[12.2.7.] Disposable policy : extensions to services Ensuring these policies extend to outsourced services and the supply chain |
To reduce environmental and social costs through responsible practices,
Pusan National University's(PNU) waste disposal and recycling policies apply to all outsourced suppliers and supply chains, including campus canteens, cafes, and restaurants.
1. Waste Disposal and Recycling System
PNU has created a waste treatment plan for different waste types. Waste is collected regularly―five times a week for some types and weekly for others.
PNU tracks the amount of waste produced, recycled, and sent to landfills.
Annual waste generation and treatment performance data are reported to local governments in accordance with Article 60, Submission of Reports, of the Enforcement Rules of the Waste Control Act.
These metrics are managed systematically, and PNU mandates that outsourced suppliers follow these practices in their contracts to enhance waste management.
2. Minimizing Disposable Product Use
To lower landfill waste, PNU aims to limit single-use products and promote the reuse and recycling of materials.
Outsourced suppliers are also encouraged to reduce waste by properly sorting recyclable materials.
This includes banning disposable cups, straws, and plastic umbrellas.
▶ Evidence Link(1): The Enforcement Decree of the Waste Control Act
▶ Evidence Link(2): The Enforcement Rules of the Waste Control Act