[학사] 2023학년도 1학기「중간고사 후 강의평가」실시 안내/ Information on the 「Lecture Evaluation after Midterm Examination」 for Spring semester 2023




2023학년도 1학기 중간고사 후 강의평가」 실시 안내





강의 중간점검 및 자율 개선을 위한 2023학년도 1학기 중간고사 후 강의평가를 시행하오니

학생 여러분들의 적극 참여 바랍니다. 


1. 평가기간 : 2023. 4. 17.() 10:00 ~ 4. 28.(금) 24:00

2. 평가방법 : WEB방식 (학생지원시스템 – 성적 – 강의평가 - 중간강의평가)

3. 유의사항

   강의평가는 수강 강좌당 1회만 가능하며평가 완료 후 수정 불가

   팀티칭 강좌는 담당교원 전원에 대해 강의평가 실시

4. 평가 세부내용

구 분

평 가 방 법

학부 · 전문원 · 특수원

 개설 교과목

 온라인 평가


    필수 원격수업(혼합수업 포함)

    자율 대면수업

일반 대학원

개설 교과목

 온라인 평가


    필수 원격수업(혼합수업 포함), BK21 참여학과 개설 교과목*

      *BK21 참여학과 개설 교과목은 수업유형과 관계없이 필수 시행

    자율 대면수업



Students are encouraged to actively participate in the Lecture Evaluation after Midterm Examination

for the spring semester of 2023 for mid-term inspection and improvement of lectures.


1. Period : 2023. 4. 17.(Mon) 10:00 ~ 4. 28.(Fri) 24:00

2. How to evaluate : online (Onestop – 성적(Grade) – 강의평가(Lecture Evaluation) - 중간강의평가(Lecture Evaluation after Midterm Examination))

3. Note

   Lecture evaluation can only be performed once per course, and cannot be modified after the evaluation is complete.

   - In the team teaching course, lecture evaluation needs to be conducted for all faculty members in charge.

4. Details of the evaluation


Evaluation Methods

Subjects opened by Undergraduates · Professional Graduates · Specialized Graduates

 Online Evaluation

 Implementation Methods (Necessary/Autonomous)

    - Necessary : Online classes(Including mixed classes)

    - Autonomous : In-person classes

Subjects opened by General Graduates

 Online Evaluation

 Implementation Methods (Necessary/Autonomous)

   - Necessary : Online classes(Including mixed classes), Subjects opened                         by the department participating in BK21*

      * Evaluation for the subjects opened by the department participating in BK21 is required regardless of class type.

    - Autonomous : In-person classes


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