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Pusan National University-Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries [MOU for Cooperation in the Shipbuilding and Marine Affairs] | 2023.06.02.

On June 2nd, President Jeongin Cha of Pusan National University and Victor Gustaaf Manoppo, the Director General for Marine Spatial Management at the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, signed an "MOU for Cooperation in the Shipbuilding and Maritime Affairs" at the 1st conference room on the 5th floor of the university headquarters.


In light of this agreement, the two organizations have agreed to establish and operate the Korea-Indonesia Korea Indonesia Maritime Eco-friendly Technology Cooperation Center(KIMETCC).


The Hydrogen Ship Technology Center(HSTC) at PNU will operate the KIMETCC, facilitating the exchange of technology and human resources in eco-friendly ship technology.


PNU pursues international cooperation, including establishing an international joint research institute with engineering, environment, and marine science, personnel exchanges, and strengthened collaboration in developing marine and environmentally friendly policies.


▼ Jeong-In Cha, President of Pusan National University, and Victor Gustaaf Manoppo, Director General for Marine Spatial Management in Indonesia (Photo by PNU)


Pusan National University-Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries [MOU for Cooperation in the Shipbuilding and Marine Affairs] | 2023.06.02. Ceremony photo (2).JPG
