
English Lounge 5/1 Topic (인문관 217호)

English Lounge 5/1 Topic (인문관 217호)

1st Session


1. Introduce yourself.

2. What did you do last weekend?

3. How was your mid term?

4. Was there anything you wanted to do after the exam?


Feel Angry? Write Down Your Feelings and Shred Them


Researchers from Nagoya University in Japan wanted to see how different coping techniques would affect people's levels of anger.


The researchers asked almost 100 people most of them university students to write down some of their thoughts about a social problem.


They were told that they'd get written feedback. But the research team made sure that everyone got insulting feedback. This made the participants angry, as the researchers had hoped. So next, they had all the participants write down on a paper how the feedback made them feel.


Then, half of the participants were asked to dispose of those papers. Some were told to scrunch them up and throw them in the garbage. Others were told to put their paper in a shredder.


The rest put their paper either in a transparent box or in a transparent folder on their desk.


The participants had been asked to rate their levels of anger before the experiment, and they rated their anger again after they received the feedback and after they put their papers away or destroyed them.


The study found that those who kept their papers on their desks felt a little less angry.


But those who threw their papers in the garbage or shredded them felt much less angry. In fact, their anger levels almost returned to the levels they had been before the experiment.


The research team said we may be able to use this technique to help deal with our own feelings of anger because it may almost feel as if we're throwing our anger away!


What are your thoughts on the findings of the experiment?

Would you consider trying this technique next time you feel angry?

3. What do you find makes you feel better when you're stressed out?

4. Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry. Lyman Abbott. What do you make of this quote?

2nd session


1. Introduce yourself.

2. What do you do in your free time?

3. Do you enjoy watching movies or TV series?

4. Is there any streaming service you subscribe?


Only 19% Know What They'll Watch Before Turning on TV


Are you ready for an evening of entertainment? You've got the jobs done around the house, you've got the snacks, a drink and you're wearing your comfortable clothes.


But wait you've got no idea what you want to watch.


If you're one of those people who sits down at the TV without knowing what you want to watch, you're not alone.


In fact, according to a new survey, just 19% of people have usually decided what they'll be watching before they turn on the TV.


TiVo, a company that makes and sells digital video recorders, asked almost 4,500 people in the US and Canada about the way they watch TV and how they watch content on other devices.


TiVo publishes its Video Trends Report twice a year.


Finding something to watch isn't always easy, even though there's so much to choose from!


So where do we get our ideas from?


Most often, we choose content based on recommendations from friends 43% of people said they get ideas this way while 42% decide based on commercials that are on during other shows.


More than a third of people get their ideas from social media and 29% find out about shows from the home screen of their streaming apps.


And almost half of people go to two or three streaming apps before deciding on something to watch!


1. Do you usually know what you want to watch before turning on the TV?

2. How long does it usually take you to decide on something to watch?

3. Where do you get ideas for what TV shows to watch?

4. What are the best shows or movies you've seen? Can you recommend one?

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