[홍보] 일본 관서학원대학 Exchange Program Info Session 개최 알림


우리 대학의 학생교환 교류대학 중 한 곳인 일본 관서학원대학에서 아래와 같이 Exchange Program Info Session을 개최하오니,

해당 대학 또는 일본 파견에 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참가 바랍니다.


The KGU Incoming Team will host a couple of online information session in October for students who may be interested in studying in Japan from 2025 Fall Semester onward. The sessions will include a short greeting from Contemporary Japan Program Director Matthias HENNINGS (PhD), an introduction of the university and the exchange program, a mock class, as well as an introduction to KGU Campus life and a Q&A.

KGU March 2025 Info Session

Date: March 11 (Tuesday)

Time: 10:00 or 17:00 JST




The above link will take you to our Eventbrite page where participants can select a date/time that suits them best.


This session is aimed towards:

l  Students who are interested in studying in Japan but have yet to make their choice and are looking at their options.

l  Students who are planning to study at KGU as an exchange student.

l  Students who have already been nominated by their home institution to study at Kwansei Gakuin University as an Exchange student but want to learn more about the program.

l  Partner institution staff or faculty interested in learning more about the program we offer to better advice students.

We would appreciate if you could share this information with your students and colleagues.
