
No. 성명 대학 학과 연구원구분
1 Eun-Koung Ko Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Department of envrionmental Science and Engineering 공동(제1)-외부
2 Kyoung-Woong Kim Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Department of envrionmental Science and Engineering 공동(교신)-외부
3 KIhong Park Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Department of envrionmental Science and Engineering 공동(교신)-외부
4 JIwon Kim Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Department of envrionmental Science and Engineering 공동(교신)-외부
5 함세영 부산대학교 지질환경과학과 공동(참여)-내부
6 Jung-Hwan Lee Pusan National University Division of Earth Environmental system 공동(교신)-외부
7 Uwe Wachsmuth Laser Laboratorium Goettingen Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 공동(교신)-외부