RSS 2.0 66
게시물 검색
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 첨부파일 조회수
66 Advanced Materials/ Hole-Carrier-Dominant Transport in 2D Single-Cryst 새글 조성아 2024.07.25 0 4
65 Advanced Materials / Self-Oxidation Resistance of the Curved Surface o 박현정 2023.08.18 0 229
64 Nature Communications / Coherent consolidation of trillions of nuclea 박현정 2023.01.17 0 372
63 Nature / Flat-surface-assisted and self-regulated oxidation resistance 박현정 2022.03.17 1 1085
62 Applied Surface Science/ Completing the picture of initial oxidation o 박현정 2021.06.25 0 398
61 Advanced Materials/ Color of Copper/Copper oxide 박현정 2021.02.16 0 689
60 Nature Nanotechnology/Layer-controlled single-crystalline graphene fil 이유실 2020.07.29 0 786
59 Applied Surface Science/ Large-area grain-boundary-free copper films 박현정 2020.06.18 0 527
58 Applied Surface Science/ Wafer-scale high-quality Ag thin ?lm using a 박현정 2020.06.18 0 374
57 Journal of Alloys and Compounds / High-quality epitaxial Cu2O films wi 박현정 2019.06.24 0 591