[1.4.4.] Policy addressing poverty 2023



[1.4.4] Policy addressing poverty

Partcipate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end 

poverty in all its dimensions





1. Prof. Hee Min from the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at PNU led the research project 

  'Building Busan city's Youth Policy Basic Plan,' which outlined tasks for the 2nd Busan Youth Policy Basic Plan (2024-2028).

   The final report, co-authored with Prof. Won-ik Lee at PNU, examined the causes of youth debt and emphasized 

   the expansion of youth asset formation programs by Busan City and the importance of preparatory education on debt.



2. Labor Economics is essential for understanding the labor market and wage gaps, aiding in stable employment and poverty

   alleviation. Prof. Kim Gi-seung from the Department of Economics at PNU was the president of the Korean Labor

   Economics Association in 2023, focusing on research and policy in labor economics. 

   He advocated for re-employment support for older adults, pension reform, and revitalizing retirement pensions 

   in response to Korea's aging population, which has increased unemployment and social isolation among the elderly.



3. PNU was involved in the '2023 Lee Jong-wook Fellowship Program Clinical Course,' a training initiative for foreign

   medical personnel by the Korea International Health Foundation (KOFIH) aimed at strengthening health capacities in

   developing countries. Additionally, Yangsan PNU Hospital signed a MOU with Jimma University in Ethiopia for academic

   exchanges, joint research, healthcare personnel training, and patient consultations under this program.



▶ Evidence Link(1): Prof. Kim Gi-seung - the president of Korean Labor Economics Association 

▶ Evidence Link(2): Prof. Kim Gi-seung's Interview

▶ Evidence Link(3): PNU involved in 'Lee Jong-wook Fellowship Clinical Course'





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