A wise way to prepare for a new era




Not long ago, a planning briefing session for a large project called ‘Southeast Green Hydrogen Port Creation Project’ was held for the National Balanced Development Committee.


The city of Busan took responsibility for the planning and gathered the wisdom of expert groups from various fields, and aimed to revitalize the hydrogen economy for the realization of a megacity in the southeast region.


It is a proposal to create an infrastructure for a ‘southeast hydrogen port’. The key to the ‘hydrogen economy’, which has emerged as a global issue, is to replace hydrogen with major energy, and the role of ports in the transportation and supply of energy cannot be omitted.


Due to the nature of the port that uses energy on a large scale, there is a justification to make it a hydrogen-friendly space from the port.


Therefore, the main goal of the plan is to prepare a ‘hydrogen-ready’ port infrastructure as the center and core facility of the hydrogen economy.


It is hoped that the results of dozens of experts working together for a considerable amount of time to analyze local issues in the hydrogen economy era and come up with a solution will not be killed by culinary acts.


I sincerely hope that the new order will not make the mistake of shifting decisions and responsibilities while being frightened by the new order.


At the very least, the future energy export and import bases coveted by the world should be built with our own hands. It is expected that someone will be possessed by Qin Shi Huang and take command from the creation of a green port in the era of hydrogen.


Like spears and swords 2000 years ago, while fully utilizing standardized big data weapons

[source linkhttps://www.kookje.co.kr/news2011/asp/newsbody.asp?key=20210709.22022002392


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