김승철 사진
광계측 센서, 나노 광자학, Optical sensors, Nano-photonics
초고속 응용 광자 연구실 Ultrafast applied photonics lab
공학사: 한국과학기술원 기계항공시스템학부
공학박사: 한국과학기술원 기계항공시스템학부 기계공학

2016 - : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Optics and Mechatronics Engineering, PNU, Busan
2012 - 2016 : Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
2011 - 2016 : Junior Research Group Leader, MaxPlanck Center for Attosecond Science, Pohang, Korea
2011 - 2012 : MaxPlanck Institute of Quantum Optics, The group of F. Krausz, Munich(Garching), Germany
2009 - 2011 : Post-Doc, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
2005 - 2009 : Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Korea
2003 - 2005 : Ph. D. - M.S joint program in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Korea
1998 - 2003 : B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
(Minor: Electrical Engineering)
KAIST SUKLIM Scholarship, 2009
BK21 representative Paper Award, 2009
Award by president of KIMM(Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials), 2009
Representative Researches top 60, 2009
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology Best internship award, 2002
1. S. Kim*, J. Jin*, Y.-J. Kim, I.-Y. Park, Y. Kim, and S.-W. Kim, “High harmonic generation by resonant plasmon field enhancement,” Nature, 453, 757-760, 2008
(I.F. 38.597, Citations: 1086 in google scholar, Featured in News and Views at Nature, Research highlights at Nature Nanotechnology and Nature Asia-Pacific, News at IEEE spectrum online, News at physicsworld, News at Laser Focus, News and Features at Photonics) *Co-first Author

2. I.-Y. Park*, S. Kim,* J. Choi*, D.-H. Lee, Y.-J. Kim, M. F. Kling, M. I. Stockman, and S.-W. Kim, “Plasmonic generation of ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet light pulses,” Nature Photonics, 5, 677-681, 2011
(I.F. 27.254, Citations: 217 in google scholar, Featured in News and Views at Nature photonics, SPIE newsroom & physicsworld) *Co-first Author

3. X. T. Geng, B. Chun, J. H. Seo, K. Seo, H. Yoon, D. Kim, Y.-J. Kim*, and S. Kim*, “Frequency comb transferred by surface plasmon resonance,” Nature Communications 7, 10685, 2016 (I.F. 12.124) *Co-corresponding Author

4. S. Han, H. Kim, Y. W. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, S. Kim, I.-Y. Park, and S.-W. Kim, “High harmonic generation by strongly enhanced femtosecond pulses in metal-sapphire nanostructure waveguide,” Nature Communications 7, 13105, 2016 (I.F. 12.124) Co-author

5. H. Kim, S. Han, Y.W. Kim, S. Kim, S.-W. Kim, “Generation of Coherent Extreme-Ultraviolet Radiation from Bulk Sapphire Crystal,” ACS photonics, 4, 1627-1632, 2017 (I.F. 6.7) (JCR top 7 % in Optics) Co-author