신청 자격
PNU Summer School은 재학중인 외국대학에서 최소 한 학기 이상 수료하여야 지원 가능합니다.
지원 방법
PNU Summer School 지원서 작성은
https://sep.pusan.ac.kr/inbound/exchange/login에서 가능합니다. 부산대학교와 교환 학생 협력 관계에 있는 대학의 학생은 지원하기 전에 소속 대학에서 지원 후보자로 선정되어야 합니다. 지원자 수가 많을 경우 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.
지원서 접수 마감 5월 3일 (조기 신청 마감 4월 3일)
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지원서 접수 마감 5월 3일 (조기 신청 마감 4월 3일)
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비용 안내
취소 정책
Application Information
This program is open to all international students who have completed at least one semester in college or university.
How to Apply
Online application is available at
Students from exchange partner universities must be nominated by their home universities before submitting the online application.
Please note that applications may be closed early if the number of applicants is full.
Application Deadline May 3 (Early Bird by April 3)
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Students from exchange partner universities must be nominated by their home universities before submitting the online application.
Please note that applications may be closed early if the number of applicants is full.
Application Deadline May 3 (Early Bird by April 3)
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Program Fee
Payment Deadline May 19
We only accept only through flywire. The program fee invoice will be issued to applicants after the pre-level test.
We only accept only through flywire. The program fee invoice will be issued to applicants after the pre-level test.
Cancellation and Refund Policy

Refund amount varies by refund application period; international wire transfer fee is borne by the person subject to refund.
Cancellation requests should be made by email to summer@pusan.ac.kr
Cancellation requests should be made by email to summer@pusan.ac.kr