● 학력 (Education)
2016.02: 한국과학기술원 수리과학과 박사
2008.08: 한국과학기술원 수리과학과 학사
● 경력 (Experience)
2025.03 - 현재:부산대학교 수학과 부교수
2021.03 - 2025.02:부산대학교 수학과 조교수
2016.09 - 2017.08: 독일 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics 박사후연구원
2017.09 - 2020.10: 독일 Saarland University 박사후연구원
● 대표논문 (Selected Publications)
[1] Ulrich bundles on intersections of two 4-dimensional quadrics, International Mathematics Research Notices
[2] An explicit matrix factorization of cubic hypersurfaces of small dimension, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
[3] On the Borisov-Nuer conjecture and the image of the Enriques-to-K3 map, Mathematische Nachrichten
[4] Cubic forms having matrix factorizations by Hessian matrices, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
[5] Ulrich bundles on blowing up (and an erratum), Comptes Rendus Mathematique
[6] Ulrich line bundles on Enriques surfaces with a polarization of degree four, Annali dell Universita di Ferrara
[7] Ulrich bundles on cubic fourfolds
[8] Remarks on Ulrich bundles of small ranks over quartic fourfolds
● 대학원생(Graduate student)
○박사 수료생
○석사 졸업생
○석사 과정생