[12.2.4.] Policy waste disposal - landfill policy 2023



[12.2.4] Policy waste disposal - landfill policy

Have a policy on waste disposal - to measure the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled



Pusan National University(PNU) is implementing policies under the Waste Control Act and the Enforcement Rules

of the Waste Control Act to reduce waste and promote eco-friendly disposal.


1. Waste Treatment and Recycling System

PNU has created a specific treatment plan for each type of waste. Waste collection occurs regulary, with some types of

collected five times a week and others once a week.

PNU also tracks the amount of waste generated, recycled, and sent to landfills. 

Annual reports on waste generation and treatment are submitted to the local government in accordance with Article

60(Submission of Reports) of the Enforcement Rules of the Waste Control Act.



2. Policy to Minimize Landfill Waste

PNU aims to reduce landfill waste through reuse and recycling initiatives. Recyclable materials can be disposed of in separate

collection boxes located on each building floor. 

'IoT recycling bins'* are specifically located in sports areas to boost student participation in recycling.

* 'IoT recycling bins' : These bins reward users with points that can be exchanged for food and beverages when they recycle plastic bottles or cans.


▶ Evidence Link(1):  The Enforcement Decree of the Waste Control Act

▶ Evidence Link(2):  The Enforcement Rules of the Waste Control Act

▶ Evidence Link(3):  Waste Reporting System

▶ Evidence Link(4):  PNU IoT recycling bins


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