[11.4.1] Sustainable practices targets 2023



[11.4.1.] Sustainable practices targets

Measure and set targets for more sustainable commuting 


Pusan National University(PNU) is committed to providing environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable

commuting options for university members by surveying their commuting patterns and using the results to develop

improvements and future policy plans

1. The Traffic Management Committee measures the number of vehicles entering the campus and the usage of

   personal mobility devices. Based on these findings, the committee has implemented traffic safety measures for various

   transportation modes, promoting safe and sustainable commuting for university members. (Attachement 1)

2. As part of Campus Master Plan, PNU has developed improvement plans for campus transportation

   With the rise in the use of personal mobility devices, the Master Plan includes an analysis of the current state of personal

   mobility parking spaces. 

   The goal is to establish designated parking zones for personal mobility devices, ensuring convenience and safety for

   university members. (Attachement2)

3. To support the commuting needs of university members, PNU operates a shuttle bus service that connects the campus

   with nearby subway stations. 

   To enhance the usage and convenience of this service, PNU has measured the primary stops used by students when

   boarding and alighting the shuttle buses and conducted surveys to assess overall satisfaction with the service.


