권현주 사진
환경디자인 및 환경심리행태
생활과학관 433호
생활과학관 213-1호 근거기반디자인연구실


근거기반디자인, 고령친화환경, 친환경디자인, 공간디자인마케팅



미국 Virginia Tech, Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management, Ph.D

연세대학교 생활과학대학 주거환경학과 이학석사

인제대학교 디자인대학 실내디자인학과 디자인학사

인제대학교 공과대학 건축학과 공학사



2019.09 ? 현재 부산대학교, 실내환경디자인학과 부교수

2017.09 ? 2019.08 부산대학교, 실내환경디자인학과 조교수

2012.08 - 2017.08 미국 Purdue University, 실내디자인학과 조교수

2008.08 ? 2012.05 미국 Virginia Tech, Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management, Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant

2004.12 - 2006.02 일오플랜, 실내디자이너

2003.08 - 2004.08 (주)대혜건축, 설계본부 실내디자이너


현 한국실내디자인학회 편집위원

현 한국주거학회 편집위원

현 부산광역시 노인복지정책위원

전 한국실내디자인학회 이사

전 미국주거학회 이사



1. Ahn, M., Kwon, H.J., & Kang, J. (2020). Supporting aging-in-place well: Findings from a cluster analysis of the reasons for aging-in-place and perceptions of well-being, Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(1), 3-15. [SSCI]

2. Ahn, M., Kang, J., & Kwon, H.J. (2020). Aging in place as an intention. The Gerontologist. 60(1), 50-59. [SSCI]

3. Kwon, H. J., & Ahn, M. (2019). Boomers’ intention to choose healthy housing materials: An application of the Health Belief Model. Sustainability. 11(4689), 1-13. [SSCI]

4. 권현주, 오찬옥, 이도영 (2019). 실내운동환경의 질이 고령자의 실내운동공간 만족도와 운동시간에 미치는 영향, 한국실내디자인학회논문집, 28(6), 129-137. [한국연구재단등재지]

5. 권현주, 장미선 (2018). 계획행동이론을 적용한 청년층의 에너지효율주택 선택과정에 관한 연구, 한국실내디자인학회논문집, 27(5), 131-137. [한국연구재단등재지]

6. Hynes, W., & Kwon, H. J. (2018). An evaluation of oral presentation competency in interior design education. International Journal of Art and Design Education. 37(3), 387-398. [SSCI]

7. 권현주, 황은주 (2018). 주요 접근가능한 주택디자인이 노년층의 이동장애와 주거만족도의 관계에 미치는 영향 ? 미국사례연구, 한국실내디자인학회논문집, 27(2), 98-105. [한국연구재단등재지]

8. 오찬옥, 권현주 (2018). 아파트 거주 고령자의 실내운동시설 이용실태 및 요구, 한국실내디자인학회논문집, 27(2), 166-174. [한국연구재단등재지]

9. 권현주 (2018). 밀레니엄 세대와 베이비붐 세대의 건강한 실내마감재 선택요인과 의사분석 ? 미국사례연구, 디자인융복합연구, 17(2), 59-70. [한국연구재단등재지]

10. 김동진, 권현주 (2018). 청년 직장인의 소형 아파트 가구디자인 요구에 관한 연구: 미국 도심지 거주자를 중심으로, 한국과학예술포럼, 32, 1-11. [한국연구재단등재지]

11. 오찬옥, 권현주 (2018). 고령자의 실외운동공간 이용실태 및 요구 ? 신도시지역 아파트 거주 고령자를 중심으로, 디자인융복합연구, 17(2), 181-195. [한국연구재단등재지]

12. 장미선, 권현주 (2018). 영구임대아파트 거주자의 주거비 부담과 적정 주택 규모, 한국주거학회논문집, 29(2), 55-62. [한국연구재단등재지]

13. 윤소희, 권현주, 김석태 (2018). 보행자모델 시뮬레이션을 활용한 건강검진센터 행위자 효율성 평가에 관한 연구, 멀티미디어학회논문지, 21(4), 499-512. [한국연구재단등재지]

14. Kwon, H.J., & Jang, M. (2017). Housing quality, health and fuel poverty among U.S. seniors, Indoor and Built Environment, 26(7): 951-963. [SCIE]

15. Kwon, H. J., Lee, H., & Beamish, J. O. (2016). U.S. Boomers’ lifestyle and residential preferences for later life. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 15(2), 255-262. [SCIE]

16. 권현주 (2016). 미국 자립형 노인주택단지의 부대시설, 서비스, 입지에 관한 연구: NVivo를 활용한 사례연구, 대한건축학회논문집-계획계, 32(3), 3-12. [한국연구재단등재지]

17. 권현주, 황은주 (2016). U.S. Fair Housing Amendments Act와 접근 가능한 공동주택 디자인: 법 시행 전후 비교, 한국주거학회논문집, 26(5), 19-26. [한국연구재단등재지]

18. Kim, S., Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Ahn, M. (2015). Zero-energy home development in Korea: Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly design features and future directions. Housing and Society. 42(3). 222-238. [SCOPUS]

19. Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., Lee, S., & Kim, S. (2015). U.S. Boomer’s residential satisfaction and desire to age in place. Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 29 (4), 348-372. [SCOPUS]

20. 이성진, 안미라, 권현주, 김석경 (2015). 미국 도심에 거주하는 55세 이상 독신가구의 주거만족도에 관한 연구, 한국주거학회논문집, 26(5), 27-35. [한국연구재단등재지]

21. 권현주 (2015). 미국 아파트 노인거주자의 주거이동 의사, 주거이동 고려이유 및 주거 선호에 관한 연구, 한국주거학회논문집, 26(4), 1-10. [한국연구재단등재지]

22. Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2014). Segmentation analysis of U.S. older adults living in multifamily housing: Reasons for moving. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 38(4), 427-434. [SSCI]

23. 권현주 (2014). 은퇴 후 주거이동 의사가 있는 미국 베이비붐 세대의 주거이동 요인분석, 한국주거학회논문집, 25(5), 73-82. [한국연구재단등재지]

24. Hwang, E., Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. O., & Koh, S. (2014). Aging in place: A rural-urban comparison in Jeju Island, South Korea. Housing and Society. 41(2), 229-245. [SCOPUS]

25. Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Older adults in multifamily housing: residential satisfaction and intention to move. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 42(1), 40-54. [SCOPUS]

26. 권현주 (2009). Evaluation of accessibility of apartment complexes in USA: An example of Foxridge Apartment, VA. Journal of Integrated Design Research, 8(2), 43-50. [한국연구재단등재지]

27. 권현주, 이수진, 이연숙 (2008). Aging-in-place를 지원하는 고령친화 디지털홈 계획방향 요구에 대한 실험적 연구, 대한건축학회논문집, 24(7), 21-28. [한국연구재단등재지]

28. 이수진, 권현주, 이연숙, 민병아 (2007). Aging in place를 지원해주는 유니버설디자인 욕실설비 및 제품 특성 분석연구, 대한건축학회논문집, 23(12), 125-134. [한국연구재단등재지]

29. 이연숙, 임진아, 임채숙, 권현주 (2007). 지체장애인의 생활행태기반 공간적 개선요구에 관한 연구, 한국생태환경건축학회논문집, 7(3), 49-56. [한국연구재단등재지]

30. 이연숙, 이수진, 민병아, 권현주, 오소연 (2006). 노인의 지속가능한 삶을 지원해주는 부엌제품의 유니버설디자인 특성, 한국생태환경건축학회논문집, 6(4), 57-68. [한국연구재단등재지]

31. 이연숙, 오소연, 이선혜, 권현주, 김규리 (2006). 국내 친환경 실내 마감재 및 제품의 전문잡지 광고지면 내용분석 연구, 한국실내디자인학회논문집, 15(5), 298-305. [한국연구재단등재지]



1.권현주, 오찬옥, 김수영, 이재정, 이도영 (2019). 고령친화 보행환경에 대한 고령자 만족도 및 요구에 대한 연구, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 21(3), 325-329.

2.Lee, S., Kim, S., Kwon, H. J., & Ahn, M. (2018). Issues and policy: Housing satisfaction as aging in place indicator, Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference, October 9-12, Savannah, GA

3.Oh, C-O., Kwon, H.J. (2018). Does exercise environment matter for seniors to exercise? International Association People-Environment Studies (IAPS). July 9-13, Rome, Italy

4.Ahn, M., Kang, J., & Kwon, H.J. (2018). How the intention of aging in place is structured: Investigation of the role of personal, built, and interpersonal environments, International Federation on Ageing (IFA) Conference, August 8-10, Toronto, Canada

5.권현주, 한정원, 김동식 (2018). 근거기반 공공공간 디자인 교육사례연구 ? 캡스톤 디자인 프로젝트 진행 및 학생평가, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 20(2), 41-44

6.Kwon, H. J., & Ahn, M. (2017). Choosing healthy housing materials for Millennials. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 8-11, Lowell, MA

7.Ahn, M., Kang, J., & Kwon, H. J. (2017). Ethnic variations in the relationship between older adults’ residential satisfaction and life satisfaction. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 8-11, Lowell, MA

8.Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., Kim, S., & Lee, S. (2017). U.S. older adults’ attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors in relation to energy-efficient homes. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

9.Kwon, H. J., & Choi, Z. (2017). Intention to choose healthy interior design materials of U.S. single-family homeowners: An application of the Health Belief Model. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

10.Choi, Z., & Kwon, H. J. (2017). Indoor environmental quality of public space in healthcare: Developing a framework for assessment. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

11.Young, B., & Kwon, H. J. (2017). Interior design for informal science learning in community science centers. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 8-11, Chicago, IL

12.Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., & Kang, J. (2016). Why do they want to age in place and who are they? A cluster analysis based on the reasons for aging-in-place. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 23-26, Jacksonville, FL

13.Kim, S., Ahn, M., Kwon, H. J., & Lee, S. (2016). Affordable housing design in South Korea: Case studies in three public housing complexes in the Kangnam district in Seoul. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 23-26, Jacksonville, FL

14.Kwon, H. J., & Hwang, E. (2016). Disabilities, home accessibilities, and residential satisfaction of US seniors living alone. International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) Conference. July 31-August 6, Daejeon, Korea

15.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2016). Senior residents in multifamily housing in the United States. International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) Conference. July 31-August 6, Daejeon, Korea

16.Kwon, H. J. (2016). U.S. homeowners’ behavior to choose energy efficient housing: Applying Theory of Planned Behavior. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. May 18-21, Raleigh, NC

17.Ahn, M., Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Kim, S. (2015). Housing satisfaction of single-person householders over 55 in the United States: A review of two studies in rural and urban areas. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 11-15, Springfield, IL

18.권현주 (2015). 노인거주자를 위한 친환경 주거공간디자인 교육사례, 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 17 (2) 37, 43-46.

19.Kwon, H. J., & Hwang, E. (2015). The impact of the U.S. Fair Housing Amendments Act upon home accessibility and residential satisfaction in multifamily housing. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

20.Lee, H., & Kwon, H. J. (2015). Housing value clusters and housing characteristics of young renters in South Korea. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

21.Lee, S., Ahn, M., Kwon, H. J., & Kim, S. (2015). Housing satisfaction of 55+ single householders in U.S. urban communities. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

22.Hwang, E., Parrot. K., & Kwon, H. J. (2015). Learning contracts in multicultural housing design projects. Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) Conference. April 9-12, Kwangju, Korea

23.Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. O. (2014). Disabilities and home accessibility of seniors living alone: The 2011 American Housing Survey. Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. November 5-9, Washington, DC

24.Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. O., & Lee, H. (2014). Baby Boomers’ housing preferences for later life. Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. November 5-9,Washington, DC

25.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J.O. (2014). Multifamily housing senior residents’ reasons for moving, residential satisfaction, and intention to move. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 5-8, Kansas City, MO

26.Kwon, H. J., Ahn, M., Lee, S., & Kim, S. (2014). U.S. Boomers’ wants in sustainable housing. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 5-8, Kansas City, MO

27.Kim, S., Lee, S., Kwon, H.J., & Ahn, M. (2014). A study of zero-energy homes in South Korea. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 5-8, Kansas City, MO

28.Kwon, H. J., Lee, S., Ahn, M., & Kim, S. (2014). U.S. Boomers’ desire to age-in-place and residential satisfaction. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Conference. June 25-28, St. Louis, MO

29.김동진, 권현주. (2014). Future home trends in emerging markets: Furniture design for young urgan professionals. 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집 16(3) 35, 191-194.

30.Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). A demographic profile of older adults’ disabilities and housing accessibilities: The 2011 American Housing Survey. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 27-30, Tulsa, OK

31.Wang, X., & Kwon, H. J. (2013). Student housing in historic buildings. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 27-30, Tulsa, OK

32.Hwang, E., Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Should I stay or should I go: Retirees moving to Jeju, Korea. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 27-30, Tulsa, OK

33.Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Parrott, K. R. (2013). Energy and housing cost burdens of the aging population in the southern United States. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Conference. June 26-29, Houston, TX

34.Kwon, H. J., Beamish, J. O., & Hwang, E. (2013). Aging in place and reasons for moving. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress. June 23-27, Seoul, Korea

35.Kwon, H. J., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Baby Boomer’s preferences for residential technologies for aging in place. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress. June 23-27, Seoul, Korea

36.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O (2013). Older adults in denser residential environments: A cluster analysis. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. May 29-June 1, Providence, RI

37.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2013). Boomers’ lifestyle and their housing for later life. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. February 17-19, Indianapolis, IN

38.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O (2012). Reasons for moving into multifamily housing. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 28-31, Roanoke, VA

39.Kwon, H. J., Parrott, K., & Beamish, J. O (2012). Multifamily housing design targets Baby Boomers. Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Conference. March 19-22, Baltimore, MD

40.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2011). Boomers lifestyle, housing satisfaction and intention to move at retirement. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. October 12-15, Baton Rouge, LA

41.Parrott, K., & Kwon, H. J. (2011). Learning contracts in the design studio: Fostering self-directed learning. Higher Education Pedagogy Conference. February 8-10, Blacksburg, VA

42.Beamish, J. O., & Kwon, H. J. (2010). Multifamily housing for Baby Boomers: The appeal of universal design. Universal Design Summit 4. October 10-12, St. Louis, MO

43.Kwon, H. J., Lee, Y., & Lee, S. (2010). Behavior-based needs of older adults concerning aging-friendly digital home application. International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics. June 22-24, Seoul, Korea

44.Kwon, H. J., & Beamish, J. O. (2010). Boomers housing for later life: Comparison of multifamily housing communities and senior housing communities. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference. June 2-6, Washington, DC

45.Mitchell, K. J., Beamish, J. O., Goss, R. C., & Kwon, H. J. (2009). Rental apartment -- A viable option for Boomers? Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. November 1-4, Santa Fe, NM

46.Kwon, H. J., Panzer, J., Parrott, K., Beamish, J. O., & Lee, Y. (2009). Smart home for aging-in-place. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. November 1-4, Santa Fe, NM

47.Panzer, J., Kwon, H. J., & Parrott, K. (2009). Anti-mansionization: The importance of small-scale housing. Housing Education Research Association (HERA) Conference. November 1-4, Santa Fe, NM

48.권현주, 이수진, 민병아, 이연숙. (2007). Aging-in-Place를 지원하는 디지털 홈 계획 방향에 대한 연구. 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회논문집, 9(1), 131-136.

49.Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., Min, B., Kim, K., & Lee, Y. (May, 2007). A study on the needs for future digital lifestyles of the elderly through scenarios in a multipurpose restaurant, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference, May 30-June3, Sacramento, CA

50.임채숙, 권현주, 임진이, 이연숙. (2007). 지체장애인의 생활행태기반 공간적 개선요구에 관한 연구. 한국생태건축환경학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집, 12, 271-277.

51.Lee, Y., Lee, S., Kwon, H. J., & Min, B. (October, 2006). Analysis of bathroom products for the elderly using five universal design principles. Asia Interior Design Institute Association Conference, Seoul, Korea

52.Lee, S., Lee, Y., Lee, J., Jung, E., & Kwon, H. J. (May, 2006). Actual conditions and the direction of user interface services of the digitally converged home appliances for the upcoming ubiquitous environment. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference, May 3-7. Atlanta, GA



1.“북미 주거문화 분석을 통한 청소기 트렌드 제안 연구”, (2019.11-2020.11) LG전자 [연구책임]

2.“개인 맞춤형 낙상예방 주거환경개선 솔루션 시스템 개발 및 효율성 평가”, 이공계열 기본연구, (2019.6-2022.2) 한국연구재단 [연구책임]

3.“WHO 고령친화도시 네트워크 운영사업 연구”, (2019.05-2019.12) 부산복지개발원 [공동연구원]

4.OEVPRP (Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnership) Grant, Purdue University (2017) [연구책임]

5.Margo Katherine Wilke Undergraduate Research Grant, Purdue University (2015-2017) [연구책임]

6.International Scholars Grant, Virginia Tech, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences (2012)

7. “행태기반 미래주택 정보시스템 개발을 위한 인터페이스 연구”, 문제해결형인력양성 석박사 지원사업, (2006.12-2007.11) 한국연구재단 [연구책임]



1.“저출산 고령사회 정책 17개 시도 지역순회 토론회”, 부산복지개발원 (2019.11.21) [초청토론]

2.“노인 및 장애인을 위한 헬스케어 디자인”, 인제대학교 디자인학부 (2017.06.02) (대한민국) [초청강연]

3.“지속 가능한 공간디자인”, 인제대학교 디자인학부 (2017.06.02) (대한민국) [초청강연]

4.“Greating Place for Sustainable Future”, 연세대학교 실내건축학과 대학원 (2015. 6.4-8) (대한민국) [팀티칭]

5.“Universal Design”, 한양대학교 글로벌다문화교육연구원 (2015.06.20) (대한민국) [초청강연]

6.“Housing Design for Optimal Aging”, Purdue University, Center on Aging in Life Course (2014.03.04) (미국) [초청강연]

7.“고령친화 주택과 커뮤니티 디자인”, 제주발전연구원 & Virginia Tech MOU Kick-off (대한민국) (2013.06.28) [초청강연]

8.“미국의 고령친화 주택”, 인제대학교 디자인학부 (2013.06.13) (대한민국) [초청강연]

9.“Environmental Design in an Aging Society”, Purdue University, Purdue Korean Faculty Association (미국) (2013.02.08) [초청강연]

10.“Multifamily Housing for Baby Boomers”, Virginia Tech, Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management (미국) (2008.03.05) [초청강연]


대표 수상 경력

1.한국실내디자인학회 주제공모전, 지도교수상 (2019.10)

2.부산건축제 실내건축대전, 지도교수상 (2019.10)

3.한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회, 우수작품발표상 (2018.06)

4.미국주거학회 Housing Educators Research Association, 신진연구자상 (2017.10)

5.미국주거학회 Housing Educators Research Association, 국제교류상 (2016.10)

6.Family and Consumer Science Research Journal [SCOPUS]. 우수논문상 (2014.09)

7.Virginia Tech, Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management, Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2010)


자격 사항

2012.11 LEED GA 국제공인 친환경설계자격인증, Green Building Certification Institution