- 신경퇴행성질환모델동물의 개발 및 유용성연구
- 항산화촉진 모델동물의 개발 및 유용성연구
- UV에 의한 노화의 원인기전연구
- 당뇨모델동물 개발
- 항산화유전자를 과발현하는 만성질환관련 모델동물의 계통확립 및 임상증상 분석연구
- 경조직재생유도재 연구개발
- 우수우수동물실험시설과 생산시설의 운영을 위한 지정기준 및 지도 감독 가이드라인 개발
주요논문 및 연구실적
1. SCI논문
1. Myung-Shik Lee, Dae-youn Hwang, Yun-Hee Kim, Jae Hoon Chung, Yeon Sang Oh, Moon-Kyu Lee, and Kwang-Won Kim (1998) Mutation of ret proto-oncogen in 3 korean families with MEN2A: clinical use of new restriction sites for genetic diagnosis. Endocrine Journal 45(4):555-561.
2. Kyoung-ho Suk, Dae-yeon Hwang, Myungshik Lee (1999) Natural autoantibody to galectin-9 in normal human sera. Jounal of Clinical Immunology 19(3):158-165.
3. Kyoung-ho Suk, Yun-Hee Kim, Dae-Yeon Hwang, Sung-Hee Ihm, Hyung-Joon Yoo, Myung-Shik Lee (1999) Molecular cloning and expression of a novel human cDNA related to the diazepam binding inhibitor. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta 1454:126-131.
4. IS Jang, KR Chae, TS Kang, YK Kim, CK Kim, JH Hwang, DY Hwang, CB Choi, KK Jung and JS Cho (1999) Effects of long-term vitamin E and butylated hydroxytoluene supplemented diets on murine intestinal and hepatic antioxident enzyme activities. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci 12(6):932-938.
5. Sun-shin Kim, Kyoung-Ah Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang, Tae H. Lee, Nobuhiko Kayagaki, Hideo Yagita, and Myung shik Lee (2000) Inhibition of autoimmune diabetes by Fas ligand: The paradox is solved. The Journal of Immunology 164:2931-2936.
6. Kyoung-ho Suk, Dae-Yeon Hwang, Sun-shin Kim, Yun-Hee Kim, Kyoung-Ah Kim, Yeon-Soo Sin, Yeon-Lim Suh, Seong Beom Lee, Yoon Namkung, Hee-Sup Shin, Myung-Shik Lee (2000) Identity of mouse IA-2 and PTP35 genes of the tyrosine phosphatase family, and their expression in neuroendocrine tissues. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 50:17-26.
7. DY Hwang, KR Chae, DH Shin, IS Jang, JH Hwnag, YJ Kim, JY Cho, BJ Kim, JS Goo, CH Lim, CK Kim, YY Cho, SG Paik, YK Kim, JS Cho (2000) Mammary gland tumor in transgenic mice expressing targeted β -casein/HPVE6 fusion gene. International Journal of Oncology 17:1093-1098.
8. DY Hwang, KR Chae, DH Shin, JH Hwnag, YJ Kim, BJ Kim, JS Goo, YY Shin, IS Jang, JS Cho, YK Kim (2001) Xenobiotics response in humanized bouble transgenic mice expressing tetracycline-controlled transactivator and human CYP1B1. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 395(1):32-40.
9. DY Hwang, KR Chae, TS Kang, JH Hwnag, CH Lim, HK Kang, JS Goo, MR Lee, HJ Lim, SH Min, JY Cho, JT Hong, CW Song, SG Paik, JS Cho, YK Kim (2002) Alteration in behavior, amyloid β -42, caspase-3, and Cox-2 in mutant PS2 transgenic mice model of Alzheimer's disease. FASAB Journal 16:805-813.
10. Bum J. Kim, Dae Y. Hwang, Tae S. Kang, Jin H. Hwnag, Cae H. Lim, Hyun K. Kang, Jun S. Goo, Mi R. Lee, Jung S. Cho, Woong S. Sim, Kab R. Chae, and Yong K. Kim (2002) expression of human CYP1B1/lacZ fusion gene in ultraviolet-irradiated human keratinocyte cells. Archives of Dermatological Research 294:152-154.
11. Hwang DY, Cho JS, Chae KR, Kang TS, Hwang JH, Lim CH, Lee SH, Lim HJ, Min SH, Sheen YY, Jang IS, Kim YK (2003) Differential expression of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator-driven human CYP1B1 gene in double-transgenic mice is due to androgens: application for detecting androgens and antiandrogens. Arch Biochem Biophys 415:137-145.
12. Jang IS, Hwang DY, Chae KR, Lee JE, Kim YK, Kang TS, Hwang JH, Lim CH, Huh YB, Cho JS. (2003) Role of dietary fat type in the development of adiposity from dietary obesity-susceptible Sprague-Dawley rats. British Journal of Neutrition 89:429-437.
13. Mi R Lee, Yeon J Kim, Dae Y. Hwang, Tae S. Kang, Jin H. Hwnag, Chae H. Lim, Hyun K. Kang, Jun S. Goo, Hwa J Lim, Kwang s Ahn, Jung S. Cho, Kab R. Chae, and Yong K. Kim (2003) An in vitro bioassay for xenobiotics using the SXR-deriven human CYP3A4/lacZ reporter gene. International Journal of Toxicology 22(3):207-213.
14. Min SH, Hwang DY, Kang TS, Shin DH, Hwang JH, Chae HY, Lee SH, Lim HJ, Seo SJ, Sheen YY, Paik SG, Cho JS, Kim YK. (2003) Differential expression of proteins of caspases and Bcl-2 families in the brain of mice. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 12(2):181-183.
15. Cho JY, Hwang DY, Kang TS, Shin DH, Hwang JH, Chae HY, Lee SH, Lim HJ, Min SH, Seo SJ, Song YS, Cho JS, Kim YK (2003) Use of NSE/PS2m-transgenic mice in studying protective effect of excercise on the Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Sport Science 21(11):943-951.
16. Jang IS, Hwang DY, Lee JE, Chae KR, Kim YK, Kang TS, Kim CK, Shin DH, Hwang JH, Huh YB, Cho JS. (2003) Physiological difference between dietary obesity-susceptible and obesity-resistant Sprague Dawley Rats in response to moderate high fat diet. Experimental Animals 52(2):99-107.
17. Jang IS, Hwang DY, Lee JE, Kim YK, Kang TS, Hwang JH, CH Lim, KR Chae, JH Jeong, Cho JS. (2003) Effects of conjugated linoleic acid and stearic acid on apoptosis of the INS-1 β -cells and pancreatic islets isolated from Zucker Obese (fa/fa) rats. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 16(7):1060-1065.
18. DY Hwang, Cho JS, Chae KR, Lee SH, HJ Lim, Min SH, S 대 SJ, Song YS, Song CW, Paik SG, Shin YY, YK Kim (2004) Aberrant expression of pathogenic phenotype in alzheimer's diseased transgenic mice carrying NSE-controlled APPsw. Experimental Neurology 186(1):20-32.
19. Hwa J Lim, Chul J. Lim, Dae Y. Hwang, Su H. Lee, Sae H. Min, Su J. Seo, Youn S. Song, Hye K Park, Yhun Y. Shin, Jung S. Cho, Yong K. Kim. (2004) Carboxyl-terminal of the amyloid protein precursor and ER β are required for estrogenic effect in activating mitogen-activated protein kinase. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 13:691-696.
20. Dae Y. Hwang, Yong K. Kim. Chul J. Lim, Jung S. Cho (2004) Mutant nicastrin protein can induce the cytochrome c release and the Bax expression. International Journal of Neurscience 114:445-456
21. Knostman K.A.B., Cho JY, Ryu KY, Lin X, McCubrey JA, Hia T, Liu CH, Carlo ED, Keri R, Zhang M, Hwang DY, Kisseberth WC, Capen CC, Jhing SM (2004) Signaling through 3', 5'-cyclic AMP and phosphoinositide-3 kinase induces Sodium/Iodide symporter expression in breast camcer. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89:5196-5203
22. Nguyen HN, Lee SY, Hwang DY, Kim YK, Yuk DY, Lee JS, Hong JT (2005) Decrease in NF-kappaB, AP-1 and SP-1 activities in neuronal cells expressing presenilin 2. Neuroreport. 16(7):731-735.
23. Lim HJ, Cho JS, Oh JH, Shim SB, Hwang DY, Jee SW, Lee SH, Sheen YY, Lee SH, Kim YK. (2005) NSE-Controlled Carboxyl-Terminus of APP Gene Over-Expressing in Transgenic Mice Induces Altered expressions in Behavior, Abeta-42, and GSK3beta Binding Proteins. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 25(5):833-850.
24. Dae Y. Hwang, Jung S. Cho, Jae H. Oh, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Su J. Sea, Chi W. Song, Yong K. Kim. (2005) Early changes in behavior deficits, amyloid β -42 deposits, MAPK activation, and ER expression in double transgenic mice co-expressing NSE-controlled mutant PS2 and APPsw. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 25(5):881-898.
25. Dae Y. Hwang, Jung S. Cho, Jae H. Oh, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Su J. Seo, Hyun K Kang, Yhun Y. Shin, Yong K. Kim. (2005) An in vivo bioassay for detecting androgens and anti-androgens using humanized transgenic mice co-expressing the Tetracycline-controlled transactivator and human CYP1B1 gene. International Journal of Toxicology 2:157-164.
26. Sae H. Min, Jung S. Cho, Jae H. Oh, Sun B. Shim, Dae Y. Hwang, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Hwa J. Lim, Min Y. Kim, Youn Y. Sheen, Seok H. Lee, Yong K. Kim (2005) Tau and GSK3 beta dephosphorylations are required for regulating Pin1 phosphrylation. Neurochem Res 30(8):995-961.
27. Dae Y. Hwang, Jung S. Cho, Jae H. Oh, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Su J. Seo, Sang K. Lee, Seok H. Lee, Yong K. Kim (2005) Differential expressed genes in transgenic mice carrying human mutant presenilin-2 (N141I): correlation of selenoprotein M with Alzheimer's disease. Neurochem Res 30(8):1009-1019.
28. Nguyen HN, Hwang DY, Kim YK, Yoon do Y, Kim JH, Lee MS, Lee MK, Yun YP, Oh KW, Hong JT. (2005) Mutant presenilin 2 increases acetylcholinesterase activity in neuronal cells. Arch Pharm Res. 28(9):1073-8.
29. Jee SW, Cho JS, Oh JH, Shim SB, Hwang DY, Lee SH, Song YS, Lee SH, Kim YK (2005) cDNA microarray-based analysis of differentially expressed genes in transgenic brains expressing NSE-controlled APPsw. Int J Mol Med. 16(4):547-552.
30. Lee SM, Lee JW, Song YS, Hwang DY, Kim YK, Nam SY, Kim DJ, Yun YW, Yoon DY, Hong JT (2005) Raynodine receptor-mediated interference of neuronal cell differentiation by presenilin 2 mutation. J Neurosci Res 82(4):542-550.
31. Dae Y. Hwang, Jung S. Cho, Chuel K. Kim. Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Su J. Seo, Jun Y. Cho, Seok H. Lee, Yong K. Kim (2005) Aging-related correlation of insulin-degrading enzyme with gamma-secretase-generated product involving insulin and glucose level in transgenic mice. Neurochem Res 30(9):1171-1177.
32. Lee SY, Hwang DY, Kim YK, Lee JW, Shin IC, Oh KW, Lee MK, Lim JS, Yoon DY, Hwang SJ, Hong JT (2006) PS2 mutation increases neuronal cell vulnerability to neurotoxicants through activation of caspase-3 by enhancing of ryanodine receptor-mediated calcium release. FASEB J, 20(1):151-153.
33. Dae Y. Hwang, Jung S. Cho, Chuel K. Kim, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Su J. Seo, Soo Y. Choi, Yong K. Kim (2006) Changes in Presenilin 2-Binding Wnt Proteins, Behavior, Amyloid- β 42, γ -Secretase Activity, and Testosterone Sensitivity in Transgenic Mice Coexpressing Tetracycline-Controlled Transactivator and Human Mutant Presenilin 2. NeuroMolecluar Medicine 8(3):415-32.
34. Jee SW, Cho JS, Kim CK, Hwang DY, Shim SB, Lee SH, Sin JS, Park JH, Kim YS, Choi SY, Kim YK. (2006) Oligonucleotide-based Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Hippocampus of Transgenic Mice Expressing NSE-controlled APPsw. Neurochem Res. 31(8):1035-1044.
35. Park JH, Seok SH, Baek MW, Lee HY, Kim DJ, Cho JS, Kim CK, Hwang DY, Park JH (2006) Microbiological monitoring of Guinea pigs reared conventionally at two breeding facilities in Korea. Exp Anim. 55(5):427-32.
36. Nguyen HN, Son DJ, Lee JW, Hwang DY, Kim YK, Cho JS, Lee US, Yoo HS, Moon DC, Oh KW, Hong JT (2006) Mutant presenilin 2 causes abnormality in the brain lipid profile in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Arch Pharm Res. 29(10):884-889.
37. Dae Youn Hwang, Su Jin Seo, Tae Kyong Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Cheul Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Jun Yong Cho, Byeong Cheol Kang, Jane Hwang, In Surk Jang, and Jung Sik Cho (2007) Significantly change in insulin production, glucose tolerance and ER stress signaling in transgenic mice coexpressing insulin-siRNA and human IDE. Int J Mol Med 19:65-73.
38. Jee SW, Cho JS, Kim CK, Hwang DY, Shim SB, Lee SH, Sin JS, Kim YS, Park JH, Lee SH, Choi SY, Kim YK. (2007) Analysis of differentially expressed genes in early- and late stage APPsw-transgenic and normal mice using cDNA microarray. Int J Mol Med 19:461-468.
39. Shim SB, Lim HJ, Chae KR, Kim CK, Hwang DY, Jee SW, Lee SH, Sin JS, Leem YH, Lee SH, Cho JS, Lee HH, Choi SY, Kim YK. (2007) Tau overexpression in transgenic mice induces glycogen synthase kinase 3beta and beta-catenin phosphorylation. Neuroscience 146:730-740.
40. Dae Y. Hwang, Kab R. Chae, Chuel K. Kim, Byoung G. Kim, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Ji S. Sin, Mee K. Jang, Min S. Kim, Jung S. Cho, Yhun Y. Sheen, Soo Y. Choi, Yong K. Kim (2007) Differential effect of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene on human and mouse CYP1B1 from livers of castrated transgenic mice. Int J Toxicol 26(1):71-80.
41. Su J. Seo, Dae Y. Hwang, Jung S. Cho, Kar R. Chae, Chuel K. Kim, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Ji S. Sin, Soo Y. Choi, Joon Kim, Yong K. Kim (2007) PEN-2 overexpression induces r-secretase protein and its activity with amyloid b-42 production. Neurochem Res 32(6):1016-23.
42. Nguyen HN, Hwang DY, Kim YK, Yoon DY, Lee JW, Yun YP, Lee MK, Oh KW, Hong JT. (2007) Mutant presenilin 2 increased oxidative stress and p53 expression in neuronal cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 357(1):174-80.
43. Dae Y. Hwang, Su J. Seo, Yong K. Kim, Chuel K. Kim, Sun B. Shim, Seung W. Jee, Su H. Lee, Mi K. Jang, Min S. Kim, Su Y. Yim, Sang K. Lee, Byeong C. Kang, In S. Jang, Jung S. Cho (2007) Selenium acts as an insulin-like molecule for the down-regulation of diabetic symptoms via ER stress and insulin signaling proteins in the diabetes-induced NOD mice. J Biosci 32(4):723-735.
44. Jang MK, Chae KR, Hwang DY, Kim CK, Kim BG, Shim SB, Jee SW, Lee SH, Shin JS, Lee SH, Chung NH, Cho JS, Choi SY, Kim YK. (2007) Glucocorticoid receptor represses the Dex-mediated induction of human androgen response element-linked Luc activity. Gen Physiol Biophys. 26(1):56-61.
45. Seung W. Jee, Dae Y. Hwang, Su J. Seo, Yong K. Kim, Chuel K. Kim, Sun B. Shim, Su H. Lee, Mi K. Jang, Min S. Kim, Su Y. Yim, Sang K. Lee, Byeong C. Kang, In S. Jang, Jung S. Cho (2007) Microarray analysis of insulin-regulated gene expression in the liver: the use of the transgenic mice co-expressing insulin-siRNA and human IDE as a model animal. In J Mol Med 20:829-835.
46. Sun Bo Shim, Se Hyun Lee, Chuel Kyu Kim, Byoung Guk Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee,Ji Soon Sin, Chang Jun Bae, Byoung Chun Lee, Mi Kyung Jang, Jung Sik Cho, Kab Ryong Chae, Dae Youn Hwang (2008) The effects of local and long duration transportation in low temperature cause physiological and biochemical changes indicative of stress, not only leading to regulation of chaperon expression levels but also to much higher possibility of liver disease. Lab Animl. 37(3):121-126.
47. Dae Youn Hwang, Ji Soon Sin, Min Sun Kim, Su Youn Yim, Yong Kyu Kim, Chuel Kyu Kim, Byoung Guk Kim, Sun Bo Sshim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chang Jun Bae, Byoung Chun Lee, Mee Kyoung Jang, Jung Sik Cho and Kab Ryong Chae (2008) Overexpression of human selenoprotein M differentially regulated the concentrations of antioxidants and H2O2, the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and the composition of white blood cells in a transgenic rat. In J Mol Med 21(2):169-179.
48. Sun Bo Shim, Se Hyun Lee, Kab Ryong Chae, Chuel Kyu Kim, Dae Youn Hwang, Byoung Guk Kim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Chang Jun Bae, Byoung Chun Lee, Yong Kyu Kim (2008) Nicotine Leads to Improvements in Behavioral Impairment and an Increase in the Nicotine Acetylcholine Receptor in Transgenic Mice. Neurochem. Res. 33(9):1783-1788.
49. Kim S, Hwang J, Lee WH, Hwang DY, Suk K (2008) Role of protein kinase Cdelta in paraquat-induced glial cell death. J Neurosci Res. 86(9):2062-2070.
50. Hyun Seob Um, Eun Bum Kang, Yea Hyun Leem, In Ho Cho, Chun Ho Yang, Kab Ryong Chae, Dae Youn Hwang and Joon Yong Cho (2008) Exercise trainings act as a therapeutic strategy for reduction of the pathogenic phenotypes for Alzheimer’s disease in an NSE/APPsw-transgenic model. Int J Mol Med 22(4):529-539.
51. SunBo Shim, SeHyun Lee, CheulKyu Kim, ByoungGuk Kim, SeungWan Jee, SuHae Lee, JiSoon Sin, ChangJoon Bae, Jong Min Woo, JungSik Cho, EonPil Lee, HaeWook Choi, HongSung Kim, JaeHo Lee, YoungJin Jung, ByungWooK Cho, KabRyong Chae and DaeYoun Hwang (2009) Effects of Air Transportation Cause Physiological and Biochemical Changes Indicative of Stress Leading to Regulation of Chaperone expression Levels and Corticosterone Concentration. Exp. Anim 58(1):11-17 .
52. Yuk DY, Lee YK, Nam SY, Yun YW, Hwang DY, Choi DY, Oh KW, Hong JT (2009) Reduced anxiety in the mice expressing mutant (N141I) presenilin 2. J Neurosci Res. 87:522-531.
53. SuYoun Lim, KabRyong ChaeSunBo Shim, JinTae Hong, JungY Park, ChungYul Lee, HongJu Son, YhunYong Sheen and DaeYoun Hwang (2009) ERK activation induced by selenium treatment were significantly dawnregulated β / γ -secretase activity and Tau phoshorylation in the transgenic rat overexpressing human selenoprotein M. In J Mol Med 24:91-96.
54. Su Youn Yim, You Jin Lee, Yoen Kyung Lee, Seung Eun Jung, Ji Ha Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Hak Jin Kim, Beung Gu Son, Young Hoon Park, Young Guen Lee, Young Whan Choi and Dae Youn Hwang (2009) Gomisin N isolated from Schisandra chinensis was significantly induced anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in the hepatic carcinoma. Mol Med Rep 2:725-732.
55. Hong Sung Kim, Jong Tae Kim, Young Jin Jung, Dae Youn Hwang, Hong Joo Son, Jae Beom Lee, Su Chak Ryu and Sang Hun Shin (2009) Preparation and Characterization of Nanofibrous Membranes of Poly(D,L-lactic acid)/Chitin Blend for Guided Tissue Regenerative Barrier. Macromolecular Research 17(9): 682-687.
56. Hong Sung Kim, Sang Min Park, Sang Jun Yoon, Dae Youn Hwang, and Young Jin Jung (2009) Effect of Lithium Bromide on Chitosan/Fibroin Blend. Polymer (Korea) 33(5):509-513.
57. Park KH, Lee OM, Jung HI, Jeong JH, Jeon YD, Hwang DY, Lee CY, Son HJ. (2010) Rapid solubilization of insoluble phosphate by a novel environmental stress-tolerant Burkholderia vietnamiensis M6 isolated from ginseng rhizospheric soil. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 86:947-955.
58. Joon Y. Cho, Hyun S. UM, Eun B. Kang, In H. Cho, Chul H. Kim, Jung S. Cho, Dae Y. Hwang (2010) The combination of exercise training and α -lipoic acid treatment has therapeutic effects of on the pathogenic phenotypes of Alzheimer's disease in NSE/APPsw-transgenic mice. Int J Mol Med 25(3):337-46.
59. Jong Min Woo, So Jung Park, Ho Il Kang, Byoung Guk Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Chang Joon Bae, Mee Kyung Jang, Chung Hee Cho, Dae Youn Hwang, Chuel Kyu Kim (2010) Characterization of the changes in global gene expression in the brain of NSE/human Tau23 transgenic mice in response to the overexpression of Tau protein. Int J Mol Med 25:667-675.
60. Chang-Joon Bae, Sun-Bo Shim, Seung-Wan Jee, Su-Hae Lee, Mi-Ran Kim, Jae-Won Lee, Chang-Kyu Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang (2010) IL-6, VEGF, KC and RANTES are a major cause of a high irritant dermatitis to phthalic anhydride in C57BL/6 inbred mice. Allergology International 59:389-397.
61. Jin-Ha Jeong, Ki-Hyun Park, Dong-Joo Oh, Dae-Youn Hwang, Hong-Sung Kim, Chung-Yeol Lee, Hong-Joo Son (2010) Keratinolytic enzyme-mediated biodegradation of recalcitrant feather by a newly isolated Xanthomonas sp. P5. Polymer Degradation and Stability 95:1969-1977.
62. Hak-Jin Kim, Dong-Wook Son, Jong-Min Park, Dae Youn Hwang, Chang-Youn Mo, Sang-Won Park, Giyoung Kim, and Jong-Bang (2010) Application of an in situ Bismuth-coated Glassy Carbon Electrode for Electroanalytical Determination of Cd (II) and Pb (II) in Korean Polished Rices. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 19(5): 1211-1217.
63. Lee YJ, Choi IS, Park MH, Lee YM, Song JK, Kim YH, Kim KH, Hwang DY, Jeong JH, Yun YP, Oh KW, Jung JK, Han SB, Hong JT (2011) 4-O-methylhonokiol attenuated memory impairment of presenilin 2 mutant mice through reduction of oxidative damages and inactivation of astrocytes and ERK pathway. Free Radic Biol Med. 50:66-77.
64. Yoen Kyung Lee, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, Jun Seo Goo, Sun Il Choi, Young Hwan Choi, Chang Jun Bae, Jong Min Woo, Jung Sik Cho and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Differential regulation of biosynthesis of glucose transporters by the PI3-K and MAPK of the insulin signaling pathway with treatment by novel compounds from Liriope platyphylla. Int J Mol Med 27(3):319-327.
65. Chang Joon Bae, Jae Won Lee, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Hee Sook Bae, Chang Kyu Lee, Jin Tae Hong, Sun Bo Shim and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Detection of allergenic compounds using a IL-4/Luciferase/CNS-1 transgenic mice model. Toxicol Sci 120(2):349-359.
66. Dae Youn Hwang, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chang Jun Bae, Jun Seo Goo, Jee Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, Sun Il Choi, Hae Ryun Lee, Sun Bo Shim, Mi Hee Park, Jin Tae Hong and Hye Sung Kim (2011) A β -42 deposition significantly increases the insolubility of synaptophysin in the brains of hAPPsw/hPS2m double transgenic mice. Int J Mol Med 28:223-229.
67. Bae CJ, Lee JW, Shim SB, Jee SW, Lee SH, Woo JM, Lee CK, Hwang DY. (2011) GATA binding protein 3 overexpression and suppression significantly contribute to the regulation of allergic skin inflammation. Int J Mol Med 28:171-179.
68. Jin Woo Ahn, Dae Youn Hwang, Gyeung-ho Kim, and Hye Sung Kim (2011) Corrosion Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Magnesium Powder with Milling Time Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Kor J Met Mater 49(6):454-461.
69. Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, Sun Il Choi, In Sik Hwang, Hye Ryun Lee, Min Ju Jang, Chung Yeol Lee, Hong Ju Soon, Hee Seob Lee, Hae Sung Kim, Byeong Cheol Kang, Jin Tae Hong and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Aqueous extracts of Liriopeplaty phylla are tightly-regulated by insulin secretion from pancreatic islets and by increased glucose uptake through glucose transporters expressed in liver hepatocytes. Biomolecules & Therapeutics 19(3):348-356.
70. So Hee Nam, Su Jin Seo, Jun Seo Goo, Jee Eun Kim, Sun Il Choi, Hae Ryun Lee, In Sik Hwang, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chang Jun Bae, Jung Youn Park, Hye Sung Kim, Sun Bo Shim and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Pen-2 overexpression induces A β -42 production, memorial defect, motor acticity enhancement and feeding behavior dysfuction in NSE/Pen-2 transgenic mice. Int J Mol Med 28:961-971.
71. Soo Jeong Choi, Jung Hee Lee, Young Hee Lee, Dae Youn Hwang, Han Do Kim (2011) Synthesis and Properties of Polyurethane-Urea-Based Liquid Bandage Materials. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 121; DOI 10.1002/app.34135.
72. Choi IS, Lee YJ, Choi DY, Lee YK, Lee YH, Kim KH, Kim YH, Jeon YH, Kim EH, Han SB, Jung JK, Yun YP, Oh KW, Hwang DY, Hong JT. (2011) 4-O-Methylhonokiol Attenuated Memory Impairment Through Modulation of Oxidative Damage of Enzymes Involving Amyloid- β Generation and Accumulation in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 27(1):127-141.
73. Hanjun Kim; Sehoon Won; Dae Youn Hwang; Jeong-sook Lee; Minseong Kim; Rocky Kim; Wantae Kim; Boksik Cha; Taeyoon Kim; Daesoo Kim; Frank Costantini, Eek-hoon Jho (2011) Down-regulation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling causes degeneration of hippocampal neurons in vivo. Neurobiology of Aging 32(12):2316.e1-2316.e15.
74. Park MH, Choi DY, Jin HW, Yoo HS, Han JY, Oh KW, Han SB, Hwang DY, Hong JT (2012) Mutant Presenilin 2 Increases β -Secretase Activity Through Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 71(2):130-139.
75. In Sik Hwang, Jee Eun Kim, Sun Il Choi, Hae Ryun Lee, Young Ju Lee, Min Ju Jang, Hong Ju Son, Hee Seob Lee, Chung Hun Oh, Bae Hwan Kim, Sang Hak Lee, Dae Youn Hwang (2012) UV radiation-induced skin aging in hairless mice was effectively prevented by the oral intake a seabuckthorn (HippophaerhamnoidesL.) fruit blend for 6 weeks through the MMP suppression and the increase of SOD activity. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 30:392-400.
76. Jee Eun Kim, Sun Guen Kim, Jun Sue Goo, Da Jeong Park, You Jin Lee, In Sik Hwang, Hae Ryun Lee, Sun Il Choi, Young Ju Lee, Chung Hun Oh, Young Hwan Choi, Dae Youn Hwang (2012) The a-iso-cubebenol compound isolated from Schisandra chinensis induce p53-independent pathway-mediated apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Oncology Report. 28:1103-1109.
77. Sun Il Choi, Jun Seo Goo, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, In Sik Hwang, Hye Ryun Lee, Young Ju Lee, Hong Joo Son, Hee Seob Lee, Jong Sup Lee, Hak Jin Kim and Dae Youn Hwang (2012) Differential effects of the steaming time and frequency for manufactured red Liriope platyphylla on nerve growth factor secretion ability, nerve growth factor receptor signaling pathway and regulation of calcium concentration. MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 6:1160-1170.
78. Ji Eun Kim, Sun Il Choi, Hye Ryun Lee, In Sik Hwang, Young Ju Lee, Beum Soo An, Sang Hak Lee, Hak Jin Kim, Byeong Cheol Kang, and Dae Youn Hwang (2012) Selenium significantly inhibits adipocyte hypertrophy and abdominal fat accumulation in OLETF rats via induction of fatty acid b-oxidation. Biol Trace Elem Res. 150:360-370.
79. Lee HR, Kim JE, Goo JS, Choi SI, Hwang IS, Lee YJ, Son HJ, Lee HS, Lee JS, Hwang DY. (2012) Red Liriope platyphylla contains a large amount of polyphenolic compounds which stimulate insulin secretion and suppress fatty liver formation through the regulation of fatty acid oxidation in OLETF rats. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 30:905-913.
80. Hwa Ja Lim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chul Ju Lim, Jin Tae Hong, Yhun Yong Sheen and Dae Youn Hwang (2012) Green tea catechin leads to global improvement among Alzheimer’s disease-related phenotypes in NSE/hAPP-C105 Tg mice. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 24:1302-1313.
81. Hwang IS, Kim JE, Lee YJ, Kwak MH, Choi YH, Kang BC, Hong JT, Hwang DY (2013) Protective effects of gomisin A isolated from Schisandra chinensis against CCl4-induced hepatic and renal injury. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 31:888-898.
82. Young Ju Lee, Ji Eun Kim, In Sik Hwang, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Beum Soo An, Hyeog Soong Kwon, Byoung Chul Kim, Seon Jong Kim, Joo Man Kim and Dae Youn Hwang (2013) Alzheimer's phenotypes induced by overexpression of human presenilin 2 mutant proteins stimulate significant changes in key factors of glucose metabolism Mol Med Report 7:1571-1578.
83. Goo JS, Kim YB, Shim SB, Jee SW, Lee SH, Kim JE, Hwang IS, Lee YJ, Kwak MH, Lim CJ, Hong JT, Hwang DY. (2013) Nicastrin Overexpression in Transgenic Mice Induces Aberrant Behavior and APP Processing. Mol Neurobiol. 48:232-243.
84. Chang-joon Bae; ki-duk song; su-chan lee; jae-hun jung; cheol-heui yun; chang-kyu lee; hak-kyo lee; dae-youn hwang, woon kyu lee (2013) Phthalic anhydride-induced skin inflammation is augmented in KLF10-deficient mice. Journal of Dermatological Science 71(3):221-224.
85. Fangfang Sun, Hyun Gu Kang, Su-Chak Ryu, Ji Eun Kim, Enoch Y. Park, Dae Youn Hwang and Jaebeom Lee (2013) Guided Bone Regeneration Using a Flexible Hydroxyapatite Patch. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 9:1914-1920.
86. Moon Hwa Kwak, JiEunKim, In Sik Hwang, Young Ju Lee, Bum Su An, Jin Tae Hong, Sang Hak Lee and Dae Youn Hwang (2013) Quantitative evaluation of therapeutic effect of Liriope platyphylla on phthalic anhydride-induced atopic dermatitis in IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 Tg mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 148:880-889.
87. Jun Seo Goo, Yo Na Kim, Kyung Mi Choi, In Sik Hwang, Ji eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Chul Ju Lim, Je Kyung Seong and DaeYoun Hwang (2013) Proteomic analysis of kidneys from selenoprotein M transgenic rats in response to increased bioability of selenium. Clinical Proteomics 10(1):10.
88. Byung Ju Song, Jin Woo Ahn, Kwon Koo Cho, Jae Seung Roh, Dong Yun Lee, Yong Suk Yang, Jae Beom Lee, Dae Youn Hwang, and Hye Sung Kim. 2013) Electrical and Mechanical Properties as a Processing Condition in Polyvinylchloride Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 13:7723-7727.
89. Kim JE, Lee YJ, Kwak MH, Ko J, Hong JT, Hwang DY. (2013) Aqueous extracts of Liriope platyphylla induced significant laxative effects on loperamide-induced constipation of SD rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 13:333.
90. In Sik Hwang, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Mun Hwa Kwak, Hong Gu Lee, Hye Sung Kim, Hee Seup Lee and Dae Youn Hwang (2013) Growth sensitivity in the epiphyseal growth plate, liver and muscle of SD rats is significantly enhanced by treatment with a fermented soybean product (cheonggukjang) through stimulation of growth hormone secretion. Molecular Medicine Reports 9:166-172.
91. Young Ju Lee, Ji Eun Kim, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Dong Seob Kim, Hong Joo Son and Dae Youn Hwang (2014) Quantitative evaluation of the therapeutic effect of fermented soybean products containing a high concentration of GABA on phthalic anhydride-induced atopic dermatitis in IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 Tg mice. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 33: 1184-1194. ( 책임 ) (SCI)
92. In Sik Hwang, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Hong Joo Son, Dong Sup Kim, Dae Youn Hwang (2014) Fermented soybean product (Cheonggukjang) improved some attributes of protein and growth hormone measurements in Sprague-Dawley rats. Nutrition Research 34:355-367 ( 책임 ) (SCI)
93. Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Geum Yong Sung, Soon Hong Kwon, Hong Joo Son, Hee Seob Lee, Young Jin Jung and Dae Youn Hwang (2014) Cellulose film regenerated from Styela clava tunics have biodegradability, toxicity and biocompatibility in the skin of SD rats. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine. 25(6):1519-1530. ( 책임 ) (SCIE)
94. YOUNG JU LEE, JI EUN KIM, MOON HWA KWAK, JUN GO, SEUNG YUN YANG, HYEOG SOONG KWON, BYOUNG CHUL KIM, JOO MAN KIM and DAE YOUN HWANG (2014) Selenium treatment could significantly suppress the enhancement of tumor necrosis factor-a-induced cell death and Tau hyperphoshorylation in neuroblastoma cells. Molecular Medicine Reports 10:1869-1874 ( 책임 )(SCIE)
95. Yona Kim, Jun Seo Goo, Il Yong Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Sun Bo Shim, Jin Tae Hong, Dae Youn Hwang and Je Kyung Seong (2014) Identification of Responsible Proteins for Increased Bioability of Selenium in Brain from Transgenic Rat Overexpressing Selenoprotein M. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 34: 1688-1698 ( 책임 ) (SCI)
96. Lee NR, Lee SM, Cho KS, Jeong SY, Hwang DY, Kim DS, Hong CO, Son HJ (2014) Improved Production of Poly- γ -Glutamic Acid by Bacillus subtilis D7 Isolated from Doenjang, a Korean Traditional Fermented Food, and Its Antioxidant Activity. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 173:918-923 ( 공동 )
97. H-M Yun, MH Park, DH Kim, YJ Ahn, K-R Park, TM Kim, NY Yun, YS Jung, DY Hwang, DY Yoon, SB Han and JT Hong (2014) Loss of presenilin 2 is associated with increased iPLA2 activity and lung tumor development. Oncogen. 33: 5193-5200 ( 공동 )(SCI)
98. Hwang JH, Lee KS, Joo JK, Wang T, Son JB, Park JH, Hwang DY, Choi MH, Lee HG. (2014) Identification of biomarkers for endometriosis in plasma from patients with endometriosis using a proteomics approach. Mol Med Rep. 10: 725-730 ( 공동 )(SCIE)
99. Gumhye Jeon, Jinmu Jung, Seunghyun Lee, Keum-Yong Seong, Dae Youn Hwang, Hyeong Soong Kwon, Byoung Chul Kim, Joo Man Kim, Jin Kon Kim, and Seung Yun Yang ( 2014) Free-Standing Polyimide Nanotips on Substrates for Preparation of Hollow TiO2 Nanotips. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15, 1 - 4, ( 공동 )(SCI)
100. Gumhye Jeon, Jong-Sik Moon, Seunghyun Lee, Jae-Ho Lee, Beum-Soo An, Dae Youn Hwang, Hong Sung Kim, Young Jin Jung, Jin Kon Kim, Seoung Yun Yang (2014) Individually aligned tubular ZnO nanostructures on solid substrates. Materials Letters 137:373-377 ( 공동 )(SCI)
101. YONA KIM, JUN SEO GOO, IL YONG KIM, JI EUN KIM, MOON HWA KWAK, JUN GO, SUNBO SHIM, JIN TAE HONG, DAE YOUN HWANG and JE KYUNG SEONG (2014) Identification of Responsible Proteins for Increased Bioability of Selenium in Brain from Transgenic Rat Overexpressing Selenoprotein M. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 34: 1688-1698. ( 책임 )(SCI)
102. Zhou H, Choi SI, Zou F, Oh S, Kim JE, Hwang DY, Lee J. (2014) Cytotoxicity and gene expression in sarcoma 180 cells in response to spiky magnetoplasmonic supraparticles. ACS Appl Mater & Interfaces. 6(22):19680-19689 ( 책임 )(SCI)(5.9)
103. Ka Ram Kim, Soon Hong Kwon, Dae-Youn Hwang and Hye Sung Kim (2014) The Effect of Sintering Pressure on the Microstructure and Properties of a Nanocrystalline Magnesium Alloy in Spark Plasma Sintering. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 65(10): 1669-1674. ( 공동 )(SCI)
104. Byung Ju Song, Woo Jin Song, Jun Hyun Han, Ka Ram Kim, Su Jong Yoon, Tae Gyu Kim, Jin Kon Kim, Hyun Cho, Gyeung-Ho Kim, Dae Youn Hwang, and Hye Sung Kim (2014) Microstructure and Properties of Silicon-Incorporated DLC Film Fabricated Using HMDS Gas and RF-PECVD Process. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14:9124 - 9130. ( 공동 )(SCI)
2015 년
105. Moon Hwa Kwak, Ji Eun Kim, Jun Go, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Hong Joo Son, Hye Sung Kim, Young Hyun Yun, Young Jin Jung and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Bacterial cellulose membrane produced by Acetobacter sp. A10 for burn wound dressing applications. Carbohydrate Polymers. 122:387-398 ( 책임 )(SCI)(IF 3.9)
106. Ji Eun Kim, Jaewook Lee, Minji Jang, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Eun Kyoung Kho, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Seong, Jaebeom Lee and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Accelerated healing of cutaneous wound using phytochemically stabilized gold nanoparticles deposited hydrocolloid membrane. Biomaterials Science. 3(509):509-519 책임 (SCIE)
107. TAO WANG, JI-NA LIM, JAE-SUNG LEE, SANG-BUM LEE, JIN-HEE HWANG, U-SUK JUNG, MIN-JEONG KIM, DAE-YOUN HWANG, SANG-RAK LEE, SANG-GUN ROH and HONG-GU LEE (2015) Effects of dietary trans-9 octadecenoic acid, trans-11 vaccenic acid and cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid in mice. Mol Med Rep 12:3200-3206 (SCIE)( 공동 )
108. Jun Kim, Eun-Jin Kang, Mee-Na Park, Ji-Eun Kim, Seung-Chul Kim, Eui-Bae Jeung, Geun-Shik Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Beum-Soo An (2015) The adverse effect of 4-tert-octylphenol on fat metabolism inpregnant rats via regulation of lipogenic proteins. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 40: 284 - 291 (SCI)( 공동 )
109. Ji Eun Kim, So Hae Park, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Sung, Hee Seob Lee, Jin Tae Hong and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Characterization of changes in global genes expression in the distal colon of loperamide-induced constipation SD rats in response to the laxative effects of Liriope platyphylla. PLOS ONE 10(7):eo129664 (SCIE)( 교신 )
110. Hwang CJ, Yun HM, Park KR, Song JK, Seo HO, Hyun BK, Choi DY, Yoo HS, Oh KW, Hwang DY, Han SB, Hong JT (2015) Memory Impairment in Estrogen Receptor α Knockout Mice Through Accumulation of Amyloid- β Peptides. Mol Neurobiol. 52:176-186 ( 공동 )(SCI)
111. Mao X, Kwon J, Koh EK, Hwang DY, Lee J (2015) Ligand Exchange Procedure for Bimetallic Magnetic Iron-Nickel Nanocrystals toward Biocompatible Activities. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 7(28): 15522-30( 공동교신 )(6.723)
112. Jaewook Lee, JiEun Kim, Jun Go, Jong Ho Lee, Dong-Wook Han, Dae Youn Hwang, Jaebeom Lee (2015) Transdermal treatment of the surgical and burned wound skin via phytochemical-capped gold nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 135:166-174. ( 공동교신 )(4.15)
113. Jeon G, Jung J, Lee S, Seong KY, Hwang DY, Kwon HS, Kim BC, Kim JM, Kim JK, Yang SY (2015) Free-Standing Polyimide Nanotips on Substrates for Preparation of Hollow TiO2 Nanotips. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 15(7):5207-5210. SCI( 공동 )
114. Seoung Mo Koo, Gyung-ho Kim, Dae Youn Hwang, Hye Sung (2015) KimMechanical Milling Behavior of Pure Magnesium Powder.
Korean J. Met. Mater. 53(10):721~728. SCIE ( 공동 )
115. EUN JIN KANG, JAE-EON LEE, SUNG-MIN AN, JAE HO LEE, HYEOG SOONG KWON, BYOUNG CHUL KIM, SEON JONG KIM, JOO MAN KIM, DAE YOUN HWANG, YOUNG-JIN JUNG, SEUNG YUN YANG, SEUNG CHUL KIM and BEUM-SOO AN (2015) The effects of vitamin D3 on lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue of pregnant rats. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 36(4):1151-1158 ( 공동 )
116. Sang-Mee Lee, Ye-Ram Lee, Kwang-Sik Cho, Young-Nam Cho, Hyun A Lee,Dae-Youn Hwang, Young-Jin Jung, Hong-Joo Son (2015)Stalked sea squirt (Styela clava) tunic waste as a valuable bioresource:Cosmetic and antioxidant activities. Process Biochemisrty 50:1977-1984.
117. Moon Hwa Kwak, Ji Eun Kim, Jun Go, Hong Joo Son, Hee Seob Lee, Jin Tae Hong and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Therapeutic effects of Red Liriope platyphylla on atopic dermatitis induced by phthalic anhydride were successfully evaluated the quantitative comparison between the luciferase signal and general phenotype biomarkers in IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 transgenic mice response. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. (Accept)
118. Jun Go, Ji Eun Kim, Moon Hwa Kwak, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Sung, Dong Sup Kim, Jin Tae Hong and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Neuroprotective effects of Fermented soybean products (Cheonggukjang) manufactured by mixed culture of Bacillus subtilis MC31 and Lactobacillus sakei 383 showed n europrotective effects in mice with trimethyltin-induced cognitive defects. Nutri Neurosci. (Accept)
119. Ji Eun Kim, Jun Go, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Dong Seob Kim, Hong Joo Son, Hee Seob Lee, Cung Yeoul Lee, Jin Tae Hong, and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Suppressive effects of diosgenin on skin inflammation induced by phthalic anhydride in IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 transgenic mice. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. (Accept)
120. Hyun A Lee, Eun Kyoung Koh, Ji Eun Sung, Ji Eun Kim, Sung Hwa Song, Dong Sup Kim, Hong Joo Son, Chung Yeoul Lee, Hee Seob Lee, Chang Joon Bae and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Ethyl acetate extract from Asparagus cochinchinensis exerts anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophage cells by regulating COX-2/iNOS, inflammatory cytokines expression, MAP kinase pathway, cell cycle, and antioxidant activity. Mol Med Rep. (Accept)
121. Ji Eun Sung, Ji Eun Kim, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Hyun A Lee and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Age related response of IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 transgenic mice to phthalic anhydride exposure. Archives of Biological Sciences. (Accept)
122, Hwang, C.J., Park, M.H., Choi, M.K., Choi, J.S., Oh, K.W., Hwang, D.Y., Han, S.B. & Hong, J.T. 2016, “Acceleration of amyloidogenesis and memory impairment by estrogen deficiency through NF-κB dependent beta-secretase activation in presenilin 2 mutant mice”, Brain Behav Immun, vol. 53, pp. 113-122.
123. S, J.E., Kim, J.E., Koh, E.K., Song, S.H., Lee, H.A. & Hwang, D.Y. 2015, “Age related response of IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 transgenic mice to phthalic anhydride exposure”, Archives of Biological Sciences, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 145-154.
124. Go, J., Kim, J.E., Koh, E.K., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Lee, Y.H., Lim, Y., Hong, J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Protective Effect of Gallotannin-Enriched Extract Isolated from Galla Rhois against CCl₄-Induced Hepatotoxicity in ICR Mice”, Nutrients, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 107.
125. Hwang, C.J., Park, M.H., Hwang, J.Y., Kim, J.H., Yun, N.Y., Oh, S.Y., Song, J.K., Seo, H.O., Kim, Y.B., Hwang, D.Y., Oh, K.W., Han, S.B. & Hong, J.T. 2016, “CCR5 deficiency accelerates lipopolysaccharide-induced astrogliosis”, amyloid-beta deposit and impaired memory function. Oncotarget, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 11984-11999.
126. Lee H.L., Park M.H., Song J.K., Jung Y.Y., Kim Y., Kim K.B., Hwang D.Y., Yoon D.Y., Song M.J., Han S.B. & Hong J.T. 2016, “Tumor growth suppressive effect of IL-4 through p21-mediated activation of STAT6 in IL-4Rα overexpressed melanoma models”, Oncotarget, vol. 7, no. 17, pp. 23425-23438.
127. Kim, J.E., Go, J., Koh, E.K., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Kim, D.S., Son, H.J., Lee, H.S., Lee, C.Y., Hong, J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2015, “Diosgenin effectively suppresses skin inflammation induced by phthalic anhydride in IL-4/Luc/CNS-1 transgenic mice. Bioscience”, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, vol. 21, pp. 891-901.
128. Kim H.J., Park S.Y., Kim D.G., Park S.H., Lee H., Hwang D.Y., Jung M.H., Ha K.T. & Kim B.J. 2016, “Effects of the Roots of Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang on Gastrointestinal Motility Function”, J Ethnopharmacol, vol. 184, pp. 144-153.
129. Hwang C.J., Lee H.P., Choi D.Y., Jeong H.S., Kim T.H., Lee T.H., Kim Y.M., Moon D.B., Park S.S., Kim S.Y., Oh K.W., Hwang D.Y., Han S.B., Lee H.J. & Hong J.T. 2016, “Inhibitory effect of thiacremonone on MPTP-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration through inhibition of p38 activation”, Oncotarget, vol. 7, no. 30, pp. 46943-46958.
130. Koo, S.M., Kim, K.R., Yang, Y.S., Hwang D.Y & Kim H.S. 2016, “Effect of Degassing Parameters on the Microstructure and Properties of Nanocrystalline Magnesium Alloys in Spark Plasma Sintering”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, vol. 69, no 3, pp. 354-360.
131. Kim, J.E., Go, J., Koh, E.K., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Lee, Y.H., Hong, J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Gallotannin-Enriched Extract Isolated from Galla Rhois May Be a Functional Candidate with Laxative Effects for Treatment of Loperamide-Induced Constipation of SD Rats”, PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 9.
132. Koh, E.K., Kim, J.E., Go, J., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Son, H.J., Jung, Y.J., Kim, B.H., Jung Y.S., & Hwang D.Y. 2015, “Protective effects of antioxidative extract collected from Styela clava tunics on UV radiation-induced skin aging in hairless mice”, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, vol. 38, pp. 1565-1577.
133. Shin, Y.C., Shin, D.M., Lee, E.J., Lee, J.H., Kim, J.E., Song, S.H., Hwang, D.Y., Lee, J.J., Kim, B.J., Lim, D.H., Hyon, S.H., Lim, Y.J. & Han D.W. 2016, “Hyaluronic Acid/PLGA Core/Shell Fiber Matrices Loaded with EGCG Beneficial to Diabetic Wound Healing”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, vol. 5, pp. 3035-3045.
134. Go, J., Kim, J.E., Kwak, M.H., Koh, E.K., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Kim, D.S., Hong J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Neuroprotective effects of Fermented soybean products (Cheonggukjang) manufactured by mixed culture of Bacillus subtilis MC31 and Lactobacillus sakei 383 showed neuroprotective effects in mice with trimethyltin-induced cognitive defects”, Nutri Neurosci, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 247-259.
135. KIM, J.E., KOH, E.K., SONG, S.H., SUNG, J.E., LEE, H.A., LEE, H.G., CHOI, Y.W. & HWANG, D.Y. 2017, “Effects of five candidate laxatives derived from Liriope platyphylla on the 5-HT receptor signaling pathway in three cell types present in the transverse colon”, Mol Med Rep, vol. 15, pp. 431-441.
136. Kim, J.E., Go, J. Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Youn, W.B., Hong, J.T. & Hwang D.Y. 2016, “Uridine stimulate laxative effect in the loperamide-induced constipation of SD rats through regulation of the mAChRs signaling pathway and mucin secretion”, BMC Gastroenterol, vol. 17, no. 21, pp. 1-13.
137. Song, S.H., Choi, S.M., Kim, J.E. Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Choi, Y.H., Bae, C.J., Choi, Y.W. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “α-Isocubebenol alleviates scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment by repressing acetylcholinesterase activity”, Neuroscience Letters, vol. 638, pp. 121?128.
138. Lee, H.A., Koh, E.K., Sung, J.E., Kim, J.E., Song, S.H., Kim, D.S., Son, H.J., Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.S., Bae C.J. & Hwang D.Y. 2015, “Ethyl acetate extract from Asparagus cochinchinensis exerts anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophage cells by regulating COX-2/iNOS, inflammatory cytokines expression, MAP kinase pathway, cell cycle, and antioxidant activity”, Mol Med Rep, vol. 15, no 4, pp. 1613-1623.
139. Kim, M., Kim, W.B., Koo, K.Y., Kim, B.R., Kim, D., Lee, S., Son, H.J., Hwang, D.Y., Kim, D.S., Lee, C.Y. & Lee, H. 2017, “Optimal Fermentation Conditions of Hyaluronidase Inhibition Activity on Asparagus cochinchinensis Merrill by Weissella cibaria”, J Microbiol Biotechn, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 701-708.
140. Song, S.H., Kim, J.E., Go, J., Koh, E.K., Sung, J.E., Son, H.J., Jung, Y.J., Kim, H.S., Hong J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2015, “Effects of different cellulose membranes regenerated from Styela clava tunics on wound healing”, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, vol. 39, pp.1173-1187.
141. Wang, C., Oh, S., Lee, H.A., Kang, J., Jeong, K.J., Kang, S.W., Hwang, D.Y. & Lee, J. 2017, “In vivo feasibility test using transparent carbon nanotube-coated polydimethylsiloxane sheet at brain tissue and sciatic nerve”, J Biomed Mater Res A, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 1736-1745.
142. Jeong, K.J., Song, Y., Shin, H.R., Kim, J.E., Kim, J., Sun, F., Hwang, D.Y. & Lee, J. 2017, “In vivo study on the biocompatibility of chitosan-hydroxyapatite film depending on degree of deacetylation”, J Biomed Mater Res A, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 1637-1645.
143. Son, D.J., Jung, Y.Y., Park, M.H., Lee, H.L., Song, M.J., Yoo, H.S., Hwang, D.Y., Han S.B. & Hong J.T. 2017, “Activated Natural Killer Cells Mediate the Suppressive Effect of Interleukin-4 on Tumor Development via STAT6 Activation in an Atopic Condition Melanoma Model”, NeoPlasia, vol. 19, pp. 537-548.
144. Koh, E.K., Kim, J.E., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Kim, K.S., Hong, J.T., & Hwang, D.Y., 2017, “Ethanol extracts collected from the Styela clava tunic alleviate hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) through inhibition of hepatic apoptosis, inflammation, and fibrosis”, J Toxicol Pathol, vol. 30, pp. 291?306.
146. Kwak, M.H., Kim, J.E., Go, J., Son, H.J., Lee, H.S., Hong J.T. & Hwang D.Y. 2017, “Effects of aqueous extract from red Liriope platyphylla on phthalic-anhydride-induced atopic dermatitis in Interleukin-4/Luciferase/Consensus non-coding sequence-1 transgenic mice evaluated in terms of luciferase signal and general phenotype biomarkers”, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vol. 37, no. 4. pp. 475-485.
147. Park, M.H., Yun, H.M., Hwang, C.J., Park, S.I., Han, S.B., Hwang, D.Y., Yoon, D.Y., Kim, S.H. & Hong J.T. 2017, “Presenilin Mutation Suppresses Lung Tumorigenesis via Inhibition of Peroxiredoxin 6 Activity and Expression”, Theranostics, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 3624-3637.
148. Seong, K.Y., Seo, M.S., Hwang, D.Y., Eoin D. O'Cearbhaill, Seamus Sreenan, Jeffrey M. Karp & Yang, S.Y. 2017, “A self-adherent, bullet-shaped microneedle patch for controlled transdermal delivery of insulin”, Journal of Controlled Release, vol. 265, pp. 48-56.
149. Lee, H.A., Song, B.R., Kim, H.R., Kim, J.E., Yun, W.B., Park, J.J., Lee, M.L., Choi, J.Y., Lee, H.S. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Butanol extracts of Asparagus cochinchinensis fermented with Weissella cibaria inhibit iNOS-mediated COX-2 induction pathway and inflammatory cytokines in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophage cells”, EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE, vol. 14, pp. 4986-4994.
150. Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Kim, J.E., Yun, W.B., An, B.S., Yang, S.Y., Kim, D.S., Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.S., Bae, C.J. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Saponin-enriched extract of Asparagus cochinchinensis alleviates airway inflammation and remodeling in ovalbumin-induced asthma model”, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, vol. 40, pp. 1365-1376.
151. Go, J., Kim, J.E., Koh, E.K., Song, S.H., Kang, H.G., Lee, Y.H., Kim, H.D. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Hepatoprotective effect of gallotannin-enriched extract isolated from Galla Rhois on hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells” Pharmacognosy Magazine, vol. 13, no. 50, pp. 294-300.
152. Jung, Y.Y., Kim, K.C., Park, M.H., Seo, Y.S., Park, H.Y., Park, M.H., Chang, J., Hwang, D.Y., Han, S.B., Kim, S.H., Son D.J. & Hong J.T. 2018, “Atherosclerosis is exacerbated by chitinase-3-like-1 in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice”, Theranostics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 749-766.
153. Lee, H.A., Kim, J.E., Sung, J.E., Yun, W.B., Kim, D.S., Lee, H.S., Hong J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Asparagus cochinchinensis stimulates release of nerve growth factor and abrogates oxidative stress in the Tg2576 model for Alzheimer’s disease”, BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. Accept.
154. Go, J., Thi-Kim-Quy, H., Seo, Y.J., Park, T.S., Ryu, Y.K., Park, H.Y., Noh, J.R., Kim, Y.H., Hwang, J.H., Choi, D.H., Hwang, D.Y., Kim, S.H., Lee, C.H., Oh, W.K. & Kim K.S. 2018, “Piperlongumine activates Sirtuin1 and improves cognitive function in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease”, Journal of Functional Foods, vol. 43, pp. 103-111.
155. Song, S.H., Kim, J.E., Koh, E.K., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Yun, W.B., Hong, J.T. & Hwang, D.Y. 2018, “Selenium-loaded cellulose film derived from Styela clava tunic accelerates the healing process of cutaneous wounds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Sprague?Dawley rats”, Journal of Dermatological Treatment, pp. 1471-1753.
156. JUN, S.W., KWON, J.Y., CHUN, S.K., LEE, H.A., LEE, J.B., HWANG, D.Y., DONG, C.Y. & KIM, C.S. 2018, “Modality switching between therapy and imaging based on the excitation wavelength dependence of dual-function agents in folic acid-conjugated graphene oxides”, Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 9, no. 2.
2. 국내논문
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5. Dae Youn Hwang, In Surk Jang, Kab Ryong Cahe, Dong Hwan Shin, Jin Hee Hwang, Chae Hung Lim, Yeon Ju Kim, Bun Jin Kim, Jun S 대 Goo, Yong Kyu Kim, and Jung Sik Cho (2001) Constitutive expression of cytochrome P450 and glutathion S-transferase gene in tissue of several in bred mice. Korean Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 17(1):1-8.
6. In Surk Jang, Kab Ryong Cahe, Yong Kyu Kim, Tae Suok Kang, Jin Hee Hwang, Dae Youn Hwang, Chae Hung Kim, Ju Eun Lee and Jung Sik Cho (2001). Effect of dietary high fat on morphology and active D-glucose transport in rat small intestinal brush border membranes. Korean Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 17(1):65-74.
7. 황대연, 조정식, 김용규, 김영상, 백상기 (2002) 형질전환동물 기법을 이용한 질환모델동물의 활용 . Bulletin Biotechnology CNU 8:56-66.
8. Yong-Ik Lee, Chul-Hyun Kim, Yoon-Man Kim, Yoon-Sun Oh, Dae-Youn Hwang, Yoo-Sung Oh, Kyu-Sung Lee, Joon-Yong Cho (2004) Effects of Excercise Training on Myocadial expression of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Apoptotic Protein in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. 운동영양학회지 8(2):243-250.
9. DY Hwang, JH Oh, YK Kim, SB Shim, SW Jee, SH Lee, SJ S 대, YS Song, KT Nam, JY Cho, Jane Hwang, IS Jang, JS Cho (2005) The overexpression of insulin-siRNA and insulin degrading enzyme decrease insulin levels In vitro and In vivo. Laboratory Animal Research 21(2):96-104.
10. 장인석, 황대연, 채갑용, 이주은, 조정식 (2005) 비만 Zucker(fa/fa) 랫드에서 주령에 따른 지방대사 관련 혈액 생화학성부, 호르몬 및 체지방 합성 유전자의 변화 . Laboratory Animal Research 21(2):96-104.
11. 지승완, 송연숙, 오재호, 김용규, 심선보, 황대연, 이수해, 서수진, 조준용, 조정식 (2005) 알츠하이머 형질전환 마우스의 출생 후 뇌에서 유전자 발현 . Laboratory Animal Research 21(3):199-203.
12. Dae Youn Hwang, Su Jin Seo, Chul Kyu Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Jun Yong Cho, In Surk Jang, Byeong Cheol Kang, Jung Sik Cho (2006) The Insulin Level Was Significantly Decreased in Transgenic Mice Co-overexpressing the Human Insulin Degrading Enzyme And Insulin-siRNA. Laboratory Animal Research 22(1):39-47.
13. Dae Youn Hwang, Chul Kyu Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Yoon Mi Hwang, Su Jin Seo, Hyun Gu Kang, Jung Sik Cho (2006) Survey on Current Status of Laboratory Animals for Establishing New National Policy I. General Status. Laboratory Animal Research 22(1):49-53.
14. Sun Bo Shim, Dae Youn Hwang, Chul Kyu Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Yoon Mi Hwang, Se Hyun Lee, Su Jin Seo, Hyun Gu Kang, Jung Sik Cho (2006) Survey on Current Status of Laboratory Animals for Establishing New National Policy II. Animal Quality Control. Laboratory Animal Research 22(1):55-60.
15. Dae Youn Hwang, Su Jin Seo, Chuel Kyu Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Mee Kyung Jang, In Surk Jang, Sang-Koo Lee, and Jung Sik Cho (2006) The Selenium is Significantly Activated the ER Stress Signaling Pathway in the Diabetes-susceptible NOD Mice. Laboratory Animal Research 22(2):129-134.
16. Seung Wan Jee, Dae Youn Hwang, Chuel Kyu Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Yoon Mi Hwang, Jin Hee Park, Hyun Gu Kang, Jung Sik Cho (2006) Survey on Current Status of Laboratory Animals for Establishing New National Policy. III. Facility Status. Laboratory Animal Research 22(3):249-254.
17. Su Hae Lee,Dae Youn Hwang, Chuel Kyu Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Ji Soon Sin, Yoon Mi Hwang, Su Jin Seo, Hyun Gu Kang, Jung Sik Cho (2006) Survey on Current Status of Laboratory Animals for Establishing New National Policy. Ⅳ . Status of Animal Management. Laboratory Animal Research 22(3):255-260.
18. Sun Bo Shim, Sae Hyun Lee, Dae Youn Hwang, Chul Kyu Kim, Bung Guk Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Chang Jun Bae, Byoung Chun Lee, Mi Kyong Jang, Min Sun Kim, Su Youn Yim, Jung Sik Cho and Kab Ryong Chae (2007) Significant change of stress-related proteins and gene profile in the liver of short-term ground transported animals Laboratory Animal Research 23(1): 37-43.
19. Dae Youn Hwang, Ji Soon Sin, Yong Kyu Kim, Chul Kyu Kim, Byung Guk Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chang Jun Bae, Byoung Chun Lee, Mi Kyong Jang, Min Sun Kim, Su Youn Yim, Jung Sik Cho, and Kab Ryong Chae (2007) Differential interaction between Selenoprotein M and apoptosis-related proteins in HEK 293 cell and Transgenic rat overexpressing the Human Selenoprotein M. Laboratory Animal Research 23(3):231-238.
20. Chul Kyu Kim, Dae Youn Hwang, Byung Guk Kim, Seung Wan Jee, Yong Kyu Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Chang Jun Bae, Byoung Chun Lee, Jin Hee Park, Se Heon Lee, Jung Sik Cho, Hyoung Jin Kim, young Cheol Kang, and Kab Ryong Chae (2007) Survey on current status out-of-the way laboratory animal resources for establishing national policy. Laboratory Animal Research 23(3):211-222.
21. Byoung Chun Lee, Mee Kyung Jang, Kab Ryong Chae, Dae Youn Hwang, Byoung Guk Kim,Seung Wan Jee, Sun Bo Shim, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Chang Jun Bae,Jong-Min Woo, Jung Sik Cho, Kwang Soo Joo and Chuel Kyu Kim (2008) Survey on the Current Status of Laboratory Animal Quality Control Program in Korea. Laboratory Animal Research 24(1):9-17.
22. Byoung Chun Lee, Mee Kyung Jang, Jong-Kun Seo, Jin-Ho Kang, Kab Ryong Chae, Dae Youn Hwang, Byoung Guk Kim, Seung Wan Jee, Sun Bo Shim, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Chang Jun Bae,Jong-Min Woo and Chuel Kyu Kim (2008) Bacterial Composition of Respiratory Organs and Intestine in Mice and Rats. Laboratory Animal Research 24(1):19-26.
23. Chang Joon Bae, Min Sun Kim, Su Youn Yim, Dae Youn Hwang, Cheul Kyu Kim, Byoung Guk Kim,Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Ji Soon Sin, Byoung Chun Lee, Jong Min Woo,Mee Kyung Jang and Kab Ryong Chae (2008) Phthalic Anhydride Can Induce the Difference on Skin Inflammation and Interleukin-4 expressionin BALB/c, TG2576 and NOD Mice. Laboratory Animal Research 24(1):27-31.
24. Young Jin Jung, Byung Jae An, Dae Youn Hwang, Han Do Kim, Soo Min Park, Hyun Cho, and Hong Sung Kim (2008) Preparation and properties of regenerated cellulosic biomaterial made from styela clava tunics. Biomaterial Research 12(2):71-76.
25. Hyun-Gu Kang, Ill-Hwa Kim, Hyung-Jin Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang, Seung-Wan Jee, and Gyu-Jin Noh (2008) A female hermahprodite american cocker spaniel dog with sry-negative XX sex reversal. J. Emb. Trans. 23(2):119-125.
26. Hyun Sub Eum, Eun Bum Kang, Yea-Hyun Lim, Jong Rok Lee, In Ho Cho, Young Soo Kim, Kab Ryong Chae, Dae Yean Hwang, Yi Sub Kwak, Yoo Sung Oh and Joon Yong Cho (2008) The effect of exercise training on A β -42, BDNF, GLUT-1 and HSP70 proteins in a NSE/APPsw-transgenic mice model for Alzheimer's disease. Korean Journal of Life Science 18(6):796-803.
27. Ji Soon Sin, Su Youn Yim, Yeon Kyung Lee, Chul Kyu Kim, Byung Guk Kim, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chang Jun Bae, Jong-Min Woo, Sang Seop Kim, Mi Kyong Jang, Jung Sik Cho, Sung Man Kim, Chung Yeol Lee, Kab Ryong Chae and Dae Youn Hwang (2008) Effects of Selenoprotein M and Selenium on the Mitogen-Activated Kinase Pathway in the Kidney of Transgenic Rat Overexpressing the Human Selenoprotein M. Laboratory Animal Research 24(3):303-310.
28. Yoen Kyung Lee, Seung Eun Jung, Ji Ha Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Hyun Ku Kang, Jung Sik Cho, Jun-Gyo Suh and Dae Youn Hwang (2009) Current Status of the Management Program for Animal Model of Disease in an Advanced Country. Laboratory Animal Research 25(1):79-85.
29. Yoen Kyung Lee, Seung Eun Jung, Ji Ha Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Hyun Ku Kang, Jung Sik Cho, Jun-Gyo Suh and Dae Youn Hwang (2009) Current Status of Disease Model Importation from Foreign Countries into Korea. Laboratory Animal Research 25(2):181-186.
30. 이미랑, 도경탁, 한정주, 문소현, 강한석, 김선구, 신택순, 이홍구, 황대연, 김용균, 손시환, 최나은, 김병우, 조병욱 (2009) Amount of Telomeric DNA on Lymphocytes in Senescence Mouse by Quantitative Fluorescence in situ Hybridization. Journal of Life Science 19(1):1463-1467.
31. 김정도, 정호일, 정진하, 박기현, 전영동, 황대연, 이충열, 손홍주 (2009) 정치배양을 이용하여 Acetobacter sp. V6 의 셀룰로오스생산 최적화 및 구조 분석, The Korean Journal of Microbiology, 45(3):275-280.
32. Yoen Kyung Lee, Su Youn Yim, Seung Eun Jung, Ji Ha Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Eon Pil Lee, Hae Wook Choi, Hong Sung Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Jung Sik Cho, and Dae Youn Hwang (2009) The Costimulation of Selenium Treatment and Selenoprotein M Overexpression Significantly Induced the Up- and Down-regulation of ERK MAPK Signaling Pathway in Various Tissues. Laboratory Animal Research 25(3):201-205.
33. Young Jin Jung, Seung Eun Jung, Yeon Kyeung Lee, Ji Ha Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Eon Pil Lee, Hae Wook Choi, Hong Sung Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Byeong Chuel Kang and Dae Youn Hwang (2009) Biodegradation and Toxicity of Regenerated Cellulose Films Prepared from the Tunicate Styela Clava. Biomaterials Research 13(3):87-92.
34. Teug-Jae Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Chung-Yeol Lee, and Hong-Joo Son (2009) Changes in Yeast Cell Number, Total Acid and Organic Acid during Production and Distribution. Processes of Makgeolli, Traditional Alcohol of Korea 45(5) 391-396.
35. Jang-Young Jeong, Byoung-Keol Ryu, Hae-Young Yang, Sun-Young Kang, Dae Youn Hwang and In-Surk Jang (2009) Effect of dietary supplementation of Pleurotus eryngii on blood lipid profiles, body fat deposition and intestinal microvilli enzymes in rats. Laboratory Animal Resaerch 25(4):347-353.
36. Lee JH, Choi HW, Jung YJ, Hwang DY, Choi YH, Lee EP (2010) Application of cotelomer type surfactants in the disperse dyeing. Textile Science and Emgineering 47(1):41-47.
37. So Hee Nam, Seung Eun Jung, Yoen Kyung Lee, Ji Eun Kim, Eon Pil Lee, Hae Wook Choi, Hong Sung Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Chung Yeol Lee, Hong Ju Son, Hyun Woong Lee, Jung Sik Cho and Dae Youn Hwang (2010) Topical Application of Selenium can Significantly Relieve UV-induced Skin Aging in Hairless Mice. Laboratory Animal Research 26(1):37-45.
38. Dong Joo Oh, Chung Yeol Lee, Seong man Kim, Guan Ying Li, Su Ji Lee, Dae Yon Hwang, Hong Joo Son and Jun Yeon Won (2010) Effects of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthesis Characteristics by Planting Positions and Growth Stage in Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 18(2):65-69.
39. Jae Ho Lee, Chang Hwang Noh, Hae Wook Choi, Young Jin Jung, Dae Youn Hwang, Eon Pil Lee (2010) Fine structure and physical properties of chitosan/PVA blend films. Textile Science and Emgineering 47 (2):92-101.
40. Ji Ha Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Yoen Kyung Lee, So Hee Nam, Youn Kyung Her, Seoung Wan Jee, Sun Guen Kim, Da Jung Park, Young Whan Choi and Dae Youn Hwang (2010) The extracts from Liriope platyphylla significantly stimulated insulin secretion in the HIT-T15 pancreatic β -cell line. Life Science 20(7): 1027-1033.
41. Yeon Kyung Lee, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, Sun il Choi, Eon Pil Lee, Hae Wook Choi, Hong Sung Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Byeong Cheol Kang, Jung Sik Cho, and Dae Youn Hwang (2010) The Bone Grinding and Scaffold Grafting for Guide Bone Regeneration Were Significantly Induced the Stress on the Brain of SD Rat for Two Weeks. Laboratory Animal Research 26(3):233-239.
42. Sun Il Choi, Jee Hee Park, Youn Kyng Her, Yoen Kyung Lee, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, Jun Seo Goo, Min Ju Jang, Hee Sup Lee, Hong Ju Son, Chung Yeol Lee, and Dae Youn Hwang (2010) Effects of Water Extract of Liriope platyphylla on the mRNA expression and Protein Secretion of Nerve Growth Factors. Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 18(5):291-297.
43. Ji Eun Kim, Yoen Kyung Lee, So Hee Nam, Sun Il Choi, Jun Seo Goo, Min Ju Jang, Hee Sup Lee, Hong Ju Son, Chung Yeol Lee, and Dae Youn Hwang (2010) The Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis in NC/Nga Mice Were Significantly Relieved by the Water Extract of Liriope Platyphylla. Laboratory Animal Research 26(4):323-457.
44. Min Sun Kim, Jun Seo Goo, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, Sun Il Choi, Hae Ryeon Lee, In Sik Hwang, Sun Bo Shim, Seung Wan Jee, Su Hae Lee, Chang Joon Bae, Jung Sik Cho, Jun Yong Cho and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Overexpression of Insulin Degrading Enzyme Could Greatly Contribute to Insulin Downregulation Induced by Short-term Swimming Exercise. Laboratory Animal Research 27(1):29-36.
45. Sun Il Choi, Hye Ryun Lee, Jun Seo Goo, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, In Sik Hwang, Young Ju Lee, So Hae Prak, Hee Seob Lee, Jong Sup Lee, In Surk Jang, Hong Ju Son and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Effects of Steaming Time and Frequency for Manufactured Red Liriopeplatyphyllaonon the Insulin Secretion Ability and Insulin Receptor Signaling Pathway. Laboratory Animal Research 27(2):117-126.
46. Young Mi Choi, In Soo Choi, Sang Mong Lee, Dae Youn Hwang, Young whan Choi and Young Hoon Park (2011) Transcriptomic Analysis of Gomisin A Effects on the Recovery of carbon tetrachloride-induced damage in Rat Liver. Laboratory Animal Research 27(2):161-169.
47. Na-Ri Lee, Jin-Ha Jeong, Sung-Bo Park, Seong-Yun Jeong, Dae-Youn Hwang, Hong-Sung Kim, Hong-Joo Son (2011) Antimicrobial Activity and Coloration of Environment-Friendly Biopolymer, Bacterial Cellulose. Journal of the Environmental Sciences 20(7):899-905.
48. Jong Ho Lee, Tae Gon Jung, Dae Youn Hwang, Hyun-Gu Kang, Jong-Chul Park, Dong-Wook Han and Suong-Hyu Hyon (2011) Evaluation of Wound Closure and Antihemorrhagic Efficiency of Medical Adhesive Composed of Aldehyded Dextran and Poly(L-lysine) Biomaterials Research 15(3):129-135.
49. Sun Il Choi, Seung Wan Jee, Youn Kyng Her, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, In Sik Hwang, Hye Ryun Lee, Jun Seo Goo, Young Ju Lee, Eon Pil Lee, Hae Wook Choi, Hong Sung Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Su Hae Lee, Sun Bo Shim and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Overexpression of TMP21 Could Induce not only Downregulation of TrkA/ERK Phosphorylation but also Upregulation of p75NTR/RhoA expression on NGF Receptor Signaling Pathway. J Life Sci 21(8):1134-1141.
50. Jeong-Do Kim, Sung-Bo Park, Na-Ri Lee, Jin-Ha Jeong, Hee-Seob Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Jong-Sup Lee, Seong-Yun Jeong, and Hong-Joo Son (2011) Isolation and Characterization of Plant-Derived Lactic Acid Bacteria as Potential Probiotic. Korean J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 39(3):308 - 312.
51. So Hee Nam, Sun Il Choi, Jun Seo Goo, Ji Eun Kim, In Sik Hwang, Hye Ryun Lee, Young Ju Lee, Hong Gu Lee, Young Hwan Choi and Dae Youn Hwang (2011) LP-M, a novel butanol-extracts isolated from Liriopeplatyphylla, could induce the neuronal cell survival and neuritic outgrowth in hippocampus of mice through Akt/ERK activation on NGF signal pathway. Journal of Life Science 21(9):1234-1243.
52. Sung-Bo Park, Jeong-Do Kim, Na-Ri Lee, Jin-Ha Jeong, Seong-Yun Jeong, Hee-Seob Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Jong-Sup Lee and Hong-Ju Son (2011) Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory and antioxidative activities. Journal of Life Science 21(10):1428-1433.
53. Young Ju Lee, Jun Seo Goo, Ji Eun Kim, So Hee Nam, In Sik Hwang, Sun Il Choi, Hye Ryun Lee, Eon Phil Lee, Hae Wook Choi, Hong Sung Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Hak Jin Kim, Dae Youn Hwang (2011) Peroxiredoxin I regulates the component expression of γ -secretase complex causing the Alzheimer’s disease. Laboratory Animal Research 27(4):293-299.
54. So-Young Choi, Jae-Sik Hwang, Ill-Hwa Kim, Dae-Yeon Hwang, Hyun-Gu Kang (2011) Basic data on the hematology, serum biochemistry, urology, and organ weights of beagle dogs. Laboratory Animal Research 27(4):283-291.
55. Se Mi Kang, Chang Hwan Noh, Dae Youn Hwang, Young Jin Jung, Hae Wook Choi, Eon Pil Lee and Jae Ho Lee (2012) Fine structure and physical properties of chitosan/sericin blend films. Textie Science and Engineering 49(1):66-74.
56 . Ji Eun Kim, In Sik Hwang, Jun Seo Goo, So Hee Nam, Sun Il Choi, H ae Ryun Lee, Young Ju Lee, Yoon Han Kim, Se Jin Park, Nahm-Su Kim, Young Hwan Choi and Dae Youn Hwang (2012) LP9M80-H isolated from Liriope platyphylla could help alleviate diabetic symptoms via the regulation of glucose and lipid concentration. Journal of Life Science 22(5):634-641.
57. Hye-Ryun Lee, In-Sik Hwang, Ji-Eun Kim, Sun-Il Choi, Young-Ju Lee, Jun-Seo Goo, Eon-Pil Lee, Hae-Wook Choi, Hong-Sung Kim, Jae-Ho Lee, Young-Jin Jung, Dae-Youn Hwang (2012) Altered expression of γ -secretase components in animal model of major depressive disorder induced by reserpine administration. Laboratory Animal Research 28(2):109-114.
58. Jun-Seo Goo, Mee-Kyung Jang, Sun-Bo Shim, Seung-Wan Jee, Su-Hae Lee, Chang-Jun Bae, Songhee-Park, Kwang-Je Kim, Ji-Eun Kim, In-Sik Hwang, Hae-Ryun Lee, Sun-Il Choi, Young-Ju Lee, Chul-Joo Lim, Dae-Youn Hwang (2012) Monitoring of antibiotic resistance in bacteria isolated from laboratory animals. Laboratory Animal Research 28(2):141-145.
59. Sun-Il Choi, Jun-Seo Goo, Ji-Eun Kim, In-Sik Hwang, Hye-Ryun Lee, Young-Ju Lee, Hong-Joo Son, Hee-Seob Lee, Jong-Sup Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang (2012) Effects of Red Liriope platyphylla on NGF secretion ability, NGF receptor signaling pathway and γ -secretase components in NSE/hAPPsw transgenic mice expressing Alzheimer’s Disease. Laboratory Animal Research 28(3):155-163.
60. Eon Pil Lee, Se Mi Kang, Dae Youn Hwang, Young Jin Jung, Hae Wook Choi, Yong Ho Choi, and Jae Ho Lee (2012) Preparation and surface-active properties of viny; acetate cotelomers (I). J Kor Sco Cloth Ind 14(4):677-683.
61. Ji-Eun Kim, In-Sik Hwang, Sun-Il Choi, Hye-Ryun Lee, Young-Ju Lee, Jun-Seo Goo, Hee-Seob Lee, Hong-Ju Son, Min-Ju Jang, Sang-Hak Lee, Byeong-Cheol Kang, Dae-Youn Hwang (2012) Aqueous extract of Liriope platyphylla, a traditional Chinese medicine, significantly inhibits abdominal fat accumulation and improves glucose regulation in OLETF type II diabetes model rats. Laboratory Animal Research 28(3): 181-191.
62. Won Baek Kim, So Hae Park, Hye Sun Hwang, Jung Yoon Woo, Hye Ryun Lee, Dae Youn Hwang, Hee Seob Lee (2012) Antioxidative activities and whitening effects of solvent fraction from Prunus davidiana (Carriere) Franch. Fruit. Journal of Korean Society Food Science and Nutrition, 41(10):1363-1370.
63. Sun-Il Choi, Ji-Eun Kim, In-Sik Hwang, Hye-Ryun Lee, Young-Ju Lee, Moon-Hwa Kwak, Hong-Joo Son, Hee-Seob Lee, Jong-Sub Lee, Byeong-Cheol Kang, Dae-Youn Hwang (2012) Toxicity of red Liriope platyphylla manufactured by steaming process on liver and kidney organs of ICR mice. Laboratory Animal Research 28(4):229-238.
64. Sun Il Choi1, Ji Eun Kim1, In Sik Hwang1, Hye Ryun Lee1, Young Ju Lee1 Hong Joo Son2, Dong Sup Kim, Kyu Min Park and Dae Youn Hwang (2012) Effects of Chungkookjang Extract on Growth Hormone Secretion from GH3 Mouse Pituitary Cell and Growth Hormone Receptor Signaling Pathway. Journal of Life Science 22(9):1243-1253.
66. So-Yon Mann, Eun-Ah Kim, Ga-Young Lee, Ro-Ui Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang, Hong-Joo Son and Dong-Seob Kim (2013) Isolation and Identification of GABA-producing Microorganism from Chungkookjang. Journal of Life Science 23(1):102-109.
67. Young Ju Lee, So Hee Nam, Ji Eun Kim, In Sik Hwang, Hye Ryun Lee, Sun Il Choi, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jae Ho Lee, Young Jin Jung, Beum Soo Ann, Dae Youn Hwang. Construction and In Vitro Study of Prx 6/Luc Vector System for Screening Antioxidant compounds in the transgenic mice. Journal of Life Science 23(2):167-174.
68. Na-Ri Lee, Tae-Hun Go, Sang-Mee Lee, Chang-Oh Hong, Kyu-Min Park, Geun-Tae Park, Dae-Youn Hwang, and Hong-Joo Son (2013) Characteristics of Chungkookjang Prepared by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens with Different Soybeans and Fermentation Temperatures. Korean Journal of Microbiology. 49(1):71-77.
69. Na-Ri Lee, Sung-Bo Park, Sang-Mee Lee, Tae-Hun Go, Dae-Youn Hwang, Dong-Seob Kim, Seong-Yun Jeong and Hong-Joo Son (2013) Characteristics of white soybean chungkookjang fermented by Bacillus subtilis D7. Journal of Life Science 23(4):529-536.
70. So-Yon Mann, Eun-Ah Kim, Ga-Young Lee, Ro-Ui Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang, Hong-Joo Son, Byong-Won Lee, Chung-Yeol Lee and Dong-Seob Kim (2013) Characterization of chungkookjang produced by Bacillus subtillus MC31. Journal of Life Science 23(4):560-568.
71. Moon Hwa Kwak, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Sung Hwa Song, Jun Go, Jae Won Lee, Jung Hun In, Eun Jung Kim, Young Jin Jung, Young Hyun Yun, and Dae Youn Hwang (2013) Development and Efficacy Study of Hydrocolloid Membrane Containing Cuttlefish Bone for Wound Treatment. Biomaterials Research 17(2):73-81.
70. Hye-Ryun Lee, Ji-Eun Kim, Young-Ju Lee, Moon-Hwa Kwak, Dong-Soon Im, Dae-Youn Hwang (2013) Red Liriope platyphylla stimulated the insulin secretion through the regulation of calcium concentration in rat insulinoma cells and animal models. Lab Anim Res 29(2):84-95.
71. Ji-Eun Sung, Moon-Hwa Kwak, Ji-Eun Kim, Young-Ju Lee, Ro-Ui Kim, Eun-Ah Kim, Ga-Young Lee, Dong-Seob Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang (2013) Therapeutic effects of fermented soycrud on phenotypes of atopic dermatitis induced by phthalic anhydride. Lab Anim Res 29(2):103-112.
72. Young-Ju Lee, Ji-Eun Kim, Moon-Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Hong-Joo Son, Dong-Seob Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang (2013) In vitro and in vivo study of effects of fermented soybean product (chungkookjang) on NGF secretion ability and NGF receptor signaling pathway. Lab Anim Res 29(2):113-126.
73. 이나리, 고태훈, 박성보, 이상미, 황대연, 김동섭, 박근태, 손홍주 (2013) Bacillus subtilis 에 의한 발아 및 미발아 황태 청국장 발효 . Korean J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 41(2):60 - 167.
74. Na-Ri Lee, Ga-Young Woo, Jun-Hyeok Jang, Sang-Mee Lee, Tae-Hun Go, Hee-Sup Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Hong-Joo Son (2013) Antioxidant Production by Bacillus methylotrophicus Isolated from Chungkookjang, Korean Traditional Fermented Food. Journal of Environmental Science International 22(7):855-862.
75. Jun Go, Sun Il Choi, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Eun Kyung Ko, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Sung, Dae Youn Hwang (2013) Effect of Reserpine on the Behavioral Defects, A β -42 Deposition and NGF metabolism in Tg2576 Transgenic Mouse Model for Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Life Science 23(6):812-824.
76. Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Seung Hyun Lee, Hee Seob Lee, Hong Joo Son, Young Jin Jung, Dae Youn Hwang (2013) Property and efficacy analysis of hydrocolloid membrane containing Styela Clava Tunic on the wound repair of skin in SD rats. Biomaterials Research 17(3):91-101.
77. Sun-Il Choi, Jun Go, Ji-Eun Kim, Young-Ju Lee, Moon-Hwa Kwak, Young-Jin Jung, Dae-Youn Hwang (2013) Precautionary effects of Red Liriope platyphylla on NGF secretion and A β 42 deposition under the preclinical stage of Alzheimer's disease in Tg2576 mice. Lab Anim Res 29(4):212-220.
78. Sang-Mee Lee, Eun-Jin Kang, Tae-Hun Go, Seong-Yun Jeong, Geun-Tae Park, Hee-Sup Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Young-Jin Jung, Hong-Joo Son (2014) Screening of Biological Activity of Solvent Extract from Styela clava Tunic for Fishery Waste Recycling. Journal of Environmental Science International. 23(1):89-96.
79. Ji-Eun Kim, Young-Ju Lee, Moon-Hwa Kwak, Go Jun, Eun-Kyoung Koh, Sung-Hwa Song, Ji-Eun Seong, Ji-Won Kim, Kyu-Bong Kim, Suhkmann Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang (2014) Metabolomics approach to serum biomarker for loperamide-induced constipation in SD rats. Lab Anim Res 30(1), 35-43. ( 교신 )
80. Kwang-Sik Cho, Sang-Mee Lee, Seong-Yun Jeong, Geun-Tae Park, Hee-Sup Lee, Dae-Youn Hwang, Young-Jin Jung, Hong-Joo Son (2014) Static Culture Condition for Production of Bacterial Cellulose, Environment-Friendly Functional Material, by Acetic Acid Bacteria. Journal of Environmental Science International. 23(5); 895~902 ( 공동 )
81. In Sik Hwang, Eun Kyoung Koh, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Ji Eun Sung, Sung Hwa Song and Dae Youn Hwang (2014) Effects of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Fruit Extract on the Apoptosis of Skin Fibroblast Induced by UV Radiation. Journal of Life Science 24(5); 467-475 ( 교신 )
82. Eun Kyoung Koh, Young Ju Lee, Ji Eun Kim, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Hong Joo Son, Hee Seob Lee, Young Jin Jung and Dae Youn Hwang (2014) Protective Effects of Aqwueous Extracts of Styela Clava Tunic Against Apoptosis of HepG2 Cells Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide. Journal of Life Science 24(6); 595-602 ( 교신 )
83. Kyung Hui Jeong, In Sik Hwang, Ji Eun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Young Hee Lee, Jae Ho Lee, Dae Youn Hwang and Young Jin Jung (2014) Anti-bacterial Effects of Aqueous Extract Purified from the Immature Cone of Red Pine (Pinus densiflora). Textile Coloration and Finishing 26(1) 45-52 ( 공동교신 )
84. Keum Yong Seong, Eun Kyung Go, Seung Hyun Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Hee Seob Lee, Hong Joo Son, Dae Youn Hwang and Young Jin Jung (2014) Preparation and Characterization of High Absorptive Cellulose Film Derived from Styela Clava Tunic for Wound Dressing. Polymer(Korea) ( 공동교신 )
85. Young Ju Lee, Ji Eun Kim, Moon Hwa Kwak, Jun Go, Hong Joo Son, Dong Sup Kim, Byeong Cheol Kang, Hee Seob Lee, and Dae Youn Hwang (2014) Toxicity of Fermented Soybean Product (cheonggukjang) Manufactured by Mixed Culture of Bacillus subtilis MC31 and Lactobacillus sakei 383 on Liver and Kidney of ICR Mice. Lab Anim Res 30(2):54-63( 교신 )
85. Jun Kim, Eun-Jin Kang, Mee-Na Park, Jae-Eon Lee, So-Hye Hong, Sung-Min An, Seung-Chul Kim, Dae-Youn Hwang, and Beum-Soo An (2014) Adverse effects of 4-tert-octylphenol on the production of oxytocin and hCG in pregnant rats. Lab Anim Res 30(3), 123-130. ( 공동 )
86. Na Young An, Ji-Eun Kim, Dae Youn Hwang, Ho Kyung Ryu (2014) Anti-diabetic effects of aqueous and ethanol extract of Dendropanax morbifera Leveille in streptozotocin-induced diabetes model. Journal of Nutrition and Health 47(6): 394 ~ 402 ( 공동 )
2015 년
87. Young Ju Lee, Eun Kyoung Koh, Ji Eun Kim, Jun Go, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Seong, Hong Joo Son, Byeong Cheol Kang and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Beneficial effects of ethanol extracts of Red Liriope platyphylla on vascular dysfunction in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Lab Anim Res 30(3), 123-130. ( 교신 )
88. Keum-Yong Seong, Eun-Kyoung Koh, Seunghyun Lee, Moon Hwa Kwak, Hong Joo Son, Hee Seob Lee, Dae Youn Hwang and Young Jin Jung (2015) Preparation and Characterization of High Absorptive Cellulose Film Derived from Styela Clava Tunic for Wound Dressing. Textile Coloration and Finishing 27(1): 70-79 ( 공동 )
89. Keum-Yong Seong, Seunghyun Lee, Sang-Gu Yim, Hong Joo Son, Young-Hee Lee, Dae Youn Hwang and Young Jin Jung (2015) Study for Biodegradability of Cellulose Derived from Styela clava tunics. Textile Coloration and Finishing 27(2): 149-154 ( 공동 )
90. Eun Hae Lee, Jun Go, Ji Eun Kim, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Sung, Chan Kyu Park, Hyun A Lee and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Therapeutic Effect of Hydrocolloid Membrane Contain Liriope platyphylla Extracts on the Burn Wound of SD Rats. Journal of Life Science 25(5); 523-532 ( 교신 )
91. Sang Mee Lee, Ye Ram Lee, Kwang Sik Cho, Soo Yun Park, Eun Young Jang, Dae Youn Hwang, Young Jin Jung and Hond Joo Son (2015) Antioxidantive and antihypertensive activities of solvent extract from Styela clava Tunic, fishery waste. Journal of Environmental Science International 27(7): 917-925. ( 공동 )
92. Jun Go1, Ji-Eun Kim, Eun-Kyoung Koh, Sung-Hwa Song, Ji-Eun Seung1, Chan-Kyu Park, Hyun-Ah Lee, Hong-Sung Kim, Jae-Ho Lee, Beum-Soo An, Seung-Yun Yang, Yong Lim, Dae-Youn Hwang (2015) Hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of gallotannin-enriched extract isolated from Galla Rhois in ICR mice. Lab Anim Res 31(3), 101-110 ( 교신 )
93. Eun-Kyoung Koh, Ji-Eun Sung, Ji-Eun Kim, Jun Go, Sung-Hwa Song, Hyun-Ah Lee, Hong-Joo Son, Young-Jin Jung, Yong Lim, Dae-Youn Hwang (2015) Toxicity of antioxidative extract collected from Styela clava tunics in ICR mice. Lab Anim Res 31(3), 125-133. ( 교신 )
94. Eun Ji Seo, Jun Go, Ji Eun Kim, Eun Kyoung Koh, Sung Hwa Song, Ji Eun Sung, Chan Kyu Park, Hyun Ah Lee, Dong Seob Kim, Hong Joo Son, Cung Yeoul Lee, Hee Seob Lee and Dae Youn Hwang (2015) Suppressive Effects of Epigallocatechin Gallate Pretreatment on the expression of Inflammatory Cytokines in RAW264.7 Cells Activated by Lipopolysaccharide. Journal of Life Science 25(9):961~969. ( 교신 )
95. Min-Hae Song, Eu-Chul Shin, Dae-Youn Hwang, In-Surk Jang (2015) Effects of lutein or lutein in combination with vitamin C on mRNA expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes and status of the antioxidant system in SD rats. Lab Anim Res 31(3), 117-124 ( 공동 )
96. Kim, J.E., Go, J., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Seo, E.J., Yun, W.B. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Laxative effects of Liriope platyphylla are tightly correlated with suppression of endoplasmic reticulum stress in loperamide-induced constipation of SD rats”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 32, no. 1 pp. 16-23.
97. Song, S.H., Kim, J.E., Go, J., Koh, E.K., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Choi, K.M., Kim, H.D., Jung, Y.S., Kim, K.S. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Comparison of the response using ICR mice derived from three different sources to ethanol/hydrochloric acid-induced gastric injury”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 56-64.
98. Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Kim, J.E., Go, J., Seo, E.J., Yun, W.B., Kim, D.S., Son, H.J., Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.S.& Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Therapeutic effect of ethyl acetate extract from Asparagus cochinchinensis on phthalic anhydride-induced skin inflammation”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 34-45.
99. Lee, H.A., Kim, J.E., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Jung, M.G., Kim, D.S., Son, H.J., Lee, C.Y., Lee H.S. & Hwang D.Y. 2016, “Effects of Aqueous Extract from Asparagus cochinchinensis on Regulation of Nerve Growth Factor in Neuronal Cells”, J Life Sci, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 509-518.
100. Kim, M.J., Kim, W.B., Hwang, J.H., Kim, S., Kim, B.R., Koo, K.Y., Son, H.J., Hwang, D.Y., Jung, Y.J. & Lee H.S. 2016, “Characterization of Styela clava Tunic after Alkaline Treatment”, J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 690-695.
101. Hong, S.H., Lee, J.E., Kim, H.S., Jung, Y.J., Hwang, D.Y., Lee, J.H., Yang, S.Y., Kim, S.C., Cho, S.K. & An, B.S. 2016, “Effect of vitamin D3 on production of progesterone in porcine granulosa cells by regulation of steroidogenic enzymes”, The Journal of Biomedical Research, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 203-208.
102. Koh, E.K. Yun, W.B., Kim, J.E., Song, S.H., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Seo, E.J., Jee, S.W., Bae, C.J. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Beneficial effect of diosgenin as a stimulator of NGF on the brain with neuronal damage induced by Aβ-42 accumulation and neurotoxicant injection”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 105-115.
103. Kwak, M.H., Yun, W.B., Kim, J.E., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Seo, E.J., Nam, G.I., Jung, Y.J. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Development and Application of a Novel Mammalian Cell Culture System for the Biocompatibility and Toxicity of Polymer Films and Metal Plate Biomaterials”, Journal of Life Science, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 633-639.
104. Kim, J.E., Yun, W.B., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Choi, J.Y., Choi, Y.S., Jung, Y.S., Kim, K.S., Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Characterization the response of Korl:ICR mice to loperamide induced constipation”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 235-244.
105. Yun, W.B., Park, J.J., Kim, J.E., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Lee, J.H., Bae, C.J. & Hwang, D.Y. 2016, “Overexpression of N141I PS2 increases γ-secretase activity through up-regulation of Presenilin and Pen-2 in brain mitochondria of NSE/hPS2m transgenic mice”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 253-260.
106. Kim, S.I., Lee, S.M., Lee, C.Y., Son, H.J., Hwang, D.Y., Lee, H.S. & Kim D.S. 2016, “Antimicrobial Activity and Characteristics of Asparagus Cochinchinensis Fermented With Lactic Acid Bacteria”, Food Eng Prog, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 278-284.
107. Koo, K.Y., Kim, W.B., Park, S.H., Kim, M.J., Kim, B.R., Hwang, J.H., Kim, M.J., Son, H.J., Hwang, D.Y., Kim, D.S., Lee, C.Y. & Lee H.S. 2016, “Antioxidative Properties of Asparagus cochinchinensis Root”, J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 524-532.
108. Lee, J.A., Kim, I.H., Hwang D.Y. & Kang, H.G. 2016, “Ultrasonography, Affected Age, Hematology and Clinical Signs according to Open or Closed Cervix in Dogs with Pyometra”, J Vet Clin, vol. 33m no. 6, pp. 362-367.
109. Ryu, J.J., Kim, H.I., Hwang D.Y. & Kang H.G. 2016, “Combination Chemotherapy of Carboplatin and Cyclophosphamide in a Dog with Mammary Tumors Metastasized to the Lungs”, J Vet Clin, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 395-399.
110. Hong S.H., Lee J.E., An S.M., Shin Y.Y., Hwang D.Y., Yang S.Y., Cho S.K., An B.S. 2017, “Effect of Vitamin D3 on Biosynthesis of Estrogen in Porcine Granulosa Cells via Modulation of Steroidogenic Enzymes”, Toxicol Res, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 49-54.
111. Yun, W.B., Lee, Y.C., Kim, D.S., Kim, J.E., Sung, J.E., Lee, H.A., Son, H.J., Hwang, D.Y. & Jung Y.J. 2017, “The Preparation of Mask-pack Sheet Blended with Styela clava tunics and Natural Polymer”, Textile Coloration and Fishing, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 45-54.
112. Lee, S.M., Kim, S.I., Kang, M.S., Lee, C.Y., Hwang, D.Y., Lee, H.S. & Kim D.S. 2017, “Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Steamed and Fermented Asparagus cochinchinenesis”, Food Eng. Prog, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 143-149.
113. Kim, J.E., Nam, J.H., Cho, J.Y., Kim, K.S. & Hwang D.Y. 2017, “Annual tendency of research papers used ICR mice as experimental animals in biomedical research fields”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 171-178.
114. Yun, W.B., Kim, H.T., Kim, J.E., Choi, J.Y., Lee, M.R., Park, J.J., Song, B.R., Jung, Y.S., Song, H.K., Cho, J.Y., Kim, K.S. & Hwang D.Y. 2017, “Comparative study of fertilization rates of C57BL/6NKorl and C57BL/6N mice obtained from two other sources”, Lab Anim Res 2017, vol. 33 no. 2, pp. 179-186.
115. Sung, J.E., Kim, J.E., Lee, H.A., Yun, W.B., Choi, J.Y., Lee, M.R., Park, J.J., Kim, H.R., Song, B.R., Jung, Y.S., Kim, K.S. & Hwang D.Y. 2017, “Comparison of therapeutic responses to an anticancer drug in three stocks of ICR mice derived from three different sources”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 187-194.
116. Sung, J.E., Choi, J.Y., Kim, J.E., Lee, H.A., Yun, W.B., Park, J.J., Kim, H.R., Song, B.R., Kim, D.S., Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.S., Lim, Y. & Hwang. D.Y. 2017, “Hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of saponin-enriched extract of Asparagus cochinchinensis in ICR mice”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 57-67.
117. Kim, S.H., Kim, K.J., Kim, J.H., Kwak, J.H., Song, H., Cho, J.Y., Hwang, D.Y., Kim, K.S., Jung, Y.S. 2017, “Comparision of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in the ICR mice of different sources”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 165-170.
118. Kim, S.H., Lim, Y., Park, J.B., Kwak, J.H., Kim, K.J., Kim, J.H., Song, H., Cho, J.Y., Hwang, D.Y., Kim, K.S. & Jung, Y.S. 2017, C“omparative study of fatty liver induced by methionine and choline-deficiency in C57BL/6N mice originating from three different sources”Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, pp. 157-164.
119. Lee, D.Y., Kim, M.H., Suh, H.R., Jung, Y.S., Hwang, D.Y. & Kim, K.S. 2017, “Comparison of the response using ICR mice derived from three different sources to multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 150-156.
120. Hwang, D.J., Song, H.K., Kim, K.S., Jung, Y.S., Hwang, D.Y. & Cho, J.Y. 2017, “Comparative analysis of basal locomotor activity-related metabolic phenotypes between C57BL/6 mice and ICR mice substrains derived from three different sources”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 140-149.
121. Choi, J.Y., Kim, H.R., Kim, K.S., Jung, Y.S., Cho, J.Y., Hwang, D.Y. & Song, H.K. 2017, “Comparative study of the immunological characteristics of three different C57BL/6N mouse substrains”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 124-131.
122. Kim, H.R., Choi, J.Y., Kim, K.S., Jung, Y.S., Cho, J.Y., Hwang, D.Y. & Song, H.K. 2017, “Comparison of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in three different C57BL/6N mouse substrains”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 132-139.
123. Song, H.K. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Use of C57BL/6N mice on the variety of immunological researches”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 119-123.
124. Park, J.J., Kim, J.E., Yun, W.B., Lee, M.L., Choi, J.Y., Song, B.R., Kim, D.S., Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.S., Min Y.L., Jung, W. & Hwang D.Y. 2017, “Hypolipidemic and hypoinsulinemic effect of dietary fiber from agar in high-fat diet fed C57BL/6N mice”, Journal of Life Science, vol. 27, no. 8 pp. 937-944.
125. Lee, M.R., Kim, J.E., Yun, W.B., Choi, J.Y., Park, J.J., Kim, H.R., Song, B.R., Choi, Y.W., Kim, K.M. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Lipolytic effect of novel extracts from mulberry (Morus alba) leaves fermented with Cordyceps militaris in the primary adipocytes derived from SD rats”, Lab Animl Res, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 270-279.
126. Song, B.R., Kim, J.E., Yun, W.B., Lee, M.R., Choi, J.Y., Park, J.J., Kim, D.S., Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.S., Min Y.L., Jung, W., Kim B.H. & Hwang D.Y. 2017, “Beneficial effect of agar mask against skin damages induced by UV exposure in SKH-1 hairless mice. Journal of Life Science”, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 975-985.
127. Li, K., Lee, M.R., Que, L., Li, M., Kang, J.S., Choi, Y.H., Kim, K.M., Jung, J.C., Hwang, D.Y. & Choi, Y.W. 2017, “Lipolysis Effect of Daucosterol Isolated from Mulberry (Morus alba) Leaves”, Journal of Life Science, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 1500-1506.
129. Kim, J.E., Song, B.R., Yun, W.B., Choi, J.Y., Park, J.J., Lee, M.R. & Hwang, D.Y. 2017, “Correlation between laxative effects of uridine and suppression of ER stress in loperamide induced constipated SD rats”, Lab Anim Res, vol. 33 no. 4, pp. 298-307.
3. 발명특허 등록 및 출원
<특허등록 > 12 건
1) 발명의 명칭 : HPVE6 유전자를 발현하는 마우스 수정란
등록번호 : 특허 제 0441202 호 (2004. 5. 27)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 채갑용, 김용규, 임철주, 신동환, 장인석, 황진희, 황대연, 조용연, 김연주, 백상기
2) 발명의 명칭 : PS2 돌연변이 유전자 및 APPsw 유전자를 발현하는 이중 형질전환 치매 마우스
등록번호 : 특허 제 0517831 호 (2005. 9. 22)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 황대연, 백상기
3) 발명의 명칭 : APP/C-105 돌연변이 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매 마우스
등록번호 : 10-0635865 (2006. 10. 12)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 임철주, 오재호, 심선보, 황대연, 지승완, 이수해
4) 발명의 명칭 : hNCTm 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매 마우스
등록번호 : 10-0635878 (2006. 10. 12)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 임철주, 오재호, 심선보, 황대연, 지승완, 이수해
5) 발명의 명칭 : PS2 돌연변이 유전자 및 TAK 유전자를 발현하는 이중 형질전환 치매 마우스
등록번호 : 10-0635884 (2006. 10. 12)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 임철주, 오재호, 심선보, 황대연, 지승완, 이수해
6) 발명의 명칭 : htau24 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매마우스 및 그 제조방법
등록번호 : 10-0734815 (2007. 6. 27)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 김철규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
7) 발명의 명칭 : 인슐린 억제 및 사람 IDE 유전자로 형질전환된 동물 및 그 제조방법
등록번호 : 10-0779761 (2005. 11. 20) ( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 김철규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
8) 발명의 명칭 : 인간 셀레노단백질 M 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환동물
등록번호 : 10-0953759 (2010. 04. 12)
발명자 : 채갑용, 조정식, 김용규, 김철규, 황대연, 김병국, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 신지순, 배창준, 이병춘
9) 발명의 명칭 : 생리활성물질의 함량이 증가된 증숙 맥문동의 제조방법
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10) 발명의 명칭 : 파이토케미컬로 표면처리된 금나노입자를 유효성분으로 함유하는 피부노화방지용 화장료 조성물
등록번호 : 10-1333209 (2013. 11. 20)
발명자 : 이재범 한동욱 황대연 이재욱
11) 발명의 명칭 : 차감동작기법 기반의 심전도 심호의 R 파 검출시스템 및 방법
등록번호 : 10-101420345 (2014. 7. 10)
발명자 : 권혁숭, 조익성, 김주만, 김선종, 김병철, 이재호, 황대연, 안범수
12) 발명의 명칭 : 미더덕껍질 포함 하이드로콜로이드 막의 제조방법
등록번호 : 10-1577398 (2015.12.08)
발명자 : 황대연, 정영진, 곽문화, 고준, 김지은, 이영주, 손홍주, 이희섭
<특허출원 33건 >
1) 발명의 명칭 : IA-2 유전자를 녹아웃시킨 유전자 적중 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2001-0031697 (2001. 6. 7)( 삼성생명공익재단 )
발명자 : 이명식, 신희섭, 김선신, 황대연
2) 발명의 명칭 : HPVE6 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 생쥐
출원번호 : 10-2001-0078140 (2001. 12. 17)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 채갑용, 김용규, 임철주, 신동환, 장인석, 황진희, 황대연, 조용연, 김연주, 백상기
3) 발명의 명칭 : PS2 돌연변이유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2003-0012079 (2003. 2. 26)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 강태석, 황진희, 황대연, 임채형, 백상기
4) 발명의 명칭 : APPsw 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2003-0040171 (2003. 6. 20)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 강태석, 황진희, 황대연, 임채형, 백상기
5) 발명의 명칭 : PS2 돌연변이 유전자 및 APPsw 유전자를 발현하는 이중 형질전환 치매 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2003-0053437 (2003. 8. 1)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 황대연, 백상기
6) 발명의 명칭 : APP/C-105 돌연변이 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2004-00 81016 (2004. 10. 12)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 임철주, 오재호, 심선보, 황대연, 지승완, 이수해
7) 발명의 명칭 : hNCTm 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환 치매 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2004-00 81017 (2004. 10. 12)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 임철주, 오재호, 심선보, 황대연, 지승완, 이수해
8) 발명의 명칭 : PS2 돌연변이 유전자 및 TAK 유전자를 발현하는 이중 형질전환 치매 마우스
출원번호 : 10-2004-00 81018 (2004. 10. 12)( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 임철주, 오재호, 심선보, 황대연, 지승완, 이수해
9) 발명의 명칭 : 인슐린 억제 및 사람 IDE 유전자로 형질전환된 동물 및 그 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2005-0102535 (2005. 10. 28) ( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 김철규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
10) 발명의 명칭 : htau24 유전자를 발현 하는 형질전환 치매마우스 및 그 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2006-0014767 (2006. 2. 15) ( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 조정식, 김용규, 김철규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
11) 발명의 명칭 : 인간 셀레노단백질 M 유전자를 발현하는 형질전환동물
출원번호 : 10-2007-0104737 (2007. 10. 17) ( 식품의약품안전청 )
발명자 : 채갑용, 조정식, 김용규, 김철규, 황대연, 김병국, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 신지순, 배창준, 이병춘
12) 발명의 명칭 : 고미신 N 을 유효성분으로 포함하는 항암용 조성물
출원번호 : 10-2009-0064865(2009. 7. 16) ( 부산대학교 산학협력단 )
발명자 : 최영환, 황대연, 이유진, 박다정
13) 발명의 명칭 : 혈당강하 효능 증진을 위한 맥문동 포제 및 추출방법
출원번호 : 10-2009-00988(2009. 10. 16) ( 부산대학교 산학협력단 )
발명자 : 최영환, 황대연, 이유진, 김선건, 이용주
14) 발명의 명칭 : 다용도 접이식 선반 (folding shelf)
출원번호 : 10-2010-0017699(2010. 02. 26)
발명자 : 조정식, 김승희, 한순영, 심선보, 지승완, 황대연 이수해
15) 발명의 명칭 : 맥문동 추출물을 유효성분으로 포함하는 신경퇴행성질환의 치료 및 예방용 약학적 조성물
출원번호 : 10-2010-0130248(2010. 12. 17)
발명자 : 최영환, 황대연, 남소희, 최선일, 김지은, 김선건, 박다정, 김윤한
16) 발명의 명칭 : 맥문동 추출물, 이의 분획물, 또는 이로부터 분리한 화합물을 유효성분으로 포함하는 항염증 활성을 가지는 조성물
출원번호 : 10-2010-0130183(2010. 12. 17)
발명자 : 최영환, 황대연, 이상준, 김영훈, 박순영, 김선건, 박다정, 김윤한
17) 발명의 명칭 : 파이토케미컬로 표면처리된 금나노입자를 유효성분으로 함유하는 피부노화방지용 화장료 조성물
출원번호 : 10-2011-0058918 (2011. 6. 17)
발명자 : 이재범 한동욱 황대연 이재욱
18) 발명의 명칭 : 생리활성물질의 함량이 증가된 증숙 맥문동의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2011-0064739 (2011. 6. 30)
발명자 : 이희섭, 황대연, 손홍주, 박소해, 김민정, 박정은 김원백
19) 발명의 명칭 : 생리활성물질의 함량이 증가된 증숙 맥문동의 열수 추출물을 포함하는 음료 및 이의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2011-0082164 (2011. 8. 18)
발명자 : 이희섭, 황대연, 손홍주, 박소해, 김민정, 박정은 김원백
20) 발명의 명칭 : 맥문동, 비타민 나무 열매, 콜라겐을 함유한 연질 캡슐 및 이의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2011-0078085 (2011.08.05)
발명자 : 이상학 이희섭 장민주 추석 최은영 이충렬 황대연
21) 발명의 명칭 : 대추 추출물을 포함하는 스포츠 음료 조성물 및 이의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2011-0078087 (2011.08.05)
발명자 : 이상학 이희섭 장민주 추석 최은영 이충렬 황대연
22) 발명의 명칭 : 로스팅 처리된 맥문동 차 티백의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2012-0008136 (2012. 1. 27)
발명자 : 이충렬, 이희섭, 황대연, 하재현
23) 발명의 명칭 : 맥문동과 인삼류를 이용한 장아찌 절임용 사포닌소스 제조 방법 및 이를 이용한 사포닌 장아찌 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2012-0008135 (2012. 1. 27)
발명자 : 이충렬, 이희섭, 황대연, 양휘용
24) 발명의 명칭 : 갑오징어 뼈 분말을 포함하는 상처 치료용 드레싱제 및 이의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2013-0010014 (2013. 1. 29)
발명자 : 황대연, 정영진, 윤영현, 김은정, 김지은, 곽문화, 인정훈, 이재원, 이영주, 황인식
25) 발명의 명칭 : 우렁쉥이 껍질을 포함하는 셀룰로오스 필름 및 이의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2013-0045690 (2013.4.240)
발명자 : 정영진, 황대연, 김해송, 고윤흥, 황인식, 이영주, 성금용, 이승현, 이현유, 최혜진
26) 발명의 명칭 : 저주파 펄스 전자계를 발생시키는 안면 마스크
출원번호 : 10-2013-0090546 (2013. 07. 30)
발명자 : 김병철, 황대연, 안범수, 이재호, 김주만, 권혁숭, 김선종
27) 발명의 명칭 : 차감동작기법 기반의 심전도 심호의 R 파 검출시스템 및 방법
출원번호 : 10-2012-0158727
발명자 : 권혁숭, 조익성, 김주만, 김선종, 김병철, 이재호, 황대연, 안범수
28) 발명의 명칭 : 교반기
출원번호 : 10-2013-0121145 (2013. 10. 11)
발명자 : 정영진, 황대연, 이승현, 성금용, 임상구, 성창우
29) 발명의 명칭 : 미더덕껍질 포함 하이드로콜로이드 막의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2014-0001749 (2014.01.07)
발명자 : 황대연, 정영진, 곽문화, 고준, 김지은, 이영주, 손홍주, 이희섭
30) 발명의 명칭 : 박테리아셀룰로오스 (Bacteria cellulose) 를 유효성분으로 포함하는 화상치료용 조성물, 박테리아셀룰로오스의 생산방법 또는 화상치료제 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2014-0019099 (2014. 02. 19)
발명자 : 정영진, 황대연, 손홍주, 윤영현, 김은정, 김지은, 곽문화, 이영주
31) 발명의 명칭 : 창상치료용 미더덕껍질 유래 셀룰로오스 필름의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2014-0042950 (2014. 04. 10)
발명자 : 정영진, 황대연, 이희섭, 손홍주, 성금용, 이승현, 임상구
32) 발명의 명칭 : 미더덕껍질과 천연고분자를 이용한 마스크팩 시트의 제조방법
출원번호 : 10-2015-0101736 (2015. 07. 17)
발명자 : 정영진, 손홍주, 이광수, 이예찬, 고은경, 김다솜, 송성화, 황대연
33) 발명의 명칭 : 인지기능 장애의 예방, 개선 또는 치료용 조성물
출원번호 : 10-2015-0132973 (2015. 09. 21)
발명자 : 최영환, 황대연, 송성화, 최성미, 최영현
4. 저서
1) 실험동물 사용 및 관리 (사용자를 위한 안내서)
2000. 2 (초판)
2002. 12 (2 판)
조정식, 김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
국립독성연구원 실험동물자원실 발행
2) 영장류실험동물의 기초
강현구, 김용규, 심선보, 오재호, 이수해, 조정식, 지승완, 황대연
2005. 4. 20
도서출판 국진 ISBN : 89-953034-2-5 93520
3) 실험동물의 관리
조정식, 김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
2005. 9. 20
4) 동물실험의 기초
조정식, 오재호, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
2005. 4. 7
5) 실험동물의 사용 및 관리를 위한 안내서
조정식, 김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
2005. 10
6) 실험동물시설 건축과 설비의 기초
조정식, 김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 강병철, 황호연
2005. 11. 11
7) 알기쉬운 실험동물시설 길잡이
조정식, 김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 강병철, 황호연
2005. 11. 11
8) 선진국의 실험동물 제도 (역서)
조정식, 김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해
2005. 12
9) 실험동물의 품질관리 (설치류편 - 생리 및 물품)
김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 신지순, 이상구, 최양규
2006. 6. 23
10) 실험동물의 품질관리 (설치류편 - 유전학)
김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 신지순, 이상구, 최양규
2006. 6. 27
11) 실험동물의 품질관리 (설치류편 - 미생물)
김철규, 김용규, 황대연, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 신지순, 이상구, 최양규
2006. 6. 27
12) 동물실험을 위한 생물안전시설의 이해
김병국, 김용규, 김철규, 신지순, 심선보, 이수해, 지승완, 채갑용, 한진수, 황대연
2006. 9. 25
13) 초보자를 위한 영장류실험의 이해
황대연, 강현구, 지승완, 이수해, 심선보, 신지순, 배창준, 이병춘, 김병국, 김용규, 김철규, 조정식, 채갑용
2006. 11. 30
14) 유전자변형동물의 사육관리와 계통유지
김철규, 황대연, 김병국, 심선보, 지승완, 이수해, 신지순, 배창준, 이병춘, 강병철, 김형진, 김용규, 조정식, 채갑용
2006. 11. 30
15) 영장류의 복지 (역서)
강병철, 김병국, 김용규, 김철규, 배창준, 신지순, 심선보, 이병춘, 이수해,
이상구, 조정식, 지승완, 채갑용, 황대연
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(주) 국진피앤디 ISBN : 978-89-92350-01-3 93490
16) DNA 미세주입기술을 이용한 형질전환 마우스의 제작기법
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이병춘, 우종민, 송점란, 최선미
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(주) 국진피앤디 행정간행물번호 : 11-1470362-000001-14
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18) Recent advance in theories and practice of chinese medicine
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22. 동물실험 길잡이
제 4 장 신재호, 이범준, 황대연
2015. 02. 28
OKVET ISBN 978-89-93439-58-8
5. 언론보도
1) 인간유전자 가진 실험쥐 개발
언론사명 : KBS, MBC, SBS, YTN, 동아일보, 중앙일보, 문화일보, 대한매일, 매일경제, 한국일보
기사내용 : [식약청연구팀] 인간유전자 가진 실험쥐 개발
게재일자 : 2001.12.12
2) 치매 실험쥐 국내최초 개발
언론사명 : MBC, SBS, YTN, 동아일보, 중앙일보, 한국일보, 문화일보, 국민일보, 경향신문, 대한매일, 세계일보, 한겨례신문
기사내용 : 치매 실험쥐 개발 식약청연구팀 국내최초
게재일자 : 2002.02.25
3) 독성분야 최우수논문상 수상
언론사명 : 연합뉴스, 경향신문, 매일경제, 서울경제, 한국경제
기사내용 : 식약청 김용규 박사팀 美 독성분야 최우수논문상
게재일자 : 2003.10.22
4) 신종 유방암 생쥐 특허등록
언론사명 : KBS뉴스, 연합뉴스, 매일경제, 한국경제
기사내용 : 식약청 국립독성연구원 유방암 유발 형질전환 생쥐 특허 등록
게재일자 : 2004.06.29
5) 치매, 당뇨, 유방암 등 인간 질환유발 생쥐개발
언론사명 : KBS, YTN, 연합뉴스, 의학뉴스, 세계일보, 서울신문, 매일경제, 데일리팜, 약사신문, 노컷뉴스, 뉴스와이어
기사내용 : 식약청 국립독성연구원 치매, 당뇨, 유방암 등 인간 질환유발 생쥐개발
게재일자 : 2006.03.22
6) 치매 원인유전자 조절 실험쥐 개발
언론사명 : 약업신문, 의협신문, 데일리팜, 일간보사
기사내용 : 치매원인 유전자 조절가능한 실험쥐 개발
게재일자 : 2006.07.7
7) 새로운 치매 연구 길 열려
언론사명 : 의계신문
기사내용 : 인간 치매질환 유사실험쥐 개발 성공
게재일자 : 2007. 7. 21
8) 독성과학원 황대연 박사 세계인명사전 등재
언론사명 : 데일리팜, 메디파나뉴스, 약사신문
기사내용 : 황대연 국립독성과학원 박사 마르퀴스 후즈후 등재
게재일자 : 2007. 12. 10