地域連携による?育の社?的責任の?究-街づくりイノベ?ションスク?ルを中心に-(지역연계를 통한 교육의 사회적 책임 연구-도시혁신 스쿨을 중심으로 -)
- 링크
- http://dx.doi.org/10.21291/jkals.2023.28.1.7
- 작성자
- 이선명
- 저자
- 김은영, 이수민, 이상수
- 발행사항
- , 언어학연구, 28:1, 161-174p
- 발행일
- 20240217
- 국문초록
- 없음
- 영문초록
- This paper examines the direction of future education through a community development innovation school that is a case study for solving problems in local communities with university student-resident participation jointly by industry, government and academia. Based on the university's mission, we analyze the conceptual development process and content of the social responsibility of Japanese and Korean universities, and examine its essence. In addition, from the standpoint of solidarity between the university and society, in the process of collectively solving problems through education, the mutual responsibility of individuals and society is increased, and the social responsibility of education to promote individual self-realization and social growth. Make sense of core values. ESR explores the meaning of new education and strategies in the process of resolving social issues with new educational approaches. In the process of solving social problems, it cannot be solved by the power of individuals alone, and a network of diverse social members and social resources is required. It can provide suggestions for future education through a cyclical relationship that reflects, improves, and develops continuously in the process of solving social problems.
- 일반텍스트
- BK연구인력: 김은영, 이수민, 이상수
- 첨부파일