The Graduate Programs at the Department of Education are dedicated to preparing individuals to become outstanding educators and leaders in schools, educational institutes, and other educational settings. The Department of Education began offering the Master of Education (M.Ed.) program in 1961 and the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program in 1981. Each year about 40 master's and doctoral level students are enrolled in our programs. There are 17 faculty members who hold doctor's degrees in education from the major universities in Korea and foreign countries. The graduate program provides professional training for those who are going to work or study in education and other related areas. The graduate programs are distinguished by their faculty, as well as the flexibility to allow each student to construct a program tailored to his or her scholarly and professional interests, and the ability of students to cross disciplinary boundaries.
- The graduate program is made up of four departments:
- 1) The History of Education and Educational Philosophy,
- 2) Curriculum and Educational Methods
- 3) Educational Psychology and Counseling Psychology, and
- 4) The Sociology of Education, and Educational Administration. The History of Education and Education Philosophy offers a graduate program that includes the development of educational systems and educational thoughts and ideals of education. Curriculum and Educational Methods deals with the theories and development of curriculum and instructional methods including multi-media. From the Educational Psychology and Counseling Psychology program, we can learn psychological and counseling theories and skills in and outside school settings. Finally, Educational Administration and Sociology of Education teaches educational administration and management and sociological approaches to education including Adult & Continuing education.
Credit Requirements for the General Graduate School
Degress | Major Courses |
general selective Courses |
hesis Preparation | Required Credits | |||
Department of Education | the master´s course | A minimum of 21 Credits | 3 Credits | A minimum of 24 Credits | |||
a doctoral program | A minimum of 30 Credits | 6 Credits | A minimum of 36 Credits |
Course Descriptions
Major Courses Subject
History of Education and Educational Philosophy
- Studies in the Educational Philosophers (3)
- It deals with the careers, thoughts, contributions of educational thinkers in East-Asia traditional society.
- Methodology in Educational History(3)
- Seminar in history of Education (3)
- It deals with theories, methodology, special issues of educational history.
- Seminar in Educational History (3)
- Studies in Classics on Education (3)
- It helps students read and comprehend classics on educational history. The goal of this course is to read and appreciate the ancient education classics written in Sino-Korean language.
- Studies in Taoist Educational Thoughts (3)
- It deals with the Taoist's educational thoughts developed in China, in order to enable students to understand and deal with the effect of the contemporary education and go into the alternatives for the future education.
- Studies in Oriental History of Education (3)
- It deals with reading and comprehension of oriental history of education.
- Studies in Buddhist Educational Thoughts (3)
- It deals with chief thinkers and schools in the Sino-Korean Buddhism, in order to understand the effect of the contemporary education and go into the alternatives for the future education.
- Comparative History of Education (3)
- It guides students to the comprehensive understanding of education by enabling them to use proper perspectives and methods of comparative history of education.
- Studies in Western History of Education (3)
- It deals with the historical development of educational systems and the educational thoughts developed in the West, in order to understand the realities of the contemporary education.
- Studies in Confucianist Educational Thoughts (3)
- It deals with the Confucian educational thoughts developed in the East Asia, in order to understand the effect of the contemporary education.
- Studies in Chosun Dynasty on Education (3)
- It deals with formal and informal educationon in Chosun Dynasty in Korea.
- Global Expert Ethics in Educational Innovation (3)
- The ethical issues that present themselves in the educational setting are examined. The prospective global experts are experienced to recognize and evaluate these ethical issues in terms of their own value system as well as that of others. Each student is expected to prepare a case study that questions the ethical issues involved.
- Studies in Korean History of Education (3)
- It reviews educational thoughts produced throughout Korean educational history from the ancient to the modern period and explores directions of future educational development.
- Studies in Korean Modern Education (3)
- It reviews comprehensively and thoroughly the development of Korean education since the independence from Japanese colonization.
- History of Education Innovation (3)
- It deals with historical background of educational innovation developed in the western and oriental society, in order to establish the theoretical basis of educational reforms.
- Current Philosophy of Education (3)
- Philosophical Perspective on Educational Reform (3)
- Critically examines selected contemporary reform efforts in education from the philosophical perspective. Aims to develop in the prospective educational expert a broader and deeper understanding of the tensions between ideas and practice in dynamic social environments.
- Language and Logic of Education (3)
- It deals with understanding of everyday languages used in educational settings by employing the analytic philosophy.
- Seminar in Educational Philosophy (3)
- School and Philosophy (3)
- Studies in Classics of Educational Philosophy (3)
- It helps students read and comprehend classics on educational philosophy.
- Comparative Educational Philosophy (3)
- Philosophical comparison in educational thoughts.
- Seminar in Korean Philosophy of Education (3)
- It puts an emphasis on reviewing Korean philosophy of education at an advanced level.
- Environment and Education (3)
- It deals with the relationship between environment and education and examines the roles of education in solving environmental problems.
- Environmental Education (3)
- Reading, analysis, and discussion of major theories and practices of environmental education.
- Internship in History and Philosophy Education (3)
- Reading and Research (3)
Curriculum and Educational Method
- Curriculum Development Process (3)
- This course aims to explore concepts, principles, and methodologies of curriculum development, and analyse written curriculum.
- History of Curriculum Thought (3)
- This course aims to examine the history of Korean and Western Curriculum with attention to cultural and institutional context.
- Philosophical Foundation to Curriculum (3)
- This course aims to investigate philosophical foundations to curriculum theory, such as epistemology, ontology, aesthetics, and axiology.
- Seminar: Inquiry in Curriculum (3)
- This course aims to analyse and synthesize a body of research in curriculum study.
- Higher Education Curriculum (3)
- This course aims to understand concepts, histories, theories, and research methodologies, and to examine the current issues in higher education.
Case Studies on the Curriculum Reform (3)
Sociology of curriculum (3)
- Studies in Educational Measurement (3)
- This course aims to understand and apply for educational measurement theories by reviewing the classical test theory and item response theory.
- Studies in Educational Evaluation (3)
- This course aims not only to learn the concept and theories of program evaluation but also to choose the best approach among several models for program evaluation.
- Administraion of Curriculum (3)
- The administration of curriculum is to study the interna of education in educational administration fields. This course discusses the legal regulations and execution proceedings related curriculum. So, It understands the relation of control and autonomy in education.
Foundation of International Educational Cooperation (3)
Consulting for International Eduational Reform (3)
International Cooperation in Education & Educational Technology (3)
- Multivariate Data Analysis (3)
- This course aims to understand the concept and methods of multivariate data analysis and to apply this knowledge for analyzing the collected data.
- Program Evaluation (3)
- This course aims to grow up the ability of integrative evaluation activity, by learning the basic knowledge of program evaluation.
- Theories of Educational Technology & Developmental Research Methodology (3)
- An intermediated course in instructional design and development. Students work in small groups to solve real or simulated instructional problems of substantial scope. This course requires application of principles of planning, analysis, and design. In order to make proper design decision, major instructional technology theories and history of Educational Technology will be reviewed.
Educational Program Development (3)
- Planning for Artificial Intelligence Blended Learning (3)
- In order to encourage learners to be willing to participate in interesting and attractive classes, this course provides opportunities to design strategies to keep balance between education and entertainment.
- Utilization of Distance Education (3)
This course mainly focuses on the utilization of distance education. In so doing, they study the concept of distance learning systems, blended learning system, e-learning system, etc. They investigate the guidelines for ensuring the effective, efficient, and appealing distance. Students also analyze various methods including infobase, communication device, development tools, and instruction. Finally, students involve in analysis of the various existing distance learning systems.
Human Resource Development
Student have opportunity for reframing existing education systems in term of HRD. Students also study the related concept with HRD such as learning organization, and knowledge management, core competence. and then, Students undetstand the major components of HRD including individual development, career development, performance technology, and organizational design. Finally, student have their own perspective on HRD, which contains unique goal, guidelines. - Studies in Educational Evaluation Innovation (3)
Instructional Design
This course examines the concepts and principles for instructional design and development. The purpose of the course is to develop the abilities to design instructional systems from writing objectives to evaluation. Topics include needs and task analysis, learning objectives, testing criteria, instructional sequencing, methods and media selection, instructional strategies, and program evaluation. The course is theoretically grounded in educational psychology, systems theory, and learning theory. - International Blended Education (3)
This course focuses on fostering students' ability to plan, develop and manage the Blended Learning. For good effects, practical training will be given based on Blended Learning's concept, main principles and real cases Instructional Analysis
This course develops the abilities of instruction improvement through the observation and analysis of instruction. This course examines instructional supervision, many strategies of observation and analysis, program evaluation, quantitative and qualitative analysis strategies.
Instructional Consulting Study
This course develops the abilities to approach the instruction from the viewpoint of systemic and learning science for effective, efficient, attractive instruction. This course also develops the abilities to see an instruction in a macro level of perspective by considering super-systems, sub-systems, input and output of an instruction. This course is theoretically grounded in instructional theory, learning theory, systems theory, program evaluation, instructional systems design.
Learning with Media
This course develops the abilities to design, develop, utilize, evaluate media in the field based on understanding a variety of instructional media. This course examines new trends in the field such as u-learning, blended learning, e-learning. This course is theoretically grounded in media theory, communication theory, media design theory, message design theory, instructional design theory, and visual design theory. -
Internship in Curriculum and Instruction (3)
- Reading and Research (3)
Educational Philosophy and Counseling Psychology
- Theories of Personality
- Main theories of personality psychology, especially, Trait theory, psychoanalytic theory, behavior theory, humanistic theories, and main topics in personality psychology, such as self-concept, aggression, anxiety, depression etc.
- Psychological Testing
- Psychological foundation and practices of testing for counselors. Mainly, nature of test reliability, validity, social and ethical use of test, nature and use of tests such as intelligence, career, personality, behavioral assessment.
- Personality Assessment and Intervention
- Clinical practices of assessment of personality such as NEO, MMPI, MCMI, Post Traumatic Stress inventory, Anxiety, depression, etc. and more, based on assessment, case studies of clinical intervention for the maladjustment. Required prerequite course is 'psychological testing'.
- Career Assessment and Intervention
- Clinical practices of assessment and career counseling, mainly case studies are performed by career assessment and intention (counseling). Required prerequite courses are 'psychological testing' and 'career development and counseling'.
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- The principles and techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy for counselor education. Mainly, behavior modification, principles of cognitive therapy, cognitive assessment, process and techniques of cognitive therapy.
- Program Development in School Psychology
- Learning and practicing existing programs in school psychology and learning skills of program development maladjusted psychological variables for students. Thus, psychological program development for improving social skills, underachievers, academic skills, anxiety, aggression, depression, ADHD, delinquent behaviors, and traumatic experiences.
- Critical Thinking and Education
- This course provides an introduction to the subject of critical thinking. Students will learn the nature of reasoning, the types of reasoning, and critical thinking skills, and critical thinking dispositions. Furthermore, students will learn how to become a critical thinker in the real life and how to teach critical thinking.
- Studies in the Methods for Teaching Gifted Students
- Students in this course focus on developing methods and materials that meet the special needs of gifted, talented, and creative students pre-K to 12. This course includes also learning the developed programs for the gifted. Strategies for individualization of assignments, modifications of standard curriculum, design of instructional materials, and classroom organization are provided. Specialization in or in-depth preparation of at least one topic/content area is suggested.
- Understanding Characteristics of Gifted Students
- The course stresses understanding the general characteristics of gifted students and the unique learning characteristics of gifted students. Upon completion of this course, students will be familiar with the characteristics of Gifted and Talented students and the educational procedures for developing the potential of gifted students, and will be better prepared to teach them.
- Research on Cognitive Development (3)
- The course is aimed at providing an overview of the area of cognitive development. Students learn the theories and the processes of cognitive development, the factors that influence on cognitive development, specific areas of cognitive development, and the implications for the educational settings.
- Development of Creativity and Education (3)
- Students will examine issues related to creativity, the development of creativity, and teaching creativity.
- Theories of Learning Motivation (3)
- It aims to enhance the ability of academic exploration and practical applications in the area of learning motivation.
- Studies in Learning Theories (3)
- Students will examine issues related to learning, adaptation, and instruction. Students will learn the branches of learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, informational processing theory, and constructivism.
- Theories of Counseling Psychology (3)
- Study of important basic theories needed by professional psychological counselors to further understanding of these theories through outlining the counseling methods and problems presented by each theories and applying each in actual counseling situations.
- Theories and Practice of Family Counseling (3)
- Study of the basic theories of family counseling, understanding of human person and the development of counseling ability with problem focused methods of problem solving, through experiencing and understanding the flow of relationships between individuals and the family, and individuals and persons.
- Micro-Counselling (3)
- The course provides in-depth counseling training by focusing on one particular counseling approach method. Following very closely a counselor's case step by step through alive sessions and video tapped sessions, the whole counseling sessions from the beginning to the last sessions will be analyzed in terms of the appropriation of theoretical approach, applied techniques, counselor-counselee system including the responses of counselee and counselor's responses to counselee's responses.
- Counseling Supervision (3)
- This course provides direct alive supervision as well as a group supervision for active counselors. The course aims for helping counselors in setting counseling direction, goal and application of different techniques. The course also focuses on developing counselors' judgment for the appropriation of applying techniques to different counselee with different problems.
Internship in Educational and Counseling Psychology (3)
- Group Counseling (3)
- This course aims to provide a training course to be group counseling leaders for different levels of school in the field of education. As a first step the course will study different group counseling theories to meet the need of a particular subject area such as student self-growth as well as problems of personality, relationship, academic subjects, sex, family relationship etc. Then development of group counseling program for that particular subject, application and analysis of the results will be followed.
- Studies in Current Psychotherapy Counseling (3)
- Fosters growth in professionalism. Special situations confronted by professional counselor and psychotherapists are faced using methods learned.
- Counseling Practicum(I)
- Designed to experience counseling in a classroom and in a field. Emphasis is upon demonstrated integration of counseling and development theories, skills, and techniques into an effective personal counseling posture.
- Research Methods in Counseling
- Designed to develop skills to understand research base in the profession of counseling. Emphasis is on research design and methods in the behavioral sciences, and the interpretation and application of research.
- Counseling the Adolescent
- This course will examine the physical, cognitive, emotional and social developmental processes of the adolescent. An overview of problems of adolescence, including terminology, theories, prevention, and treatment will be provided.
Developing School Counseling (3)
- School Counseling (3)
- A study on the specialized knowledge and skills requisite to the school counseling profession. It presents a comprehensive overview of the major aspects of school counseling.
- Seminar in School Counseling Cases
- This course follows a seminar and supervised practical application format. Students will present, review and consult on challenging school counseling cases.
- Studies in Group Psychoeducation Program
- A seminar designed to develop abilities related to group dynamics and psychoeducational group leadership. Emphasis is on understanding, development, implementation, and assessment of psychoeducational groups.
- Reading and Research (3)
Educational Administration, Educational Sociology & Lifelong Education
- Educational Development
- This course examines theories, ideologies and practices of educational development and analyzes the relationships between education and political, economic and social developments.
- Studies in Educational Systemt
- This course provides a general understanding of educational system, focusing on school system. Topics include the core concepts and ideologies of educational system, a historical review of school system, the structure, operation and developmental issues of educational system.
- Studies in Educational Administration Theories
- The course provides a study of educational administration theories. Major topics include theories and knowledge of organization structure, people, culture and management process. Emphasis is placed on the applications in school development.
- Studies in Supervision
- This course provides a study of theories and methods of supervision and the application in school development. Skills and concepts used in supervision are emphasized. Special attention is given to the development of the professional ability of supervision.
- Studies in School Development
- The course provides a study of theories, strategies, and techniques of school development. The course focuses on how to improve school through management of change and development and linkages of change-development. Special attention is given to the role of school consultant.
- Studies in Classroom Management
- This course provides theoretical knowledge and practical methods. Emphasis is placed on skills and concepts necessary for managing classroom effectively.
- Educational Innovation (3)
- It deals with theories, methods, and case studies on educational reforms focusing educational community building in schools.
- Educational Planning (3)
- It deals with concepts, approaches, phases, techniques of planning, central and local government planning, school-site planning etc.
- Studies in Educational Personnel Administration (3)
- It deals with concepts and theores, features of educational personnel administration, human development, job evaluation, advancement, educational labor relations etc.
- Studies in Educational Finance (3)
- It deals with concepts, ideals, educational expense and effects, revenue, allocation and expenditures, evaluation, central government and local government, school finance, teachers' salary etc.
- Studies in Educational Policy(3)
- It deals with basic concepts and approaches in educational policy studies and analyze educational policy cases.
- Educational Organization (3)
- It deals with basic concepts and approaches in educational organizations.
- Studies in Educational Leadership (3)
- It overviews various concepts and theories of educational leadership based on the understanding of educational organizations.
- School Management Consulting(3)
- It deals with concepts and theories of school management consulting focusing on the purposes, methods, procedures, consulting case analysis etc.
- Culture and Education (3)
- It approaches to education from cultural perspectives centering on the relationship between education and culture.
- Comparative Education (3)
- It deals with comparative views and studies in education.
- Social Stratification and Education (3)
- It focuses on the issues of the relationship between social class and education.
- Gender and Education (3)
- It focuses on the relationship and inequality between sexes in education and explores the causes of the gender inequality from the sociological perspectives.
Internship in Sociology of Education and Educational Administration (3))
- Sociology of Schooling (3)
- It focuses on the sociological explanations and interpretations on what happens inside the school.
- School Effects Study (3)
- It examines largely the issue whether school can make a difference in student learning.
- Educational Biography
- This course will explore and theory and research on educational biography. It will provide opportunities for more concrete and interpretive representations of education over the life course. It will reflect the recent emergence of adulthood as a major theme in the study of human development.
- Education for the Olderly
- This course will provide theories and practices on adult development and aging. It will improve understanding of characteristics of the olderly as learners and help to prepare for a variety of career opportunities related to the olderly.
- Cultural Education and Museum Education
- This course will explore history and current practice in cultural education and museum education. It will focus on approaches and practices to improve aesthetics and art education in the museum, contemporary schools, and related institutions.
- Human Resource Development and Organizational Consulting
- This course will examine practice and theory of human resource development and explore three areas of HRD: individual development, career development, and organizational development in the educational settings including industries. It will improve proficiency as an organizational consultant for the purpose of continuous improvement of educational systems and quality in education.
- Theory and Practice of Life-long Educational Program Planning
- This course will examine the Continuous Improvement approach to educational program planning. It will explore emergent theories and best practices associated with educational program planning including need assessment, objective setting, implementing, and evaluating.
- Life-long Learning Methods
- This course will explore various adult learning theories, model, principles. Application of the theories to adult learners will be studied to explore connections to education.
- Reading and Research (3)