- Position or Degree
- Professor
- Tell Number
- +82-51-510-2243(O), 3413(lab), 3283(lab)
- mhlim@pusan.ac.kr
- http://chemlab.pusan.ac.kr/femto
- Research
- Physical chemistry (Molecular structural dynamics, Reaction dynamics in solution, Photochemical NO transporter, Photoelectrochemistry, Femtosecond infrared spectroscopy)
- Protein dynamics (the relationships between protein dynamics, structure and function)
- Reaction dynamics in condensed phase
- Single molecule spectroscopy and its application to imaging
- Development of novel time-resolved spectroscopy and its application
(time-resolved THz spectroscopy, 2D-IR spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy)
1. “Probing Lipid Vesicles by Bimolecular Association and Dissociation Trajectories of Single Molecules.” Gao, Feng; Mei, Erwen; Lim, Manho; Hochstrasser, Robin M. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2006), 128(14), 4814-4822.
2. “Effects of Solvent Viscosity on Ligand Interconversion Dynamics in the Primary Docking Site of Heme Proteins.” Kim, Seongheun; Heo, Jeonghee; Lim, Manho. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2006), 128(9), 2810-2811.
3. “Protein Conformation-Induced Modulation of Ligand Binding Kinetics: A Femtosecond Mid-IR Study of Nitric Oxide Binding Trajectories in Myoglobin.” Kim, Seongheun; Lim, Manho. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005), 127(25), 8908-8909.
4. “Ultrafast time-resolved IR studies of protein-ligand interactions.” Lim, Manho; Anfinrud, Philip A. Methods in Molecular Biology (2005), 305(Protein-Ligand Interactions), 243-259.
5. “Picosecond Dynamics of Ligand Interconversion in the Primary Docking Site of Heme Proteins.” Kim, Seongheun; Lim, Manho. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005), 127(16), 5786-5787.
6. “Direct observations of ligand rebinding trajectories in myoglobin by femtosecond mid-IR spectroscopy.” Kim, Seongheun; Lim, Manho. Springer Series in Chemical Physics (2005), 79(Ultrafast Phenomena XIV), 625-627.
7. “Dynamics of geminate recombination of NO with myoglobin in aqueous solution probed by femtosecond mid-IR spectroscopy.” Kim, Seongheun; Jin, Geunyeong; Lim, Manho. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2004), 108(52), 20366-20375.
Professor, Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, Korea (1998-present)
Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania , US (1995-1998)
Korean Chemical Society (KCS)
Optical Society of America (OSA)
American Chemical Society(ACS)
Excellency of Teaching Award, (1993, 1994), Harvard University, based on student e-v-a-luation
Award for Young Physical Chemist, (2006), Korean Chemical Society