[2.5.3.] University access to local farmers and food producers Provide access to university facilities (e.g. labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices |
Pusan National University's(PNU) College of Natural Resources and Life Science focuses on training professionals in life
resource science, supporting the development of life resources, biobased materials, and research in environmental ecology.
The college has several facilities, including PNU Farm, PNU University Forest, and the Agriculture Science Education Center,
which are accessible to local agricultural producers for education, research, and advanced agricultural technology training.
1. PNU Farm features animal husbandry facilities, laboratory practice rooms, and advanced greenhouses.
It serves as a sustainable education venue for local agricultural producers and food industry professionals
to participate in practical training and research.
2. PNU University Forest is dedicated to monitoring forest ecosystems, studying plant ecosystem changes, conducting
dendrology practices, and providing field trip opportunities.
It is open to local agricultural producers and community members for research focused on sustainable forest resource
use and conservation.
3. The Mosaic Core Lab provides shared research infrastructure equipped with systems for analyzing various life resources.
This facility promotes resource sharing to address diverse challenges in the life resource industry as identified by the local community.
▶ Evidence Link(1): PNU Farm
▶ Evidence Link(2): PNU Animal Husbandry Facilities
▶ Evidence Link(3): PNU Advanced Greenhouses
▶ Evidence Link(4): PNU University Forest
▶ Evidence Link(4): PNU Mosaic Core Lab