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Busan Hydrogen Shared University's MOU Signing Ceremony & Busan Hydrogen Aliance General Assembly | 2024.02.05

12 universities in Busan*, Korea Classification Service, Busan Hydrogen Alliance**, and Busan Techno Park launched the 'Busan Hydrogen Shared University' at the Pusan University's Hydrogen Ship Technology Center with the 'Busan Hydrogen Sharing University Business Agreement Signing Ceremony and Busan Hydrogen Alliance General Assembly'.


The MOU was attended by the President of Pusan National University, the President of Busan Technopark, the Co-Chairmans of the Hydrogen Alliance, the Director of the Hydrogen Ship Technology Center, the heads of LINC 3.0 of 12 universities, and representatives of 40 member companies of the Busan Hydrogen Alliance.


Pusan National University's Hydrogen Ship Technology Center and Pusan National University's LINC 3.0 Business Unit will oversee the operation of the university.


At the Busan Hydrogen Alliance General Assembly that followed, 40 member companies of the Busan Hydrogen Alliance, including Panasia and Korens, also announced that they would help operate the Busan Hydrogen Sharing University.




12 (participating) universities in Busan

Kyungnam College of Information&Technology, Kyungsung University, Pukyong National University, National Korea Maritime&Ocean University, Tongmyong University, 

  Dongseo University, Dong-A University, Dong-Eui Institute of Technology, Dong-Eui University, Busan Institute of Science and Technology, Silla University, Pusan National University

** Busan Hydrogen Alliance

Formed in 2022 by 40 companies and organizations in the Busan area to promote the creation of an eco-friendly green hydrogen base and create a hydrogen industry ecosystem. 

  It is striving to cooperate to revitalize the hydrogen industry, create a hydrogen industry ecosystem, develop technology for parts, equipment, and applications, discover research projects 

  to foster the hydrogen industry, create a hydrogen demonstration complex (cluster), and foster specialized manpower.

Busan Hydrogen Shared University's MOU Signing Ceremony & Busan Hydrogen Aliance General Assembly | 2024.02.05 Busan Hydrogen Shared University's MOU Signing Ceremony & Busan Hydrogen Aliance General Assembly (1).png
