김갑환 사진
물류관리, 시설계획및설계, 물류시스템 최적화, 컨테이너 터미널 운영 계획

주요 학력

박사 1987 년 한국과학기술원 산업공학 공학박사

석사 1979 년 한국과학기술원 산업공학 공학석사

학사 1977 년 서울대학교 산업공학 공학사



- Zhejiang University 2015-2017 초빙교수

- Shanghai Maritime University 2009.09 ∼ 2010.01 초빙교수

부산대학교 물류혁신네트워킹연구소 2007.11 ∼ 2013.11 소장

- University of Montreal 2002.08 ∼ 2003.08 Visiting Scholar

한국과학재단 전문분과위원 2001.03 ∼ 2002.02

부산대학교 공과대학 1984.03 ∼ 현재 명예교수

- Purdue University 1990.08 ∼ 1991.07 Post-doc



제 46 회 눌원문화상 학술상 수상 (2011.11.25)

부산대학교 총장 표창 (2009.5.15)

국토해양부장관상 국토해양부 (2008.12)

학술대상 대한산업공학회 (2006.11)

문창논문상 부산대학교 공과대학 (1999.10)

제 회 백암기술상 대한산업공학회 (1998.12)



- Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2009.09 ∼ 현재 편집위원

- Operations and Supply Chain Management, 2007.11 ∼ 현재 편집위원 *종료시점 알 수 없음

- Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 2005.12 ∼ 현재 물류분야 편집위원

- OR spectrum, Member of editorial board, 2001.12 ∼ 2010.6, 편집위원

건설교통부 물류정책위원회 , 2007.02 ∼ 2009.02, 자문위원

대한산업공학회 종신회원

한국경영과학회 종신회원

대한산업공학회 산업공학 Interfaces 지 편집이사 , 1995.1 ∼ 1996.12

대한산업공학회회장 , 2013 ~ 2014

- OR spectrum, Member of advisory board, 2010.7 ∼ 현재

- Journal of System and Management Sciences, Editorial board member, 2011.2 ∼ 현재

- APIEMS, Board member, 2004.12 ∼ 현재 *종료시점 알 수 없음

- APIEMS, Fellow, 2014.12 ~ 현재

한국 경영과학회 이사 , 2000.1 , 2000.12 , 2012.1 ∼ 현재 *종료시점 알 수 없음

한국지능정보시스템학회 이사 , 2005.1.3 ∼ 2008

한국로지스틱스학회 상임이사 , 2009.8 ∼ 현재 *종료시점 알 수 없음

- 2005 년이후 chair 또는 co-chair 로서 15 개의 국제학술대회 및 workshop 주관

한국 SCM 학회 임원 , 2011.1.20 ∼ 현재 *종료시점 알 수 없음

한국항만학회 이사 , 1995.10 ∼ 2005.12


저술활동 저술목록

네트워크모델과 다목적 GA, 도서출판 한신 김갑환 조정복 고창성 김종율 , 2010 

- Container Terminals and Cargo Systems Design, Operations Management, and Logistics Control Issues, Springer, Edited by Kap HwanKim, Hans-Otto Guenther, 2007 

- Container Terminals and Automated Transport Systems, Springer, Edited by Hans-Otto Guenther,, Kap Hwan Kim, 2004 

설비계획론 영지문화사 황학 황흥석 김갑환 이문규 고창성 문덕희 임준묵 , 2001

생산시스템 시뮬레이션 창현출판사 조규갑 김갑환 이영해 윤원영 문일경 , 1995 



미래 물류기술 로드맵 수립 연구 (II)- 택배 특수화물 분야 미래 유망 물류기술 기획 한국해양수산개발원 , 2012.03.01 ~ 2012.12.31

글로벌 물류기술 관련 국내외 전문가 현황 조사 및 분석 한국해양수산개발원 , 2012.03.01 ~ 2012.12.31

스마트 그린 컨테이너 기술개발 기획연구 한국해양과학기술진흥원 , 2011.10.10 ~ 2102.06.09

미래물류기술로드맵수립 및 국제협력네트워크구축 한국해양수산개발원 , 2011.02.01 ~ 2011.12.31

모바일하버 시스템 물류 법규 및 특허 분석 한국산업기술평가관리원 , 2010.05.01 ~ 2011.07.31

- Synchronized Container Transportation Systems, 국토해양부 , 2010.05 ~ 2010.12

모바일하버 정보시스템 분석 및 기본 설계에 관한 연구 교육과학기술부 , 2009.06.01 ~ 2009.12.31

차세대 TOS 아키텍처 개발 교육과학기술부 , 2008.10.01 ~ 2010.3.31

부산일본서안지역 컨테이너화물 최적 물류 네트워크 구축방안 연구 국토해양부 , 2008.12.26 ~ 2009.10.22

유비쿼터스 항만 구축을 위한 RFID/USN 응용 및 자동화 기술 개발 지식경제부 , 2006.11.01 ~ 2008.12.31

- P2 모듈조립 C, D 라인 Virtual Factory 모델 선행 개발 , ( 주 이엔이에스솔루션 , 2007.06.29 ~ 2007.11.30

컨테이너 터미널의 고속하역시스템 설계 교육과학기술부 , 2007.04 ~ 2010.03

지능형 항만 운영 알고리즘 기술개발 국토해양부 , 2005.08.12 ~ 2010.01

신개념항만물류시스템 설계기술개발 교육과학기술부 , 2004.10 ~ 2007.03

역물류 분배 및 재고계획 의사결정 모험에 관한 연구 한국과학재단 , 2003.09 ~ 2005.08

- APS 로직 설계 및 시뮬레이터 개발 (2 차 ), 리얼웹 , 2003.10 ~ 2004.07

후판 제품 장고의 효율적 운영방안 연구 포항제철 , 2001.06 ~ 2002.05

통합 시뮬레이션 시스템을 위한 의사결정 모듈의 개발 한국해운산업연구원 , 2000.11 ~ 2001.10

- A Distributed, Autonomous, and Cooperative Control Method for Large-scaled Automated Material Handling Systems, Korea-Japan International Research Program, Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, 1998.07 ~ 2000.06

저탄소자동화컨테이너터미널 기술개발해양수산부, 2013.7.1 ~ 2016.2.28

컨테이너 터미널 운영시스템을 위한 시뮬레이션 기반 온라인 평가 엔진 개발 (simulation based online evaluation engine for container terminal operating system), (주관토탈소프트뱅크), 한독 공동 R&D, 토탈소프트뱅크주관산업통상자원부지원, 2015.1.1 ~ 2016.12.31

예약기반 IoT 협업플랫폼을 이용한 운송과 반출입 효율 제고 시스템 (truck and gate management system using IoT collaborative platform based on appointment), (주관케이엘넷미래창조과학부 지원), 2015.5 ~ 2017.4

물류자원 공유를 위한 자원거래방법연구 (A study on resource trading methods for logistics resource sharing), 한국연구재단, 2016.11 ~ 2019.11

전략주도 터미널운영시스템(TOS)을 위한 정책모델 연구 사업 (Policy-based Terminal Operations Planning (PTOP)), 2016년도 한-독 [2+2] 산학연 공동연구사업한국연구재단, 2017.7 ~ 2020.6

택배터미널의 생산성 향상 방안정석물류학술재단, 2017.1 ~ 2017.10

컨테이너터미널 운영시스템 고도화정석물류학술재단, 2018.1 ~ 2018.10


2014 ~ 2020 년 논문

[1] Canrong Zhang, Tao Wu, Kap Hwan Kim, Lixin Miao, Conservative Allocation Models for Outbound Containers in Container Terminals, European Journal of Operational Research, 238: pp55-165, (2014)


[2] Ivan Kristianto Singgih and Kap Hwan Kim, Service Network Design for Rail-mounted Vehicles, ICIC Express Letters, 9(4), (2015/4)


[3] Xun Tong, Youn Ju Woo, Dong-Won Jang, Kap Hwan Kim, HEURISTIC RULES BASED ON A PROBABILISTIC MODEL AND A GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR RELOCATING INBOUND CONTAINERS WITH UNCERTAIN PICKUP TIMES, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 22(1), pp93-101, (2015)


[4] Mingzhu Yu, Kap Hwan Kim, and Chung-Yee Lee, Inbound Container Storage Pricing Schemes, IIE Transactions, 47, pp1-19, (2015)


[5] Mai Ha Phan, Kap Hwan Kim, Negotiating truck arrival times among trucking companies and a container terminal, Transportation Research Part E, 75, pp132-144, (2015)


[6] Eun Joo Shin, Kap Hwan Kim, Hierarchical remarshaling operations in block stacking storage systems considering duration of stay, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.89, pp43-52


[7] Jun Ho Lee, Kap Hwan Kim, An auction-based dispatching method for an electronic brokerage of truckload vehicles, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 14(1), pp32-43, (2015)


[8] Enrique Martin, Kap Hwan Kim, Sergi Saur?, Optimal space for storage yard considering yard inventory forecasts and terminal performance, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 82, pp101-128, (2015)


[9] Byung Kwon Lee, Joyce M.W. Low, Kap Hwan Kim, Comparative evaluation of resource cycle strategies on operating and environmental impact in container terminals, Transportation Research Part D, Vol 41, pp118-135, (2015)


[10] Mai Ha Phan, Kap Hwan Kim, Collaborative Truck Scheduling and Appointments for Trucking Companies and Container Terminals, Transportation Research part B, 86, pp37-50, (2016)


[11] Ivan Kristianto Singgih, Soodo Hong, Kap Hwan Kim, Flow path design for automated transport systems in container terminals, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 15(1), pp19-31, (2016)


[12] Ivan Kristianto Singgih, Xuefeng Jin, Soondo Hong, Kap Hwan Kim, Architectural Design of Terminal Operating System for a Container Terminal Based on a New Concept, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Vol 15, No 3, pp.278-288 , (2016/9)


[13] Youn Ju Woo, Jang-Ho Song, Kap Hwan Kim, “Pricing Storage of Outbound Containers in Container Terminals,” Flexible Services and Manufacturing, 28(4), pp644-668, (2016/12)


[14] Kjetil Fagerholt, Kap-Hwan Kim, Chung-Yee Lee, Qiang Meng, Xiangtong Qi, Editorial of special issue on ocean transportation logistics: making global supply chain effective, Flexible services and manufacturing, DOI 10.1007/s10696-017-9293-7, Published on-line, (2017/8)


[15] Ming Yin, Zheng Wan, Kap Hwan Kim, Shi Yuan Zheng, “An optimal variable pricing for container line revenue management systems,” Maritime Economics and Logistics, Published on line Aug, (2017), DOI 10.1057/s41278-017-0082-8


[16] Xuefeng Jin, Kap Hwan Kim, Collaborative Inter-terminal Transportation of Containers, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 17(3), pp407-416, (2018)


[17] Veterina Nosadila Riaventin, Kap Hwan Kim, “Scheduling Appointments of Truck Arrivals at Container Terminals,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 25(5), pp590-603, (2018)


[18] Sanghyuk Yi, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Taehoon Kim, Kap Hwan Kim, “Scheduling appointments for container truck arrivals considering their effects on congestion,” Flexible Service and Manufacturing, 31(3), pp730-762, (2019)


[19] Xuefeng Jin, Kap Hwan Kim, Storage Space Sharing among Container Handling Companies, Transportation Research Part E 127, pp111-131, (2019)


[20] Kap Hwan Kim, Youn Ju Woo, Jae Gwan Kim, Space reservation and remarshalling operations for outbound containers in marine terminals, Maritime Economics & Logistics, online published, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41278-019-00125-7, (2019)


[21] Yanjie Zhou and Kap Hwan Kim, Optimal parameters in concession contracts between container terminal operators and investors, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2020.1754772, (2020)


[22] Yanjie Zhou and Kap Hwan Kim, Optimal concession contract between a port authority and container-terminal operators by revenue-sharing schemes with quantity discount, MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2019.1707314, (2020)


[23] Yanjie Zhou and Kap Hwan Kim, A game theoretic model and a coevolutionary solution procedure to determine the terminal handling charges for container terminals, Vol. 144, (2020/6) , 106466,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2020.106466