서지연 Seo, Ji-Youn [상세보기] 사진
서지연 Seo, Ji-Youn [상세보기]
조교수 Assistant Professor
051-510-7087 / 051-510-6118
화학 화공 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
나노에너지하베스팅 소재/소자 연구실 NEMD



2009 아주대학교 응용화학 학사

2011 아주대학교 재료화학공학 석사

2018 로잔 연방 공과대학교 화학/화학공학 박사


경력 및 수상



2011-2015 현대자동차 중앙연구소, 연구원

2018-2020 H.GLASS SA (Switzerland), Researcher


BK21 우수대학원생 (아주대학교 분자과학기술학과)

BK21 우수논문상 (아주대학교 분자과학기술학과)

한국고분자학회 신진학술상 수상





1. Seo, J.-Y, Kim, H.,, Akin. S., Stojanovic, M., Hagfeldt. A., Zakeeruddin, S. M., Gratzel, M. Novel p-Dopant Toward Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. Energy Environ. Sci., 11, 2985-2991. (2018)

2. Seo, J., Uchida, R., Kim, H., Saygili, Y., Luo, J., Moore, C., McIntyre, R.., Zakeeruddin, S. M., Gr?tzel, M., Hagfeldt, Graetzel, M. Boosting the Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells with CsBr­Modified Mesoporous TiO2 Beads as Electron­Selective Contact. Advanced Functional Materials. 28, 1705763 (2018)

3. Matsui, T.,Seo, J. Y.,Saliba, M., Zakeeruddin, S. M., Gratzel, M. Room-Temperature Formation of Highly Crystalline Multication Perovskites for Efficient, Low-Cost Solar Cells. Advanced Materials, 29(15). (2017) (equal contribution)

4. Seo, J.-Y., Matsui, T., Luo, J., Correa-Baena, J.-P., Giordano, F., Saliba, M., Abate, A. Ionic Liquid Control Crystal Growth to Enhance Planar Perovskite Solar Cells Efficiency. Advanced Energy Materials, 1600767. (2016)

5. Ummadisingu, A., Steier, L., Seo, J.-Y., Matsui, T., Abate, A., Tress, W., Gr?tzel, M. The effect of illumination on the formation of metal halide perovskite films. Nature, 545(7653), 208. (2017)



6. Saliba, M., Matsui, T., Domanski, K., Seo, J.-Y., Ummadisingu, A., Zakeeruddin, S. M., Gratzel, M. Incorporation of rubidium cations into perovskite solar cells improves photovoltaic performance. Science, 354(6309), 206. (2016)