Introduction The PNU Department of English Language and Literature has, since its foundation in 1948, supported the development of excellent students who will contribute to their local communities and to the nation, and provided high-quality education of English language and literature, grounded in an understanding of British and American cultures. 11 faculty members with Doctorate degrees acquired at major domestic and foreign universities are lecturers in the department, where they dedicate themselves to the education of next-generation leaders. Around 150 graduates today devote themselves to research, the development of its programs and the promotion of international knowledge exchange, while 200 undergraduates make every effort to acquire expert knowledge and skills pertaining to their chosen fields of study and the various needs of our society. Such devotion to research and knowledge has led to many great accomplishments. Since 1982, 27 volumes of The Hyowon Journal of English Language and Literature have been published annually by the department. Large numbers of graduates produced through the department are currently, in turn, nurturing future leaders across the nation. In 2006, Brain Korea 21(a government-led education project) selected our new graduate program for professional translation in film industry as one of their projects. This allowed our department to create an entirely new major, 'Translation Studies' in addition to English linguistics and literature. Today's English Language and Literature Department is striving to foster creative intellectuals as global leaders, aiming to nurture competency professions in translation studies as well as to promote traditional majors like English linguistics and literature.

Scholarship Scholarship programs are administered every semester, and the details of University scholarship programs are as following: The Awardee Selected in Priority, which is for the students with special conditions like Independence Patriot's Descendants, The Awardee Funded by Registration Fees, which is selected in two categories of The Students with Excellent Score and The Student from Impoverished Family, The Scholarship for the Students under the Basic Livelihood Guarantee Program(Miraero), The Working Scholarship Student and The National Working Scholarship Students, both of which support tuition fees and living expenses by the working in University or Department facilities, the participation in national scholarship programs managed by major business companies, and others. The Department scholarship programs include the semestral offering of The English Language & Literature Department Alumni Scholarship and the BK scholarship monthly offered to the graduate students in master's and doctoral programs majoring in Translation Studies.

Career after Graduation The Department's curricula, focused on nurturing literary knowledge and English skills, provide chances of entering a variety of fields after graduation. The graduates are working in fields as various as large enterprises, airlines, foreign large enterprises, media companies, publishing companies, and etc. The students who have completed the Teaching Profession courses become eligible to apply for teaching positions in middle and high schools. The completion of graduate programs offers chances of working as professors and lecturers at universities who teach about the fields related to his or her own .
Students' Activities The Society for Drama: The only college drama dongari with 30 years' tradition holding annual performances before the alumni and the general public. It has also brought forth influential theatrical people of the country beyond the amateur's scope.
Saebyuksorii(The Morning Sound): The singers' company with 20 years' tradition, which teaches and learns mass songs and the musical instruments. It also holds annual regular performances for the university students and others for various events of the department.
Contact Us
- Address : Busan Geumjeong-gu Busan Daehakro 63beongil 2 Humanities Professors Research Building 114 (Jangjeon-dong, Pusan National University)
- Tel : (051) 510 - 1510
- Fax : (051) 513-5935
- Email : english1510@pusan.ac.kr