국가수준의 교육현안 진단 및 공교육 모니터링을 위한 데이터 구축(Ⅰ)
- 작성자
- 김하은
- 저자
- 박정호 외7명
- 발행사항
- 발행일
- 2022.12.
- 저널명
- 한국교육개발원
- 국문초록
- <차 례>
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 3
2. 연구 내용 13
3. 연구 방법 15
Ⅱ. 선행연구 분석 19
1. 본원 수행 조사 연구 22
2. 원외 수행 조사 연구 49
3. 시사점 83
Ⅲ. 초중등교육 단계 실태조사 체계 구축 91
1. 개념모형 및 데이터 체계(안) 93
2. 표본설계 101
3. 대내외 협력체계 구축 109
4. 데이터 협력 체계 확립을 위한 개선사항 140
Ⅳ. 본조사 조사도구 개발 153
1. 조사도구 개발 개요 155
2. 본조사 조사영역 160
3. 학생 조사도구 개발 166
4. 학부모 조사도구 개발 193
5. 교사 조사도구 개발 204
6. 향후 추가 개발 검토 사항 220
Ⅴ. 시범조사 실시 229
1. 시범조사 실시 절차 231
2. 표본 학교 선정과 예상 조사 대상자 규모 233
3. 조사 대상자에 대한 조사 안내 및 동의 확보 237
4. 시범조사 실시 240
5. 시범조사 응답률 242
6. 연구 대상자의 보호 조치 249
7. 시범조사를 통한 조사 체계 점검 250
Ⅵ. 결 론 261
1. 요 약 263
2. 학교수준 조사 데이터 체계 구축을 위한 개선사항 269
3. 맺음말 290
참고문헌 293
부 록 309
- 영문초록
- □ Background and objectives of the study
The Korea Educational Development Institute (KEDI) undertook a 10-year study(2022-2031) to draw up measures to support evidence-based policy-making, and this research is the first-year study. Recently, as evidence-based policy-making has been emphasized, a number of educational statistics and indicators are being released. Nevertheless, there is a lack of surveys or indicators which can monitor the process stages of the educational system, educational policy outcomes, and educational issues. Moreover, there is a limitation in that each data is collected and used segmentally by various institutions. Therefore,the main purpose of the first-year study are the following two. (1) Establishing a school education status survey system for monitoring the elementary and secondary education. (2) Exploring the the possibility of linking school education status survey data and related data.
□ Contents of the study
○ Establishing a school education status survey system for monitoring the elementary and secondary education
At the early stage of the study, prior to the establishing a survey system, the characteristics and contents of major survey studies conducted by KEDI and other institutions were examined. Through this, the matters required in the actual condition survey for diagnosing national-level educational issues and monitoring school education were derived. The establishment of the actual condition survey is divided into three phases: (1) the survey design phase, (2) the survey instrument development phase, and (3) the pilot survey phase.
In the survey design phase, the dual system model of the national education index system, a theoretical framework of the ?Development of the National Education Indicators for Monitoring and Implementing Evidence-Based Education Policies? (Park et al., 2020), was as a conceptual model. In addition, a sample design for the entire 10-year study was presented, and an internal and external survey cooperation system was established as part of the strategy for establishing an effective survey system.
In the survey instrument development phase, the survey tool was developed focusing on ‘the main survey’, to regularly monitor the school education system and status by reflecting the first-year survey conducted in a pilot survey. In the development of this survey item, the existing related survey items were referred to in consideration of the possibility of time-series analysis, individual-level background information (e.g., parents’ income) was included to calculate separation statistics, and recent curriculum and policy changes were considered.
In the pilot survey phase, the survey was conducted to monitor the process and status of middle school education. 200 middle schools (7.7% of all middle schools) in 15 metropolitan and provincial offices of education (excluding Seoul and Gyeongnam) were selected as target sample schools using the two-stage stratified cluster sampling, and the survey was conducted on students, parents(guardians), and teachers. Based on the results of the pilot survey, the review points and implications for the survey system that appeared during the survey process were presented.
○ Exploring the the possibility of linking school education status survey data and related data.
In order to achieve the second objective of the study, first theoretical and methodological principles related to statistical matching methods and domestic and international statistical matching analysis cases were reviewed. Also, the applicability of statistical matching between educational data and survey data in non-education fields is explored. Finally, statistical matching simulations were conducted to explore the applicability of statistical matching methods between survey data in the educational field. The above study contents were written in a separate issue paper ?Exploring the applicability of statistical matching methods for educational data? (Kum et al., 2022).
□ Significance and implications of the study
The results of this first-year study are expected to help to monitor the national education system and examine the implementation and performance of national education policies. In addition, from a long-term perspective, it will contribute to the evidence-based educational policy-making and provide fundamental data related to the analysis of educational issues and school effect, calculation of
major indicators, and systematic management of educational survey data over the next nine years. Last, this study suggested a practical application plan of the pilot survey results and a research plan to be conducted in future studies.
□ keywords: evidence-based policy making, educational data, school survey, monitoring education system, analysis of educational issues
- 일반텍스트