Regulation for Climate System’s PhD program and thesis
1. Time period of PhD is 4 years and should not exceed 5 years
2. First two years attending lectures
a. Qualifying exams in the following semester
b. Start of research project
i. Development of research ideas and start of research by student, supervisor and optionally additional scientists
3. At the start (first 3 months) of the PhD a 2-page research outline needs to be developed in collaboration between PhD candidate and supervisor
4. Research Plan and Presentation
a. At the start of the 3rd year (25 months) the PhD student has to write a 5 page research plan
b. The research plan and presentation must be done at the latest 3 months after completing course work.
c. Purpose of research plan presentation is that the PhD student should demonstrate that she/he has developed her/his own research questions, a plan to address those questions, and can defend them. PhD student should also demonstrate knowledge of wider Earth system dynamics
d. Presentation 30mins plus 30mins Q&A
e. Research Plan presentation is advisory
f. Research Plan presentation is non-public
5. PhD Advisory Committee
a. PhD Advisory panel consists of about 4 members: Climate System professors including ICCP and external scientists (need to have at least PhD degree)
b. PhD Advisory committee meets on average every 6 months
c. It is recommended that Advisory committee has at least one non-expert member so that PhD candidate gets a broader picture and recommendations
d. Not all PhD Advisory committee members need to be part of PhD defense committee (but typically they will be)
6. Proposal Presentation
a. Proposal presentation about 1 year (at least 6 month) before PhD defense
b. Consists of public talk (30mins + 30mins Q&A) and non-public feedback from PhD Advisory committee
7. PhD thesis defense
a. Thesis needs to be submitted in last semester at least 1 month before defense so that committee members have time to review; otherwise defense has to be postponed by one semester
b. PhD defense needs to be public: 40mins presentation plus 30mins Q&A and closed door meeting with detailed feedback from committee members.
8. Written thesis
a. Cumulative thesis format; meaning that published paper are included as they have been published
b. Thesis should consist of motivation, how the research papers link to each other and extensive background material and methods descriptions
9. Publication requirements
a. At least two first author/corresponding author papers in SCIE journals with impact factor larger than 3 (impact factor in year of submission)
b. At least one paper needs to be published by time of thesis submission; second paper can be accepted (evidence by letter from editor)
c. What happens if second paper not accepted?
i. Committee evaluates reviews and need to vote with 5/5 to accept in order to proceed with PhD defense
10. PhD students need to provide ICCP library with one printed copy of thesis