linkhttps://news.v.daum.net/v/20210602141421691

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