[12.2.3] Policy waste disposal - hazardous materials Have a policy, process or practice on waste disposals - Covering hazardous materials |
Pusan National University(PNU) has created the Lab Safety Management Center to promote a safe research environment.
In line with the 'PNU Laboratory Safety Management Regulations,' hazardous substances in laboratories are managed and disposed of legally.
The Lab Safety Management Center is responsible for overseeing laboratory chemicals and waste disposal.
It offers manuals on the safe handling of experimental waste and reagents and regularly collects these materials for proper disposal.
The 'PNU Laboratory Safety Management Regulation' details the standards for storing and handling hazardous substances,
as well as for collecting and disposing of waste. All members collaborate to prevent safety incidents.
The laboratory safety management system outlines waste disposal standards and methods, ensuring that all members
receive accurate information efficiently.
▶ Evidence Link: The laboratory safety management system