
English Lounge 4/17 Topic (인문관 217호)

English Lounge 2024417일 수요일 Topic


1st Session

(Small Talk)

1. Introduce yourself

2. Were you happy with your university?

3. Do you have a good quality of life?

4. How do you feel when April is over?


Practice, Practice, Practice: The Secret to Happiness


Do you want to know the secret to long-lasting happiness?

Of course you do. According to researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK, the secret is actually quite simple: practice.

That's right, we need to practice doing the things that make us happy.

One of the researchers, Bruce Hood, said: "It's like going to the gym we can't expect to do one class and be fit forever."

He said we have to keep working on our mental health, just as we have to keep working on our physical health.

Hood and his colleagues have been teaching a course called "Science of Happiness" at their university since 2019.

The course teaches students about the latest research into what makes us happy, including recommended activities that could improve well-being.

But the researchers wanted to find out how effective the course had been.

They found that students who had taken the course reported a 10 to 15% improvement in their well-being after the end of the course. But that didn't last for everyone.

However, half of the students surveyed had continued to do the recommended activities after the end of the course and they reported improved well-being two years later.

Hood said that this shows we have to practice doing the things that make us happy.

He added that the course teaches students to do things that take our attention away from ourselves, including helping others and spending time with friends.


He said that while we are often taught to spend time with our thoughts, in fact a number of studies have found that we should be keeping our minds and bodies busy.

1. What are your thoughts on the idea that happiness needs to be practiced?

2. Do you find it surprising that doing things that take our attention away from ourselves might make us happier?

3. What's the happiest you've been lately? What made you so happy?

4. In your opinion, what is the key to happiness in life?

5 Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. Margaret Lee Runbeck. What do you make of this quote?





2nd Session

(Small Talk)

1. Introduce yourself

2. What images spring to mind when you hear the season “spring’?

3. What’s your favourite spring memory?

4. Do you think spring feels differently to people of different ages?



Americans Spend over $3,000 a Year on Dating


The American pop group The Knack once sang, "You can't put a price on love."


But try telling that to someone you're on a date with it might not go down well, especially if they're American.


A survey by OnePoll found that, on average, Americans spend over $3,000 a year on dates.


The survey found that an average date costs about $189, but men think a good date should cost about $220. Women have lower expectations, and believe that you only need to spend $170 to have a good date.


But one in eight of the respondents said they'd spend up to $300 on a single date.


And it's not just dates that Americans are spending money on in the name of love people also spend money on gifts for their partners, averaging nearly $360 per year.


But as the cost of living increases, people are looking for ways to be more budget-conscious with their love life.


Thirty-seven percent of Americans who were surveyed said they plan on going on fewer dates to save money. And 60% said they will set a budget for their relationship costs.


But despite expectations, a special date doesn't have to cost a lot, and respondents shared their favorite ways to save money. These included buying gifts when they were on sale, going to cheaper restaurants, or going out for cheaper meals like breakfast or lunch.


In fact, two out of three respondents said the best date they've ever been on was somewhere that didn't cost a lot of money, like a party, a movie theater, or just staying at home.


So maybe you can put a price on love but it doesn't have to be a big one!


1. How much do you imagine the average person in your country spends on dates per year?

2. What advice would you give someone about to go on a first date?

3. What's your idea of a perfect date?

4. What do you think is the key to a long and happy relationship?

5. Do you believe in "love at first sight"? Why?


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